ocean hunter

Chapter 518 The House of Vampires

Chapter 518 The House of Vampires

In the middle, I added flavor to Farewell My Concubine, and stewed it for another half an hour. When I poked it with chopsticks, it was already stewed through.

Stewed soup is also particular. When stewing white soup, it must be simmered continuously, and when stewing clear soup, it must be simmered slowly.

The famous dish of the state banquet, the soup of Qingshui cabbage should be clear to the bottom, it is no different from Qingshui, but the umami taste is also included.

Lu Xiaolu is definitely not that exaggerated, but the coal stove has been simmering on a low fire, and the stewed soup is translucent, with a layer of oil floating on it.

It's not that Lu Xiaolu put oil on it, it's chicken oil from the hen, which is called a fragrance.

"Shirley, put a cloth on the table, I brought the pot in."


Lu Xiaolu wrapped the ears of the casserole with two towels, and carried it into the living room. Xue Li and Cheng Min had already filled the rice.

As soon as the lid of the casserole was opened, the room was immediately filled with fragrance, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai's eyes were straightened, and they couldn't stop looking at the table.

Lu Xiaolu took off the big chicken leg with two pieces and gave each of Xue Li and Cheng Min one, and then brought over the white wine and the bowl of bastard's blood.

In order to prevent the blood from clotting, white wine had been poured in to dilute it when bleeding.

Lu Xiaolu raised the bowl in his hand: "This is a great tonic, do you want to drink some?"

Shirley and Cheng Min looked at the things in his hand, frowned, fearful and expectant.

"Is this drinkable?"

"Will it be fishy? What kind of smell?"

In the end, Shirley still couldn't hold back her curiosity, and ran to the kitchen to take out three glass cups: "Donkey Oppa, just a little, just a little."

Cheng Min: "Me too, just a little bit."

Lu Xiaolu knew that they couldn't bear it, so he poured some white wine to dilute it, and filled a small glass for each of them.

The rendering power of fresh blood is very strong, pouring these baijiu in it will not change its blood red color, as long as a drop of blood can dye a glass of baijiu red.

This is serious blood wine.

The three raised their wine glasses, touched them, and then licked their lips. To be honest, the taste is really not good. The taste of white wine is relatively pungent, not good, and it can't completely cover up the fishy smell .

However, the taste is still good.

Baijiu mixed with bastard's blood, aside from the taste, it's just two words, it's very moist.

Shirley and Cheng Min frowned after tasting it: "It's so hard to drink."

Lu Xiaolu pinched his nose, raised his head and gulped it down, his expression grim for a while.

Xue Li quickly grabbed a piece of chicken liver and stuffed it into his mouth: "Eat some food and rinse your mouth."

Lu Xiaolu chewed for a while, the taste in his mouth finally disappeared, and then he let out a sigh of relief: "Huh~"

I don't know if it's the white wine or the bastard's blood. Lu Xiaolu always feels his blood rushing up all over his body. Looking at the blood wine in the bowl, he struggled for a while, but decided not to waste it, and poured another glass.

The glass in front of the three of them contained blood-red blood wine, and there was a trace of blood at the corner of the mouth. If someone who didn't know saw it, they would think they had met a vampire.

Especially their house is relatively remote, hiding in the woods, if it rains at this time, the electricity is cut off, and candles are lit, the atmosphere will be more in place.

Both Xue Li and Cheng Min pinched their noses and drank what they had in their glasses before they could not drink any more. Only Lu Xiaolu firmly believed that this stuff was a great tonic, and it would have been a waste to not drink it during the bloodletting last time. , can't let it go this time.

Let him serve the whole bowl of bastard's blood wine, and drank it down with a mouthful of food and wine.

Good guy, four or two nearly half a catty of baijiu, patronized to make up for it, but ignored the wine in it.

Fortunately, Shirley served him a bowl of soup and drank it to hangover. He was barely drunk, and his face was flushed, like a red man.

After drinking a bowl of blood wine, eating the old turtle and chicken, soaking rice in hen soup, Lu Xiaolu felt energetic all over.

This is not an illusion, it is the real thing, full of energy, and even the influence of alcohol is much less.

Xue Li was drinking soup, and suddenly pointed to Lu Xiaolu's nose and shouted, "Ah! Donkey Oppa, your nose is bleeding!"

Cheng Min looked up, and sure enough, he quickly took the tissue next to it and handed it over: "Brother donkey, wipe it quickly, don't let it flow into your mouth."

Lu Xiaolu hurriedly blocked it with paper, ran to the bathroom, and saw that it was indeed, after laying down the calf, he made up too much.

But this also proves that Wang Ba's blood is indeed a great tonic. It seems that if you eat it often in the future, it can replenish blood, and your body will be better.

Because of malnutrition when he was a child, coupled with long-term hard work, Lu Xiaolu was a little bit bloody, and he always felt pain everywhere.

Later, I met Shirley, and my life has improved, and my nutrition can keep up, but I can't make up for the previous ten years at once.

In addition, fishing for tuna is also a particularly exhausting task. Lu Xiaolu's body looks pretty good, but in fact it is not so interesting. The most intuitive manifestation is that his muscles are prone to soreness, or there is a burst of pain for no reason.

I also checked on the Internet, and said that this is because I didn’t keep up with my nutrition before, and I did a lot of work, and I was a little bit qi and blood loss. I need to eat nutritious things.

This old turtle is a good thing, but today it's hard work, the bastard's blood, the old turtle soup, and the old hen, all have nosebleeds.

The primary school teacher taught that when the left nose bleeds, raise the right hand, and when the right nose bleeds, raise the left hand.

Lu Xiaolu raised his hand for a while, the bleeding finally stopped, washed his face, went back to the living room, got a glass of water to drink.

Both Shirley and Cheng Min looked at him worriedly: "What's the matter, are you okay?"

"It's okay, but this bastard's blood is too fierce. It's a pity that you didn't drink it. I don't know when I want to meet next time."

"Let's drink it next time we meet. Come on, eat a banana and relax, or you won't be able to sleep at night."


That night, Lu Xiaolu really didn't fall asleep much, he felt full of strength, and when he closed his eyes, he felt weak, and ran to the yard for a while, and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

Back at school, Zang Huazhuang came with a happy face, even brought candy, each of them sprinkled a handful, and bought a pack of Zhonghua specially, and the smoker scattered one.

It's not about marriage, it's about being in a relationship, and making wedding cigarettes and candies, it's really embarrassing.

As long as he is happy, Lu Xiaolu is very happy eating candy, and puts the fruit candy in his pocket, and gives it to Xueli at noon.

"How far has it developed? How does it feel to be in love?" Lu Xiaolu raised an eyebrow at Zang Huazhuang while eating candy.

Zang Huazhuang smiled shyly: "Hey, I just confirmed the relationship yesterday, so I just held hands. How does it feel to be in love? Sweet."

"How sweet?"

"Sweeter than candy, I won't tell you, my partner called me, hello? Honey."

"Hey~" Lu Xiaolu's goosebumps almost trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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