ocean hunter

Chapter 391 Vegetable Tofu Stuffing

Chapter 391 Vegetable Tofu Stuffing
Along the way, it was not easy for Daqiang and his wife to go back. The tuna in the small boat was a bit reluctant, and the blood of the fish seeped from the bottom of the boat into the water, even attracting sharks to follow.

Sharks are sensitive to blood, not to mention the blood of tuna, which is delicious for both humans and sharks.

Daqiang and Li Chang almost died of fright. Along the way, they watched those shark fins turning around and walked with them all the way.

Sometimes the bottom of the boat knocked loudly, and the pressure in the hearts of the two of them was so great that they wished to install two more engines.

Fortunately, those sharks had no intention of attacking the fishing boat.Just follow the fish blood on the bottom of the boat all the way, touching the bottom of the boat from time to time.

It scared them both out of their wits as well, lest the shark capsize their boat.

Sharks don't like this kind of attack. If it's a sailfish or a swordfish, then the two of them will be in danger, and the small wooden boat can be blown up in one fell swoop.

Because they were too excited and left in such a hurry, they even forgot to bring their lunch. Da Qiang and Li Chang were dizzy and dizzy with hunger, and it took them six hours to reach the port with the throttle fully turned.

When the mobile phone just had a signal, he called the family. At this time, the uncle had already publicized the matter, saying that his family had caught tuna.

The old family members who stayed on the shore rushed over to watch the fun.

"Come on, come on, that's Daqiang!"

"I'll go, is that the tuna on the boat? It's the same as theirs."

Daqiang and Li Chang were also smiling, temporarily forgetting that they hadn't eaten yet and were almost scared to pee by the shark.

The uncle hurriedly greeted the staff: "Come and help me."

Everyone stepped forward and lifted the tuna to the pier with a rope.

I took pictures again, recorded videos again, and sent them to Moments.

"Hey, it's not just Lu Xiaolu who can catch tuna." The uncle was very proud.

"That's not a big deal, that is, my boat is too small to put tuna in, or I'm still fishing now."

Daqiang sneered, didn't Lu Xiaolu catch fish a few months earlier than them?

When he changes to a bigger boat, he is no worse than Lu Xiaolu, this tuna is proof.

"Hey, is it really so easy to make money in the sea?"

"Quickly go to the people over there and ask, how much can you sell for?"

People from the fishing company have always had a fishing spot on the pier, and seeing that they pulled a tuna over with a small boat, they have already come over.

Don't look at just one fish, and it's still a bigeye tuna. The two of them don't think it's too small. If they get one more fish, they will get more rewards.

Dozens and hundreds are earned, and mosquito legs are also meat!

"Tsk tsk, why didn't you get any ice cubes, and you didn't even take out the fish intestines. It's a pity for this meat."

"Also, who forked the fish, and how did it get stuck in the stomach?"

The managers of the two fishing companies shook their heads, with pity on their faces. The price of this fish has been greatly reduced, at least half of it.

Daqiang complained to Li Changdao at this time: "Look, I'm going to say something."

Li Chang blushed, this wave is indeed his fault, there is no need to wash it.

"Let's see how much money you can pay."

Although the fish was not handled well, it can still be sold for money. Li Chang used seawater to cool the fish along the way, but it didn't deteriorate.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be standing here. They just said that the fish was broken, and they were just trying to keep the price down.

In the end, Deep Blue Fishery and Julang Fishery bid respectively, one for 3800 and the other for 4000.

Daqiang handed over a cigarette: "Is it a little too low? I think they cost tens of thousands per fish."

"I can't help it. Your fish has been destroyed too much. It's a good price if you can give it. Next time, remember to insert the fish's eyes. It's better to bring some ice cubes."

Well, there is no way not to sell it. Daqiang still sold the bigeye tuna to Julang Fishery for 4000 yuan.

I just went out yesterday, and sold it for 4000 yuan today, which made all the old people very jealous.

My darling, does Waihai really make so much money? No wonder that Lu Xiaolu bought a house and a car.

If they also have a big ship, it will be impossible.

"Daqiang, did your third master catch tuna?" A woman asked eagerly, and the strong third master was her husband.

Daqiang smiled and said, "No, I'm the only one who caught it now, and none of them know how to catch it."

The woman was anxious: "Your third master is so good at fishing, why can't you fish anymore? Can't you teach your third master?"

"Hahaha, the third master is reluctant to spend money, where can I go fishing for tuna?"

4000 yuan, one half of two people on the spot, 2000 yuan for one family.

Before the uncle could speak, the sister-in-law had already grabbed the money and put it in her bag.

"... "

Daqiang had a black line on his face: "Don't worry, I still want to buy bait."

After resting at home all night, Da Qiang and Li Chang went to buy a box of ice cubes, an oilcloth and two boxes of frozen bait the next day.

"We don't have an ice bin, won't the ice cubes melt if we take them out?"

"What are you afraid of? It's only 100 yuan. It won't melt in a box for a day, and you can use it tomorrow. Otherwise, you won't be able to sell the fish. Don't do it next time you put the fish in. Let me do it." .”

Well, this was Li Chang's own fault, he had no right to speak, and had to listen to Da Qiang for everything.

Forget it, let’s be content, earn almost the cost of going to sea on the second day, and earn it for the next few days. Even if you get to 1000 yuan a day, it’s enough, 3 yuan a month, and 30 yuan a year. The money is so easy to earn.

Although the fish was only sold for 4000 yuan, it earned more than others.

If it didn't get stuck in the stomach this time, and it could be covered with ice cubes, it could sell for at least 1 yuan.

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and Li Chang wished he could slap himself, which he owed.

Early in the morning, Lu Xiaolu and Xueli also appeared on the pier. There are many people here, so selling fish is faster.

The uncle's family had just sent Daqiang and the others away, and when they turned around, they stood beside Lu Xiaolu's stall, and said with a smile, "Little donkey, your elder brother caught a tuna yesterday, did you see it?"

"I didn't see it, suck it~" Lu Xiaolu drank the soy milk calmly, sucked up the cup of soy milk, and insisted on sucking out the last bit.

Xueli took a bun, took a bite, and handed it over: "Little Donkey Ouba, the one stuffed with leeks, here you are. Is yours made with green vegetables and tofu? Give it to me."

"... "

The sister-in-law rolled her eyes and said in a strange way: "Some people, when they get rich themselves, they don't want to see others get rich."

Before Lu Xiaolu spoke, Xueli chuckled lightly: "Yo, our little donkey Oppa didn't mean that, do you have persecution paranoia?"


The sister-in-law still wanted to talk, but Lu Xiaolu and Xueli had already greeted the guests, so they stopped talking to them.

(End of this chapter)

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