ocean hunter

Chapter 521 The Guests on the Ship

Chapter 521 The Guests on the Ship

The demarcation line of the offshore sea is not clear, it is not a line, but a very vast sea area.

It is not to say that there must be no tuna at this end. The magic of the sea is that it is very vast, and you can even find creatures from other countries here.

Although those things are produced wherever they are, there is no one on the bottom of the sea to restrict their movements, and they have no concept of home. They only depend on whether the environment and temperature are suitable for them to live.

The warm and cold currents under the sea are like free super long trains, which can carry them to every corner of the world.

For migratory fish such as tuna, yellowtail, trout, etc., it is also possible to cross several oceans.

Lu Xiaolu found two big tunas in a place that still belongs to the inland sea.

The only problem is that there are rocks here, and they are quite large, about 20 meters to the left of his boat, which is already exposed to the sea, like a very small island.

This kind of place is very dangerous. No one knows how wide the rocks are under the water. It is very dangerous to hit a rock.

Of course Lu Xiaolu knew, so he stopped here. He wanted to catch these two tunas, but he was afraid that the tunas would wind their fishing line around the stone. , the size of a house, it is easy to get tangled in the fishing line.

There are quite a lot of resources here. There are holes in the rocks, and there are lobsters and other things hidden in them.

The most important thing is that it is not only big, but also many, and it is not bad to be able to catch it, but we have to wait until after the tuna is caught.

Just this moment, he saw four or five big lobsters, crabs, lionfish and so on. They always like to stay together, and they all like to hide in this kind of cave environment to avoid large predators attacker's attack.

The tuna tried to attack them, but couldn't get in, and could only bump their heads sorely.

Lobsters and crabs, including tiger fish, basically have no natural enemies in the same weight class. Those who can cause danger to them are these huge carnivores, such as tuna and sharks. There is no way to crush them in terms of size. Protect yourself in the cave.

It was already dark when Lu Xiaolu arrived here, and it was time for them to forage, but the two tunas at the door of the house kept wandering around the door, unwilling to leave.

There was even an unlucky lobster that had just climbed out of the cave, but was bitten into two pieces by the bluefin tuna, and was chewed to pieces in a few bites, scaring the other residents of the cave to hide at home and dare not come out.

Lu Xiaolu heated up the dishes, cooked some rice, made a beef bowl and ate it with Xiao Hei, and he was relieved that the frigate bird was gone, and he was ready to start fishing.

I don't know if the fishing line will wrap around the stone and not bait for the time being.

There are no small tuna schools here either, so we will make do with sardines for the time being. These sardines were also bought by Shirley. I am worried that Lu Xiaolu will be too busy alone, fishing for both bait and tuna.

After thinking about it, Lu Xiaolu chose a fishing line with a lower weight, even if it was cut off, it would not hurt too much, so he hung up the sub-line, hooked four sardines, aimed at the position where the tuna was, and threw it hard. Dumped it.

The water is more than ten meters deep, but fortunately, it is not too deep.

But the tuna kept swimming, and as soon as the bait was cast, the tuna had already swam to the other side of the stone, and the other one had already run away, so Lu Xiaolu had no choice but to wait.

After waiting quietly for a while, I saw the remaining tuna rummaging in the sand, eating and walking away, farther and farther away, and it was about to leave the stone.

Lu Xiaolu thought for a while, hesitating whether to use the fishing method in a book, and take a small boat to go there, and he hesitated, after all, the rubber boat is not the Meili, how far can it be pulled by tuna.

He wasn't worried that he couldn't find his way back. With the crayfish, he could still punctuate here, but the kayak didn't have propellers, so he could only paddle backwards. Who knew how long it would take.

Just as Lu Xiaolu was struggling in his heart, the tuna was about to go far away, and had already left this area.

Lu Xiaolu suddenly slapped his head, without Xueli following him, he couldn't even use his head.

The tuna has left the rock, so why worry about it? Isn't he worried about the tuna getting entangled on the rock?

Retract the rod, bring it to the back and get ready for trolling.

As soon as he walked to the side of the cabin, Lu Xiaolu wondered if he had seen it wrong, why did he feel that there was a black shadow on the ground next to him.

Because the searchlights did not come, the engine room was not often turned on, the lights were not installed, and there were baffles to prevent things from hitting the engine room.

Lu Xiaolu took a flashlight and saw two bright eyeballs. He was so frightened that he said "Oh my god", and he couldn't help but lose the flashlight and fishing rod.


The frigate bird fluttered its wings, but ignored Lu Xiaolu. He probably hated the light of the flashlight, so he covered his head with his wings and continued to sleep.

Lu Xiaolu stroked his chest, almost having a heart attack from being frightened by the dead bird.

Taking a closer look, Lu Xiaolu knew why it was here. There is a baffle in the engine room, which can block the sea wind, and there is also a spare cable. It used this place as a nest.

At night, there is no way to find a group of frigate birds for it, and Lu Xiaolu can't drive it away, so it can only let it live here temporarily.

It just so happened that two sardines on the fishing rod had died, and it was time to replace them, so Lu Xiaolu simply took the two dead fish off and threw them in front of it.

The frigate bird was still asleep, and opened its eyes when it smelled the fishy smell, put it in its mouth, and swallowed it whole as soon as it raised its head.

"Well, just treat you as a guest on my ship. Guests can eat and drink well when they come, as long as they don't cause damage on my ship."

The harmony between man and nature is fully reflected at this time. There is no hostility between man and animals, which is quite warm.

Today, without Xueli, Lu Xiaolu welcomed the guest, so he simply threw the other two sardines to him.

However, this frigate bird was already sleepy, and probably not hungry, so it ignored him, covered its head with its wings, and made a "cuckoo" sound, as if a sleeping person was being disturbed impatiently.

"Okay, go to sleep when you're sleepy. I'll try to find a group for you tomorrow. We'll get to know each other for a while. Maybe you're still the frigate bird I saved."

Lu Xiaolu muttered, and started to do his own work.

When we came to the stern of the boat, we hung the sardines on the sub-line hook again, and lowered it vertically. After visually measuring the depth nearby, we went down 20 meters.

The propeller at the stern is still hidden quite deep, with fishhooks and lead hanging down, dragging it all the way behind so that it will not be rolled into the propeller.

(End of this chapter)

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