ocean hunter

Chapter 294

Chapter 294
"Why did you come out? I don't need your help. Otherwise, what should I do if I hurt my hand?"

Lu Xiaolu said while tugging hard, the bottom of the net has already come out of water.

Seeing that Lu Xiaolu insisted not to let her help, Xue Li lay on the side of the boat and looked down.

"Wow, there are so many balloons! The biggest one is Pufferfish obscurus!" Shirley jumped up and down on her slippers, her face full of joy.

Those puffer fish were already angry when they were covered by the net, and they all swelled up one by one, about the size of a basketball.

Especially the half-meter-long one, which bulged up like a yoga ball, which was terrifying.

Before Lu Xiaolu was happy, the big puffer fish at the bottom suddenly fell down with a "plop".

The net was not too big, and it was stretched open at this time. The big puffer fish was already at the bottom, and the lead pendants couldn't fit together.

In addition, the fins of the puffer fish are broken and cannot be inserted into the mesh. Only the small bumps on the body can barely catch.

If those puffer fish don't swell, they can still be wrapped in layers of nets.

At this time, they all bulged like balloons, and the big puffer fish at the bottom fell into the water at once.

There were still a few puffer fish that were not covered by the nets, and they were about to fall down. Originally, because the big puffer fish left, the openings of the net suddenly closed together, and those puffer fish were all blocked.


"Hey! Hey, I'm going!"

Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li screamed and stretched out their hands at the same time, but they had no choice but to watch the biggest puffer fish leave.

Shirley turned around to get the fishing gun, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she yelled and threw it out, but the hair didn't get caught.

In fact, it is useless if it is pierced, and the puffer fish will be useless if it is pierced in, and the whole body is poisonous.

In the final analysis, Lu Xiaolu was too greedy, always thinking of catching all the fish in one catch, and waited for so many fish to gather together before making a move.

As long as he separates several nets and breaks them one by one, the big puffer fish will not run away.

Before he had time to repent, he quickly lifted the casting net up, and one big one had already escaped, and he couldn't let these few escape too.

"Xue Li, help me bring the bucket here." Lv Xiaolu carried the cast net to the deck and began to straighten the net bit by bit.

Although the puffer fish has an amazing bite force and fierce toxicity, but because of its size, its own strength is average, and it will not slip out to the side of the boat like other fish.

When Shirley came with the bucket, Xiao Hei also ran out, and was lying in front of a puffer fish, barking non-stop.

The creatures in the sea were too scary. It was rare for it to meet one that looked easy to bully. It opened its mouth to bite, but the puffer fish swelled to the size of a basketball, making it impossible to bite.

The puffer fish fell onto Lu Xiaodonkey's leg, and there were small dots on it, which made him jump up with an "ow".

The angry Lu Xiaolu was about to slap it, but the grandson was already wary of Lu Xiaolu, so he hid, eh?You can't hit it.

"Sooner or later, I'll eat your stewed dog meat!" Lu Xiaolu squatted down indignantly and continued to unpack the fish, he couldn't get too fussy with a dog, otherwise it would be nothing.

Seeing that Lu Xiaolu was suffering from Xiao Hei, he laughed, and then slapped Xiao Hei: "Let you bully Xiao Donkey Ouba!"

Xiao Hei was dumbfounded, and looked at Xue Li in disbelief, his dog eyes were full of tears.

Obviously, she didn't expect that Shirley, who has always loved it so much, would attack it. Just because of this man, you hit me!
Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li didn't care about it, this dog was too bad to be dealt with, and he still fished the fish on his own.

There were nine puffer fish in total, and Shirley put them in several categories.

There are four red-finned pufferfish, each of which is estimated to weigh an average of six or seven catties. If it costs 300 yuan per kilogram, it is about 900 yuan for one, and 3600 yuan for four!
It’s not that I don’t know, but it’s shocking, it’s crazy, it’s more expensive than a yellowfin tuna.

Lu Xiaolu originally said to put them in a bucket, but this head is too big, more than 30 centimeters, and his bucket is small and bulging into a round shape.

Forget it, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli walked towards the living water tank with two of them in their arms.

Although this pufferfish has an amazing bite force and its viscera is terribly toxic, it's still fine in your arms, and it's also very cute. Shirley is thinking about whether to keep one in the fish tank.

After sending the puffer fish away, Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li hurried back with smiles on their faces.

"Well, I'm not bad at casting nets. These few fish alone are 3600, and there are five more."

Shirley glared at him angrily: "Hmph, no matter how many yellowtails I have, there's nothing to be proud of."

Lu Xiaolu was speechless. It was indeed far worse than the yellowtail that Xueli caught. Although his unit price was expensive, the quantity was incomparable with Xueli's.

The nets that Shirley cast were estimated to weigh more than 200 catties, and 80 yuan per catty was more than 2 yuan.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Xiao Hei's scream sounded, and Lu Xiaolu and Xue Li put aside their dispute about who was stronger, and hurried over to have a look.

Xiao Hei's grandson curled up on the deck and screamed, looking at the puffer fish in horror.

The puffer fish that had been arranged neatly were now scattered here and there, their deflated bodies puffed up again, and there were still a few puffer fish lying on the deck with their white bellies turned upside down, waving their small fins desperately.

At first glance, she knew it was Xiao Hei's good deed. Shirley went up to check Xiao Hei, and found that there was a tuft of hair missing on its tail, and it was bleeding. Gone.

Lu Xiaolu checked, and sure enough, a bunch of dog hair was found in the mouth of a worm-print Dongfang, it must be Xiao Hei who provoked them.

It really deserves it, it really insults Xiao Tiangou's name if he doesn't do business every day.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Xiao Hei, Shirley quickly came over to check the types of puffer fish.

A bow-spotted pufferfish pattern is a little more expensive than the red-finned oriental puffer. This one is estimated to weigh eight catties, and it is about 1200 yuan.

Two ordinary star-pointed puffer fish are big enough, about five or six catties, wild ones are about 50 yuan a catty, one is 300 yuan, and two are 600 yuan.

In addition, there are two very beautiful insect pattern Dongfang, one of which looks like five catties, about 700 yuan.

The other one is smaller, only about the size of Shirley's palm, so it can't be sold.

Shirley held the puffer fish for a while and said, "emmm, I'll take it back and keep it in the fish tank!"

Lu Xiaolu nodded, this worm pattern Dongfang is indeed very beautiful, there is a yellow band on the side of the body, and there are brownish purple and pure white round spots on the body.

Shirley snorted it with her hand, and it opened its mouth to take a big mouthful of air, then closed its mouth tightly, and its body quickly swelled into a balloon, looking very cute.

Shirley was reluctant to put it in the living water tank. The fish was too small, and she was afraid of being killed by other fish, so she took a bucket of sea water and put it in the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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