Professor of Magic

Chapter 74 Lesson 73 Fili's Heart Knot

Chapter 74 Lesson 73 Fili's Heart Knot

Who is crying in the middle of the night?

Lin Yuan listened in wonder for a while, and finally found that the crying came from the top left of his head. When he looked up, he was stunned.

It turned out that he had already walked under the girls' dormitory of the college before he knew it. When he looked up, there were a few pieces of women's underwear floating in the night wind outside the balcony of the dormitory.

Lin Yuan blushed slightly, and gave up the idea of ​​going to see the owner of the cry.Although he is a teacher of the academy, he would still be regarded as a perverted pervert if he broke into the girls' dormitory at such a late night.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, the crying suddenly turned into a whimper, and after a while it turned into a moan. The pain reflected in the moan made Lin Yuan stop in his tracks.

Lin Yuan hesitated a little. This girl seemed to have encountered some problem, but she was a male teacher after all, so she rushed up like this...

Suddenly the moaning stopped.

not good!

Lin Yuan frowned, and quickly added a wind of possession to himself. With his feet on the ground, he rushed towards the place where the sound came from.

Sure enough, on the balcony of that dormitory, a girl was curled up on the ground, her body trembling constantly, looking very painful.

Lin Yuan immediately deduced from the abnormal flow of magic elements around her body that this girl should have a disordered magic power in her body.

The magical power cultivated through meditation in the magician's body does not mean that it will be completely controlled by you.Take drinking as an example, if drinking leads to inability to concentrate, then like Lin Yuan last time, he will not be able to command magic power at all, and will not be able to use magic.

Similarly, because the magic power is controlled by the magician's spirit, if the spirit is in an unstable state, then the magic power may get out of control.

The so-called mental instability is mostly related to mood, such as sadness, joy, anger... Normal conditions are fine, the long-term training of magicians will allow them to automatically control their magic power.But when this kind of emotion exceeds a certain limit and makes the spirit out of control, then the magic power will lose control.

This girl was obviously sad because of something sad, crying and crying, and finally lost control of her mind, and then she became like this.

But fortunately, it was discovered early. If Lin Yuan hadn't happened to pass by below, it would be hard to say what she would have become.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan didn't hesitate, sat next to the girl, and began to help her stabilize the magic power in her body.

He first concentrated on stabilizing the girl's abnormally flowing magic elements, preventing them from affecting the girl.Then he put his hand on the girl's forehead, and used his much stronger magic power to suppress the chaotic magic power in her body, preventing them from running around, and finally returned to stability.

Although Lin Yuan's magic power is much greater than that of the girl, and his mental power is also stronger than hers, but doing these things also caused a great consumption of his energy.After all, magic power is not as easy to control as the internal power in martial arts novels. In comparison, magic power is much more violent, and it is much more difficult to suppress it.

After the magic power in her body returned to normal, the girl woke up slowly with a low hum.


"Lin... Teacher Lin."

When the girl sat up again and raised her head to look at Lin Yuan, he realized that this girl turned out to be Feili from Class [-], Grade [-].

"Ah... I happened to be passing downstairs and heard that something might be wrong with you, so I came up to take a look." Lin Yuan hurriedly explained, he didn't want to be misunderstood as an underwear thief.

Feili looked at Lin Yuan, gritted her teeth, and remained silent.

Lin Yuan rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "Well...Although you are fine now, you must be careful not to let your mind lose control in the future. You are not always lucky enough to be discovered by someone." Pause Ton added another sentence. "It's cold now, you need to wear more clothes when sitting on the balcony, you are not a fire magician." After saying that, he turned around and prepared to jump off.

"Mr. Lin." Hearing Lin Yuan's last words, Fei Li's expression changed, and she opened her mouth to stop Lin Yuan who was about to leave.

"Huh? Is there anything else?"

"I...I..." Feili looked at Lin Yuan "I" for a long time, but in the end she didn't say anything, instead she lowered her head and sobbed softly.

Lin Yuan scratched his head. Although he had taught many female students before, he still couldn't understand the thoughts of these little girls. He could only wait patiently for Feili to calm down.

Fortunately, Fei Li's mood was much more stable this time, and there was no sign of her magic power getting out of control.

