Professor of Magic

Chapter 8 Lesson 7 Class Cohesion

Chapter 8 Lesson 7 Class Cohesion
Seeing Carter motionless on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead, not only the people around him, but even Lin Yuan himself was a little dumbfounded.

Seeing that ordinary magic below the second level is ineffective for Carter, Lin Yuan remembered that when he was doing experiments, the collision of water balls and fire balls was much more powerful than other magics he had mastered, so he took it out and tried it. try.But I never thought that in actual combat, this power would be many times greater than when he was doing the experiment.

Although this was partly because Carter was careless and didn't pay attention to protection, and the water polo and fireball controlled by Lin Yuan this time contained more magic elements than in the experiment, but the power was still far beyond his expectations.

"Fenol College really deserves its reputation." A middle-aged man suddenly walked out of the crowd. He nodded at Lin Yuan, then pointed to the place where Carter fell, and two people ran over.After checking Carter for a while, he gestured to the middle-aged man.

Lin Yuan didn't answer the conversation. Judging from what this man did, he must have something to do with Carter.

"Carter was reckless in this matter, and I am here to apologize to you on his behalf." The middle-aged man had a calm face, and his tone of voice was very sincere. "If Dean Firnas comes back, please help me and apologize to him, and say that Garrot will buy him a drink to make amends another day."

After all, he ignored Lin Yuan and was about to turn around and leave with the two people who had already picked up Carter.

"Stop." Lin Yuan shouted coldly. "Are you going to take Carter away like this?"

"Oh?" Garrett looked at Lin Yuan in surprise. "Then what else do you want?"

Lin Yuan pointed to the unconscious Carter: "It was he who insulted Feynor College and me just now, and it has nothing to do with you. I hope to hear his own apology."

Garrett raised his eyebrows: "So, my apology from Garrett doesn't work anymore?"

"who are you?"

Garrett was obviously taken aback, his eyes paused for a moment on Lin Yuan's black hair, and he suddenly burst out laughing.

"Who am I? Why don't you ask the people around here, who am I, Garrett?"

At the beginning, the two of them were not talking very loudly, but now Garrett suddenly raised his voice, and everyone around heard an uproar.

"Garrot? My God, the leader of the Fengxing Mercenary Group."

"Yeah, he actually appeared here, is there something big going to happen?"


"You heard me, I am the head of the Fengxing Mercenary Group, Carter is my subordinate, I apologize for him, you should be able to accept it."

Lin Yuan chuckled. In fact, he didn't know that Garrett must be a very respected person, otherwise, how could he say the words of inviting old man Hawke to drink.

It's just that he wants to find out more information. He can't say that he doesn't know anything after the duel with Carter.

"Okay, I accept."

Gallot nodded, and then slowly left with Carter.

"Wow, teacher, you were so handsome just now, tell me, what kind of magic did you use just now?"

"Yeah, it's so powerful that it defeated a level 7 fighter in one go."


As soon as Garrott left, the students rushed over and asked about the situation just now.Lin Yuan has been in contact with them for a few days, but this is the first time they have seen Lin Yuan use magic, and they did not expect it to be so amazing when he made a move.

"Okay, I will naturally tell you after this matter, first go through the procedures of applying for mercenaries, and it has been delayed for a long time."

Aside from Fasno, Zorna, Shire, and Katyusha, including Lin Yuan himself, on this day, 34 F-class registered mercenaries were born in Feynor College. From the eyes of the people around, This is really the first of its kind.

"Mr. Lin, there are quite a few of us, why don't we just register as a mercenary regiment."

"Yeah, if there is a mercenary group, it will be much more convenient to pick up the mission."

Taking advantage of the excitement of becoming a mercenary, several students suggested.

Lin Yuan smiled wryly, took out his wallet and shook it: "Do you think I don't want to? But registering a mercenary regiment requires a minimum security deposit of 100 gold coins. I was poor by you guys in the morning, so there is no money left. "

"Teacher, I can..." Vince just yelled, but Lin Yuan stared back.

"Now that you are all mercenaries, you can take on missions to earn money. Why don't we take this 100 gold coins as a goal and work hard to achieve it, what do you think?"

"it is good!"

The students answered in unison.

