Professor of Magic

Chapter 78 Lesson 77 Fili's Surprise

Chapter 78 Lesson 77 Fili's Surprise

Great joy instantly overwhelmed Feili.

Although she had a premonition when Lin Yuan said he would give her a surprise a week ago.And Lin Yuan's mysteriousness these days seems to have added a footnote to her premonition.

But she never expected that Lin Yuan would congratulate her birthday in such an exaggerated way in front of so many students.

While Fei Li was happily carried away, the other students were all stunned.

"Ferry, today is your birthday?"

"Why didn't you say it earlier, if it wasn't for Teacher Lin, I'm afraid none of us would know."


Fei Li always seemed to keep a distance from others, which made the students in Class [-] not very familiar with her. If she didn't tell her, it was naturally impossible for anyone to know that today was her birthday.

It's just that no one expected that Lin Yuan would tell everyone in this way.

Seeing that the first step was completed, Lin Yuan sent another fireball into the sky.

Countless people pushing food carts suddenly appeared in the darkness around the stadium. Vince recognized them immediately after just a few glances.

After these people came to the center of the stadium, they had already set up a small banquet venue in just a moment.

Lin Yuan had already come down from the hillside at this time, and took Feili to the dining table with a big cake in the middle of the venue.

"Okay, today is your birthday, so you can't cry." Lin Yuan patted Feili lightly, and said softly, "Hurry up and make a wish, and you can blow out the candles after you make a wish."

Feili glanced at Lin Yuan, then closed her eyes tremblingly, muttering something.

Lin Yuan took two steps back, he didn't want to eavesdrop on the little girl's wishes.

What flashed through his mind that night was the birthday recorded in Feili's personal information.Knowing that Feili's birthday will be in a week, Lin Yuan, who was worrying about how to comfort the little girl, felt like a door suddenly opened in front of him.

He immediately began to prepare for this matter.

Although the banquet tonight looked simple, it really took him a lot of effort.

The first is the magic lamps on the hillside. Just picking out these magic lamps of the right color and the same size made him travel almost all the large and small magic item stores in Windnor City.

And later, arranging these magic lamps in the shape of a few words wasted a lot of his energy.

Because he couldn't let other people find out, he could only secretly place it by himself at night.It's not easy to arrange these magic lamps just relying on Ellis' light.What's more, in order not to be discovered during the day, he had to hide these magic lamps well.

In the end, in order to dare to place the magic lamp before today, he hadn't slept well for several nights in a row, so he had to make up for it every day during the day.

Compared with arranging the magic lamp, arranging this banquet is cumbersome, but it is still much easier.

Chanel Restaurant deserves to be the best restaurant in Wendno City. They fully agreed to Lin Yuan's request, and they did a very good job.

Although the banquet scene in this stadium is not as gorgeous as in the restaurant, it is very delicately arranged.The placement of just a dozen tables is very particular. If you look down from the top, it is a perfect huge flower with the cake table in the middle as the stamen.

The color of the tablecloth on each table also gradually fades from the center to the outside, matching the color change of a flower.

In addition, the food on each table is also carefully cooked, and a special method is used to keep it fresh and warm, so that they can maintain their original flavor when they come here from Windno.

Even, they simply brought a set of cutlery over.

Of course, good service comes with a lot of expense.

Just this small banquet cost Lin Yuan hundreds of gold coins. If it was before, he would not have dared to think about it.But now...

"Hey, it's not much money, what a joke." Lin Yuan answered a few students' inquiries with a smile.

Although in general, Lin Yuan spent a lot of money and energy preparing for Feili's birthday celebration tonight, but seeing Feili's smiling face when surrounded by classmates to congratulate her on her happy birthday, he felt that everything was in order. worth.

"Mr. Lin, why did you do this?"

Lin Yuan turned his head and saw that it was Keen from Class Six.

Seeing the puzzlement on his face, Lin Yuan smiled back and asked, "Why can't I do this? I'm her teacher, right?"

"Just because you are a teacher?" Keen felt a little unbelievable. He never thought that the relationship between teachers and students could reach this level.

