ocean hunter

Chapter 476 Blackfin Tuna

Chapter 476 Blackfin Tuna

Lu Xiaolu's fishing rod was different from theirs, and they hadn't used this kind of fishing rod before, so they couldn't judge the size of the fish by the degree of bending of the fishing rod.

After resting for a while, Lu Xiaolu regained his strength, and yanked the fishing rod again, and then sent the fishing rod forward, taking advantage of the loosening of the fishing line, he yanked it twice again.

Then, he pulled back, sent, and reeled twice. When the fish struggled hard, he stopped and waited for a while before continuing.

After repeating this, the fishing line still outside became less and less, and it was less than five meters at this time.

The place where the fishing line touched the water was about three meters in front of Lu Xiaolu, and its bluish-gray body could already be vaguely seen.

"Is it Smokey?"

"No, it's tuna."

"I look like a mackerel."

"Come up, come up, damn it, it's a golden gun!"

"Big-eyed golden gun, awesome!"

The eyes of the people on the boat turned red with envy. Seeing that Lu Xiaolu had brought up the fish, he quickly picked up his fishing rod.

The so-called Linyuan envy fish, it is better to retreat and form a net.

Lu Xiaolu repeated the same trick, using a rope to pass through the mouth of the bigeye tuna, tied it to the side of the boat, and then started the fishing boat. As soon as it started, the tuna and the fishing boat broke through the waves together, which was very chic.

The people on the boat shouted: "Brother, why are you leaving?"

"I'll send the fish back first and then come back."

"oh oh."

That's right, if the tuna is caught, if you don't bleed it quickly and freeze it, the meat will be useless.

Even if some of them have never fished tuna, they have heard from the boss of the boat that they also chipped in to buy ice for this trip.

The people on the boat began to shake wildly again. This fishing method seemed a bit strange and a bit crazy to outsiders.

However, as long as you can catch fish, who cares about the image, it's just a little tiring.

Lu Xiaolu returned to the pier and knocked on the door of Guan Jianjiro's car.

"Hey, boss Guan, don't sleep."

Kenjiro Sekiki looked confused: "Ah? Mr. Lu, why are you here?"

"... "

After a while, Kenjiro Sekiseki finally woke up. Looking at his watch, only 40 minutes had passed.

"Did you catch another fish?"

"Well, I caught a perch, and it was delayed, otherwise I would have come back long ago."

Seeing the big bass in Lu Xiaolu's live water tank and the bigeye tuna tied to the side of the boat, Kenjiro Sekiki sighed sincerely.

"Mr. Lu is really a god-man."

I caught two fish in 40 minutes, and it was as easy as fishing crucian carp in the pond, which is too much.

Bleeding the bigeye tuna and dragging it into the car, Lu Xiaolu continued to go fishing, still to the same place just now, but the distance was a little farther, so as not to trouble others to cooperate with fishing rod later.

It is not necessary to cooperate every time. If the fish is small, it can be pulled up directly.

For example, someone on the boat caught a fish right now, a big black hairtail was caught with a metal plate, and the person who caught the fish was very excited.

This hairtail is half a meter long and as thick as a fist. When it was caught, it was weighed on the spot.

"18 pounds!"

Black hairtails weighing 18 catties are rare in offshore waters. Li Xiaolu has encountered many in the open sea, but he has no interest in them.

It's annoying to catch, but it's ferocious and can bite, and you lose a hook every time you catch it, so it's not as valuable as eels.

But it doesn't matter to sea fishing enthusiasts, the main thing is to enjoy the pleasure of catching fish, and it's nothing to lose that little hook.

The place they chose was not bad, and there were quite a few fish in it, ranging from half a catty to one or twelve catties.

"I'm on the fish! It's tuna!"

A person on the boat suddenly shouted excitedly. Before the others had time to take in their fishing rods, they turned around and saw that he had already caught the fish.

Well, such a small one is only 30 centimeters long and weighs three to four catties, no wonder it caught so fast.

"Is it Smokey?"

"No, it's blackfin tuna."

"Good luck!"

"Hahaha, this place is good, I am going to go fishing tonight!"

Lu Xiaolu had already seen those blackfin tuna mixed with some skipjack tuna, but he didn't pay attention to it. First, there were only three or four of these fish.

The other one is that it is relatively small, and its value is not as good as the perch he put in the living water tank.

This blackfin tuna may be very good for those sea fishing enthusiasts, but for Lu Xiaolu, it has no other use except as bait. It is on the same level as bonito, but it is less than bonito.

Blackfin tuna is a relatively small species of tuna, the largest is about one meter, and the average is about thirty to forty centimeters, to about fifty centimeters.

If they are encountered outside, they will be caught and used as bait to catch large tuna.

He didn't come to fish for bait today, so he didn't pay much attention to the blackfin tuna. He threw the hook ten meters away to the other side in front of him. There was also a bigeye tuna there, which was a little smaller than the one just now.

The fishing boat next to it swishes fish, and on average, it shouts and drags a fish within 5 minutes.

The people next to him will also cooperate and take the copying net to follow.

Most of them are green squid, white squid, sea wolf fish and the like. They are fierce in grabbing food, and they can't stand the fake bait in front of them.

If you are lucky, you can catch smoked fish and tuna, which makes other people envious every time.

If the fish is bigger, other people will put away their fishing lines so as not to affect the person who caught the fish.

On Lu Xiaolu's side, there has been no movement since he came back.

He had been silently watching the movement of the fish below. Instead of looking at his bait, it ran a little further away.

Lu Xiaolu could only take back the fishing rod, and then swung it vigorously, before the fish, then slowly twisted the drum, dragging the bait to slowly retrieve it.

The people on the boat were a little strange, why did he take this kind of fishing rod as a lure?
Generally, this kind of fishing rod is put down vertically, and even if it is thrown out, it is generally not moved.

The significance of live bait is that it is alive, and it will attract the attention of big fish by itself and make fish love to eat it.

Dragging like this will only speed up its death, and the live bait is meaningless, it is no different from the fake bait on the lure.

At this moment, Lu Xiaolu's hands suddenly sank, his body tensed up, he kicked on the side of the boat, and pulled the fishing rod back violently.

"Damn it! I caught a big fish again!"


"Is that all right?"

The people on the boat were all stupid, feeling that all the years of experience they had been immersed in this way were all for nothing, Shen Di Luya?never heard of that.

Only when Xiaobai was playing with the string hook, if there was no fish to eat the hook, he lost his patience and would drag it.

If he was lucky enough to meet the fish, he was also caught by some rotten mouse, without any skills at all. Why did this master play like this, and he really caught a big fish.

(End of this chapter)

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