ocean hunter

Chapter 317

Chapter 317

"It's bottomed?"

Lu Xiaolu hurriedly put down the bowl and chopsticks and went out.

When we got to the stern, we saw Shirley struggling to pull on the rope, but the net didn't move at all.

Sure enough, it was the bottom line, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

"Donkey Oppa, what should I do?" Shirley puffed her mouth, a little embarrassed, and she got caught in the first net.

"Don't worry, it may be hanging on the reef, and it's not deep. At worst, I'll go down and have a look."

Lu Xiaolu tugged twice with his hands, feeling it, if he insisted on tugging, he could do it, but the net was torn to pieces, so it wasn't worth it.

It's only around four o'clock, and the sun is still there, so it's not too cold, so we can go into the water.

Lu Xiaolu originally wanted to go down shirtless, but she was embarrassed to see Xueli here.

"Then wait a while, I'll go change into the diving suit and go down." Lu Xiaolu walked towards the captain's room.

"Yeah." Shirley followed step by step.

"Um, don't come here."


I took a mask and put it on, and put on a waterproof suit. I didn't wear an oxygen tank or flippers. It seemed that the depth was only four or five meters. He came up as soon as he went down, so it was not a big problem.

"Wait a moment."

Seeing that he was about to go into the water after he was dressed, Shirley found a rope and tied it around his waist while admonishing him.

"It's not good if your legs are cramped. When you need me to pull you up, you just pull the rope twice."


Although Lu Xiaolu didn't think there was any danger at this depth, but safety comes first, so it's better to listen to Xue Li.

Shirley tied the other end of the rope to the railing, grabbed it with her hands, and patted his butt: "Okay, let's go down, it's quite elastic, hahaha."


Lu Xiaolu climbed over the railing and entered the water with her head still exposed. She took a deep breath and went deep into the bottom of the sea. Xueli looked nervously at the surface of the sea.

In fact, real diving is not in this position at all. You have to lie back and enter the water, which is used when carrying an oxygen cylinder. If you don’t lie on your back, the oxygen cylinder may hit your head.

Lu Xiaolu sank into the water, grabbed the net and went down, and a few small fish followed him.

Small fish in the sea like to follow some big guys. On the one hand, it is curious, and it will be much safer. This is the so-called fox pretending to be tiger.

Such a scene is quite interesting, and it is a bit different from watching it on the screen.

It was different from the last time I saved Hua'er. At that time, I didn't wear a mask, and my eyes were blurred by the sea water, and it still hurt. Now that I wear a mask, it's like watching high-definition TV.

It's a pity that Lu Xiaolu doesn't have time to appreciate the beautiful scenery now, he grabs the cast net and quickly sinks into the bottom of the sea, trying to get rid of that rock and then go up quickly.

However, when Lu Xiaolu sank into the bottom of the sea, the scene in front of him made him pale with shock, he opened his mouth and let out a string of bubbles.

After drinking two mouthfuls of seawater, Lu Xiaolu's face turned livid, and he hurriedly pulled the rope twice.

Xue Li kept pulling the rope with her hands, her nerves were tense, and she suddenly felt two dips, which startled her and pulled her back desperately.

"Donkey Oppa!"

Shirley gritted her teeth and pulled the rope back.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaolu hugged the rope, it was going up vertically, and it was difficult to get it up because of too much resistance.

Finally seeing the sun, Lu Xiaolu grabbed the side of the boat and coughed desperately.

Shirley hurried over, leaned down, and grabbed him, "Donkey Oppa, are you okay, ah!"

He was sprayed in the face by Lu Xiaolu with a mouthful of sea water.

But Xueli didn't care, she gritted her teeth and dragged Lu Xiaolu into the boat, sat on his lap, pressed his stomach with both hands, pressed hard, and another mouthful of seawater spewed out.

"Ahem! Well Shirley, I'm fine, cough!"

He just drank two sips of water, a little panicked, nothing serious.

"You scared me to death!" Shirley punched his stomach, turned around and wiped his face with the back of her hand, what a strong sea breeze.

Lu Xiaolu suddenly slapped his head: "Xue Li! Quickly bring me the oxygen bottle, I want to go into the water!"

Shirley sniffed and kicked him: "You still go down! It's a big deal that we don't want this net."

"No, guess what you spilled?" Lu Xiaolu's face was full of excitement.

"What? Isn't it a stone?"

"No! It's the little yellow croaker!"

"What's wrong with the little yellow croaker? Why is it still so heavy?"

"No, it's not that kind of little yellow croaker!"

Lu Xiaolu looked around furtively, pulled Xue Li down, lay on her ear, covered her with his hand, and whispered, "It's gold bars! Gold!"

Shirley was shocked: "What! Jin."

Lu Xiaolu covered her mouth: "Shhh, keep your voice down."


The two entered the captain's cabin, drove Xiao Hei out, closed the door, and lay down under the table, like a thief.

"How many gold bars, bah, how many small yellow croakers?" Shirley asked in a low voice.

Lu Xiaolu shook his head: "I don't know either. What you hung up was a wooden box, which was a bit rotten and covered with sand. I only saw two pieces, and most of the box was under the sand."

"The gold bar, oh no, how big is the little yellow croaker?" Xue Li stretched her arms, lying a little uncomfortable under the table, and simply put her head on Lu Xiaolu's back.

Lu Xiaolu stretched out his hand and gestured: "It's so long."

"How long is it?"


"How wide?"

"It's so wide."

"Oh, how thick?"

"So thick."

"Huh? That must be very valuable."


"Get rich, get rich, ahh!" Xue Li slammed Lu Xiaolu's head with her chin, and wanted to bite his shoulder, but she was wearing a waterproof suit, and it smelled like water and rubber when she swallowed it.

"Bah bah, by the way, it can't be a cultural relic, right?" Shirley suddenly thought.

Lu Xiaolu was also taken aback, he really didn't look at it.

If it is a cultural relic, it cannot be salvaged, and it cannot be sold if it is salvaged.

As long as it does not exceed the Qing Dynasty, it is fine, but such large quantities cannot be sold in gold shops.

To be honest, if you really want to be serious, you have to hand over all the gold.

But, people can't be so brainless.

The two of them also picked up a gold ring before, although it was very small and sold it in a gold shop, but they also knew about the relevant laws.

As long as it is not a cultural relic, it is not stolen or robbed, and it is not stolen by tomb robbers. You can sell it secretly without publicizing it, and it is no problem to keep it.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people walking around the village with metal detectors every day.

And there are many professional salvage ships that specialize in salvaging shipwreck treasures.

Do you think they're really just out on the high seas to salvage?

Why does pawning still exist now? Isn’t it born for these things? How can one survive by selling heirlooms alone.

As long as it is not a cultural relic, the pawn shop will accept it, that is, the price, you know.

The most important thing now is to determine whether the batch of gold and silver are cultural relics.

(End of this chapter)

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