"Very good. But before that, I have a rule, that is, you are only allowed to take on F- and E-level missions, and don't even look at D-level and above-level missions. That's not something you can accomplish with your current ability. Do you understand?"

"But teacher, the rewards for F and E-level missions are very little."

"Your safety is much more important than gold coins!" Lin Yuan replied sharply.On this point, he had to explain it solemnly, otherwise, if something happened to these students under his command, he would not be able to accept it. "I repeat, I absolutely don't allow myself to take on D-level and above-level tasks. Don't worry, after a while, Teacher Katyusha and I will lead you to pick up a few advanced tasks to practice your hands, so you don't have to in a hurry."

Hearing Lin Yuan's last words, the dissatisfaction on the faces of the students turned into smiles, and they all ran to the counter where the task was posted to inquire about the situation.

"Lin, I've been thinking, why are you doing this?" Katyusha asked thoughtfully, looking at the excited faces of the students.Not only has she never seen Lin Yuan's teaching method at Pamir Academy, she has even never heard of it during her long study of magic.But seeing the active participation of the students, she had to think that Lin Yuan's method was very good.

"There is a saying in my hometown that it is better to have no books than to study hard. It means that if you cling to books to study, the effect is not good at all. There is also a saying that reads thousands of books and travels thousands of miles. It sounds like this is the same as the previous one. That sentence is somewhat contradictory, but in fact the meaning is the same, that is, it is necessary to learn knowledge from books, but in addition to this, it also needs to be practiced." Lin Yuan pointed to the students who were exchanging opinions with each other, continued Said: "They learn magic, and in the end they have to be practical. Instead of letting them bury their heads in the academy, it's better to pull it out and let them experience it for themselves. This will only help them more."

"But they are just children who have just entered the academy, and their knowledge about magic is not enough. Even if they practice, they may not be able to improve."

Lin Yuan smiled and said: "The vice president asked you to come, so I must have told you how long I will take them out?"

"One month."

"Yes, it's only a mere month. Of course, it's impossible for them to improve their magic knowledge, but in other aspects..."

Lin Yuan didn't say it clearly, but he actually thought of this because he was inspired by the military training of freshmen in college.Compared with the previous world, Fenol College is undoubtedly a famous university on the Farinos continent, but this famous university only accepts students and fills their heads with magical knowledge, although it also offers social courses, economics courses and the like. It is used for assistance, but it is only for magic service.

Although the students who go out from this academy can be regarded as qualified magicians, they are really not flattering in other respects.Lin Yuan stayed at the academy for two days, and once again he even saw a magic teaching assistant who even needed the help of a servant to put on his clothes.

Lin Yuan couldn't control all the students in the college, but at least the students in Class [-], Grade [-], he didn't want them to become the kind of useless people with high grades and low abilities.

After a while, the students all took over the task.

Lin Yuan checked and found that there were no tasks beyond E-level, so he nodded.

"Students, although I understand your eagerness to complete the task, but before this, have you ever thought about what's wrong?"

"What else is wrong?" The students looked at me and I looked at you wonderingly, not understanding what Lin Yuan meant.

"Natasha, come here." Lin Yuan beckoned Natasha to come over, and took the task form in her hand. "You have taken on 3 missions, all of which are in the east of the city. This is very good. It proves that you know that missions should be planned as a whole, and it is more efficient to do them together. But I think you were going to go out like this just now, and you never thought about it. Did any of the classmates accept the task in the east of the city? Have you ever thought of working with them to complete it?"

"Ms. Lin, I..." Natasha blushed when Lin Yuan said this.

Lin Yuan waved his hand, looked around at the students who were as red-faced as Natasha, and said with a smile: "I am not blaming you, after all, you have only known each other for a few days, and it is normal that you are not used to acting together. But Don't forget, you are in the same class now, and you will study together for several years in the future, and everyone will get to know each other after all. If this is the case, why not start now?"

"I took three missions. Is anyone with me in the small town of Shamus, 20 miles west of Wendnuo City?" As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, Fasno raised his hand and asked.

"Me, me too."

"The first task I have to do is..."



Seeing the students gathered together to discuss enthusiastically, Lin Yuan nodded with satisfaction. Cohesion is very important to a class, which he has deeply experienced in his previous teaching career. Any class ever taught would be complicated, but he wouldn't give up the effort.

(End of this chapter)

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