Although in this week's contact, he already knew that Mr. Lin had a very close relationship with the students in class three.But it never occurred to him that, as a teacher who should be superior in his opinion, he would actually do these things for his students.

"Actually, it's not just because I'm a teacher." Lin Yuan glanced at the students chatting happily in the middle of the venue. "Now you all know that I am from the Eastern Continent. On the Farinos Continent, I don't have any relatives or friends. And these students are the people who are closest to me now. I treat them more like Treat them as my relatives and friends. You said, a relative or friend’s birthday is coming, shouldn’t I do something for her?”

Keen lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Mr. Lin, it would be great if you were our teacher."

Lin Yuan laughed, patted Keane and said, "Don't worry, there is never a shortage of outstanding people in this world. I believe that your teacher will never be worse than me. In fact, Magister Trey made me feel ashamed." It's not as good, I'm surprised that he can see it so openly."

Mentioning Trey, Keane's expression changed, he paused, and said, "Ms. Lin, in fact, Mr. Trey told us before leaving that you were a good teacher, but we didn't believe it at the time. Looking at it now, What he said is absolutely right. I regret that I strongly opposed the suggestion that Mr. Trey made us follow. If I hadn’t led the students to insist on opposing it. Your Excellency, the vice president, would not have given us just one week time, so we can listen to your class more."

"Oh?" Lin Yuan was surprised. It turned out that the students in Class [-] fought for this week, but it was not Kapaqi's arrangement as he imagined. "Actually, if you want to listen to my class, it's easy. Just come and listen. I welcome it. But I don't know if the teacher who will take over your class soon will do it."

"This..." Keane hesitated.

Lin Yuan was right, no teacher in charge would like his students to go to other classes to attend lectures, that is obviously contemptuous of himself.In this regard, the new teacher who took over Class Six will never be an exception.

"Okay, don't think so much." Lin Yuan smiled again. "Actually, I don't know much more than you. I have already roughly reminded you of what I should teach this week. As long as you can pay more attention to what I said in the future, it will make no difference. Now I There is something else, you can come and chat with me when you are free." After saying that, he patted Kean and walked towards Fei Li.

"Ms. Lin, I..." Seeing Lin Yuan approaching, Feili couldn't be more excited.

When the candles were blown out just now, when all the students in class three crowded up to wish her a happy birthday, she only felt that she was so happy that she was about to suffocate.

It's not that she hasn't experienced birthday parties since she was a child.The banquet held in the palace will only be several times or even dozens of times larger than this banquet.

But there is no birthday party that can make her feel as moved as she is now.

The blessings of the students around are absolutely free from impurities and hypocrisy, which can be seen from the sincere smiles on their faces.

This is exactly what she needs.

And these things were undoubtedly brought by Lin Yuan in front of him.

"Fei Li, are you happy?" Lin Yuan asked with a smile.

Ferry nodded vigorously.

"Well, I'll make you happier." Lin Yuan signaled Feili to follow him.

Be happier?Is there any surprise?Fei Li was surprised and followed Lin Yuan to Old Dark's waste warehouse.

"Go in, someone is waiting for you." Lin Yuan gently pushed open the door of the warehouse, and a gleam of light came out from the warehouse.

Feili vaguely saw a familiar figure.

Lin Yuan smiled and pushed Feili, pushed her into the warehouse, and gently closed the door.

The familiar figure had already turned around the moment the door closed.

Following the light of the magic lamp in the warehouse, Feili saw the man's face clearly for the first time.


Lin Yuan, who was walking back to the stadium, looked back at the light of the magic lights in the warehouse, and smiled slightly.

The Vice President really has a lot of face, he was able to meet His Majesty the King directly, and told him how much Fei Li missed him.

And the king also found time to come to the academy as Lin Yuan expected, and he hid in the warehouse according to Lin Yuan's arrangement and gave Feili a big surprise.

This time, this little girl who used to be a loner should be able to untangle her knots and truly integrate into Class [-], Grade [-].

After exchanging a knowing look with Fasno, Lin Yuan cleared his throat and called the students together.

"Students in Class Six, this is the last lesson I will teach you. The name of this lesson is called Feelings..."

(End of this chapter)

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