After crying for a while, Feili seemed to finally let out the last bit of gloom, wiped her eyes, and regained her composure.

"Mr. Lin, do you know that I have always hated you?"

Lin Yuan could only smile wryly when Fei Li opened her mouth again for the first sentence.

"Why? Because I stopped you from being a princess?"

"Because you made me leave my father." Fei Li replied through gritted teeth.

Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then he understood.After a long time, this little girl is homesick.

It's just that I feel so homesick that I want to cry, and I still cry to such an extent... Lin Yuan shook his head secretly. A child who grew up in a greenhouse is a little too fragile psychologically.

"Although I have always hated you for letting me leave my father, I have always felt that you are very close." Feili continued. "When I saw you joking and playing with other classmates, I was very envious. Why are you so close? I also want to join you. But every time I think of my father, I can't help but hate you , unwilling to approach you."

So that's the case... Lin Yuan suddenly realized.It's no wonder that although Feili seemed to integrate into the class easily when she first came, but after such a long time, she still seemed to be separated from other students, and she didn't really get along with them.

It turned out to be because of this knot.

"Why did you tell me this?" Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Feili lowered her head and said softly: "Because no one except my father would tell me to wear more clothes in winter like this. Even if the servants in the palace would say it, it's not because they care about me."

Lin Yuan was silent.

Although this Fei Li has been well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child, she looks extremely happy, but in fact, she has always been empty emotionally.Since she is a girl and has no chance of inheriting the throne, even her biological mother doesn't care much about her.Only the king's father, who seemed to have nothing to do with "tenderness" in appearance, would take special care of her.

"Ferry, would you like to hear a story?"

Feili looked up at Lin Yuan in astonishment. Under such circumstances, what story would he tell her?
"The protagonist of the story is an eagle and his child—a young eagle." Lin Yuan ignored Feili's doubts and slowly began to tell. "Once upon a time, there was an eagle who had a child. It was a very cute little eagle. The eagle and the little eagle lived happily together. In order to take care of the little eagle, the eagle was very considerate and considerate. They have to be fed into the little eagle's mouth mouthful. But one day the little eagle will grow up and must learn to fly by itself..."

After telling the story about "independence" that everyone in the original world knew, Feili's big eyes were full of strange expressions.

It's not that she hasn't heard the big truth, but no one can explain it so vividly and easily as Lin Yuan.

"Father...he doesn't want me anymore." Feili murmured.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly: "Of course, no father would abandon his own child. There is a saying in my hometown, 'Tiger's poison does not eat its own'. Even if a tiger is so fierce and cruel, it will not eat its own child." Children, let alone people with richer feelings."

Of course, whether it is the previous world or the current world, there will always be some exceptions.But there is no need to tell Feili about these exceptions.

After listening to Lin Yuan's words, although Fei Li's face completely calmed down, Lin Yuan still could tell from her frequent looking in the direction of Wendnuo City that her homesickness had not weakened in the slightest.

Lin Yuan's mind flashed through some of the personal information that Feili had handed in after entering this class, and his heart skipped a beat.

"Fei Li, the teacher will give you a surprise in a week, please look forward to it." Lin Yuan smiled. "As for today, you'd better go back to the dormitory to rest. You have to go to class tomorrow morning."

Looking around again, he continued: "I have to go, if someone sees me, a young teacher, appearing in the girls' dormitory, maybe I will be regarded as a pervert."

Fei Li burst out laughing, looked at Lin Yuan's innocent face, couldn't help lowering her head and laughing sullenly.

"Okay, Fei Li, let me say goodnight to you in advance." Lin Yuan waved his hand, turned over and jumped off the balcony.

After chatting with Feili for a long time, he was really hungry. If he didn't go to fill up some supper, he might not be able to sleep at night.

"Mr. Lin, good night." Looking at Lin Yuan's turned over position, Feili waved gently.

The conversation with Lin Yuan finally made her, a pampered girl, understand some truths and understand her father's painstaking efforts.

At the same time, let her no longer have any resentment towards Lin Yuan, so that she can truly open her heart to accept this unique teacher, as well as those friendly students in Class [-], Grade [-].

Anyway, it's a good thing.

As for the surprise in a week?Philly is really looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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