ocean hunter

Chapter 413

Chapter 413

Xue Li heard Xiao Bai's voice when she was still in the kitchen, and ran out quickly.

"Xiao Hei, are you itchy again?"

Xiao Hei was so frightened that he threw the fish directly on the ground, looking away with an innocent face.

At this time, Cheng Min also came back with a grapefruit.

They could no longer persuade her, so Xue Li and Lu Xiaolu didn't say anything more, just buy it.

Fortunately, Cheng Min knew it well, did not spend ahead of time, and spent all his wages.

In fact, Lu Xiaolu really doesn't mind her living here. Xueli and she are sisters, and she is the only friend of Xueli who came from her hometown.

Otherwise, Xueli would not even have a place to talk to anyone about her hometown, and it would not be a good feeling to be a stranger in a foreign land alone. Lu Xiaolu had heard the two of them chattering at home, and since Cheng Min came, Xueli Li was happier.

Xue Li and Cheng Min worked together to clean up Xiao Hei, and only gave Xiao Bai the rest of the fish after he was full.

Lu Xiaolu had been working in the kitchen for a long time and hadn't finished it yet, Xueli ran to ask: "Little donkey Ouba, why haven't you finished it yet, do you want to help?"

Lu Xiaolu was a little embarrassed: "There's too much water, go get some shallots."

"Oh oh."

"Get a little more, you need a lot."


Shirley has already run out. In addition to golden onions, she also bought a bunch of shallots and planted them in the yard. It is easy to eat as much as she wants.

Seeing that golden onions and shallots can do this, Shirley moved her mind and said that she would buy a lot of vegetables and plant them in the garden.

They also had to bury the tomatoes in it, but Lu Xiaolu dug them out. The tomatoes had no roots, so they would rot if they were buried in them.

Still a college student, forget about this.

Lu Xiaolu mixed water and flour three times, and only then did the batter get a good consistency. These days, pancakes and fruits are not bought for nothing, and they are stealing from the sidelines.

After the batter was reconciled, he beat another six stupid eggs and took them outside. Cheng Min and Shirley were squatting in the yard peeling onions.

"Donkey Oppa, you want to chop green onions."

"Yes, chop chopped green onions and put them in these eggs, as well as leeks. I have already chopped them and put them in together."


Beat chopped scallions and leeks into the eggs, add some salt, beat evenly, add some pepper and two drops of sesame oil.

"Donkey Oppa, do you want to pour it into the mush?"

Shirley is about to pour it in. She has learned a lot of Chinese cuisine, and knows that many dishes like to pour eggs into the batter. No, she will draw inferences.

Lu Xiaolu was about to go out, almost died of fright, and quickly lifted her basin: "Stop, stop, it's not fun to pour it in."

"Oh? Didn't you do that?"

Shirley was a little disappointed, she hadn't learned much yet.

"That's fine too. It's called pancakes. I'll make them for you another day. Let's eat vegetable pancakes today."

When Shirley heard that her idea was correct, but there were too many dishes, she smiled again.

The preparations have been done, and the actual combat will begin below.

Lu Xiaolu and Xueli Chengmin each moved a chair outside, forming a three-legged confrontation, surrounding the gridiron in the middle, according to Lu Xiaolu's words, this is called a three-talent formation.

The three calves of the raft were too low to be padded with bricks, and had to be stuffed with soft grass.

Lu Xiaolu didn't know why before, he only knew that other people did it like this.

Thinking about it later, it may be because if it is too high, the air will enter, and the fire will be too high, which will burn the pancakes.

No wonder the three legs are so low. The wisdom of the working people should not be underestimated.

There is no shortage of soft grass here, and the forest is full of fallen leaves. One person brought a large handful and piled them aside, and Shirley also took out the tongs.

This is what Lu Xiaolu used to buy to catch crabs in the sea, but he didn't catch any hairs, so he used it as a tongs at home. Now there are two in the family, and he forgot when he bought the coal stove, so he bought another one.

Lv Xiaolu grabbed the leaves, lit them, and put the griddle on it. The griddle was already hot, only to realize that the things hadn't been brought yet.

I ran into the house in a hurry, brought the batter and eggs, and suddenly thought that the oil hadn't been taken yet.

After running back and forth several times, I finally got everything in order.

It was the first time to make pancakes, and I was still a little nervous. I had only watched others make pancakes before, and he hadn't done it himself.

"Don't look at me, I'm nervous."

"Who's watching you?"

"Little donkey brother, aren't you okay?"

"... "

Lu Xiaolu still doesn't believe it, even tuna can be caught, but a small pancake still doesn't understand?
Lu Xiaolu took a deep breath, stretched out his palm, and placed it on top of the griddle to test the temperature.

Huh?Not hot at all.

Looking down, the leaves were burnt out.

"... "

"Xue Li, Cheng Min, you two will be responsible for fueling the fire later."


After fiddling for a while, it finally ignited again.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai both ran out, wanting to lick the pot of eggs, but Xue Li kicked them.

A few bold chickens, ducks and geese also ran over, very interested in the eggs and batter.

Cheng Min took a few stones and "go, go, go" and drove them away.

The frying pan was hot, and Lu Xiaolu scooped up a spoonful of batter and dripped it on the frying pan. He wanted to add oil, but he thought it was wrong, because the pancakes had no oil.

I saw Lu Xiaolu holding a spoon in his left hand and a bamboo slab in his right hand. On the griddle, he wiped the ball of paste along the edge of the griddle in a circle. The child is full.

Some more came out, Lu Xiaolu scraped it with a bamboo slab, picked it up, and threw it into the batter basin, this is what I learned from watching others spread pancakes.

Lu Xiaolu's movement of shaking the batter was extremely chic, Shirley and Cheng Min clapped their hands excitedly: "Okay!"

"Haha, low-key, low-key, hey, why is it smoking, cough cough!"

A puff of thick smoke came out from under the grill, and the fire was gone.

Good guy, it turned out that the leaves of Cheng Min and Shirissa were damp just now, but the three of them were suffocated enough.

Here is not far from the seaside, the soil is damp, the leaves underneath are all wet, we need to clean the top ones.

The leaves were replaced again, and the fire was lit. Shirley and Cheng Min didn't dare to relax any more, and kept staring at the bottom of the griddle.

The pan was already low, and the heads of the two girls were almost touching the ground, and they would blow "husband and wife" from time to time.

The old god Lu Xiaolu was sitting on the ground and spreading pancakes, just like the alchemy master, Xue Li and Cheng Min were alchemy boys.

The first pancake was useless, and the heat didn't keep up with it, so he gave it to Xiao Hei to eat.

The second time the batter was put in less, but it doesn't matter, just add a little more to fill the hole.

Steam was rising from the griddle, and the first pancake was already formed.

Lu Xiaolu used a bamboo stick to insert under the pancake, and shoveled it around the pan to make sure it wouldn't stick to the pan.

The masters would just use the bamboo to turn it over, but Lu Xiaolu didn't dare to turn it over by pulling the edge with his hand.

It was so hot that he quickly pinched his fingers on the earlobe, and kept saying "Ofiofi" in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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