ocean hunter

Chapter 727 Walrus

Chapter 727 Walrus

Nothing too small, too small will be automatically filtered out by his mesh.

There are black and white, red and white clownfish and butterfly fish, as well as the kind of small yellow fish that look like melon seeds. There are all kinds of them, just like puppies. There are all kinds of fish The color and pattern are also different.

A large butterflyfish weighing nearly two kilograms was pulled up. Its body is yellow, only its face is black and white. It is flat. The second dorsal and pelvic fins grow backwards, wrapping the tail in the shape of a hook. , especially beautiful.

In fact, this kind of fish can also be eaten, and it is not expensive, but it really makes people lose their appetite. Only university cafeterias can make this kind of dark food.

Lu Xiaolu wanted to help with the fish removal, but was stopped by Xueli, saying that his hands were inconvenient, so he continued to remove the fish by himself, and threw it directly into the bucket.

After finishing the netting in one day, there were more than a dozen tropical ornamental fishes, and the colors in the bucket were particularly beautiful.

There are also some that I didn't want to catch but caught, such as golden pomfret, sea melon seeds, smallmouth bass, etc., but not many, there were only five or six in total, and they were all a little more than a catty.

There were also a few scallops, oysters, conch shells, and a one-pound octopus, which were immediately attached to Xue Li's hand, and it took a long time to beat it against the side of the boat before it fell off.

In fact, if you don't count those ornamental fish, this is what normal people get from the net.

Put the ornamental fish in one bucket, and put the other ones in the other bucket. Shirley threw down the stone hanging on the net and waved her hand: "Little donkey Oppa, we're sailing home. Today we'll be eating a seafood hodgepodge."


Back home, I poured a bucket of ornamental fish into the fish tank, and Xiaolu, who was walking on the sand, was disturbed and got into the coral reef, which was also picked up from the sea.

Then, when it reacted, it gave a head to a butterfly fish that broke into its cave.

Good guy, he lost a fish just after he came back, look at his posture, it won't be long before all these fish will die.

Xueli carried the bucket of seafood and smiled at him: "Little Donkey Oppa, you are here to play for a while, I will cook."

"Let me help you, it's quite troublesome to clean up."

"Forget it, don't touch your hands."

"It's okay, just don't touch the water."

After entering the kitchen, Shirley still didn't let him do the work, so she put on an apron and began to handle the seafood.

Today Shirley was still wearing light blue jeans and a cashmere sweater instead of a shirt, which outlined her body exquisitely.

Lu Xiaolu didn't want to go out, so he put his arms around her slender waist from behind.

Xue Li blushed: "Hurry up and kill the fish, don't make you smell like fish."

After being tired for a while, Lu Xiaolu came outside, lay down on the sofa, and watched TV.

Thinking about what to do on Friday, whether to go out or not to go out.

Although only one finger was injured, the wound was so large that basically the whole hand could not be exerted.

It is impossible to fish without effort, which is really worrying, what should I do.

Could it be that he really wants to give up the easy-to-get championship and 10 yuan?
Sorrow can't figure it out, and after a while, the smell of food wafts from the kitchen.

Neither of them had class today, so only the two of them were at home, and Cheng Min had lunch in the school cafeteria.

The rice cooked by Shirley, the seafood is stewed in braised stew, two poached eggs are nestled, and some sausages are cut into it, no need to put salt, the taste is just right.

The fish has spines, so it cannot be stewed in it. Cut it open from the middle, steam it on a plate, pour some steamed fish juice oil, put some shredded green onion on it, and pour it with boiling oil.



"What's wrong, Shirley?" Lu Xiaolu hurried into the kitchen.

Xue Li pointed to the plates scattered on the marble table in front of her eyes, as well as the steamed fish: "The plate is cracked, the oil is too hot, it's cracked."

"You're not hot, are you?"


"That's fine, just change the plate and you can still eat."

The main dishes in the stewed stew are octopus and sausages, including those scallops. The meat is removed, so you don’t have to worry about other things being stuck, just mix it with rice and stuff it into your mouth.

Originally, these seafood had no oil, and tasted only of salt, and the clear soup lacked water. Shirley added sausage and lard to taste, and it tasted very satisfying.

"Here, I'll give you all the oyster meat. This is your favorite food, as well as snails." Shirley kept adding vegetables to Lu Xiaolu's bowl. He couldn't hold chopsticks with his right hand, so he used a spoon, crystal clear rice. , with those oyster snail meat, and sausage, one bite, full of happiness.

Xueli didn't dare to eat fish at first, because she was caught in the shadow by the fishbone, and was laughed at by Lu Xiaolu.

Until Lu Xiaolu spent three hundred on catching Pippi shrimp, hey, she has recovered from her illness and dared to eat fish.

Finally, when the time came to Friday, the two decided to go to sea after much deliberation. Shirley repeatedly told them not to use the injured hand.

Xueli was the main attacker, and Lu Xiaolu was the assistant, otherwise it would be troublesome if the wound that was finally healing was ruptured.

Seeing the ranking on the big screen, the male and female Shuangsha team is still firmly in the first place. No.2 is still the Albatross, and it came back again. It has reached 1300 kilograms, which is more than 500 kilograms behind Lu Xiaolu and the others. Well, if you do the math, it's only a matter of two or three fish.

With the level shown by Captain Zhao, he should be able to surpass it when he comes back again.

Moreover, this data was changed three days ago. After two days of revision, the Albatross had already set out to sea yesterday.

As for the Shanfeng, No.3 has lost its hold and was dragged off the horse by a little-known Walrus. It is said that the Walrus is the cousin of Zhu Quide's family. It was cheated by Zhu Quide. There was no fish season last year. I went fishing and went to work in an electronics factory.

This year I rented a boat again, and the results are very good, even the old Wang's head was taken down.

To say that the old Wangtou is also unlucky, every time he is said to be the favorite to win the championship, but every time he can't even grab the top three, it was like this last year, and it is still the same this year.

It's okay to be low-key, but this guy is quite arrogant, and he will say that he is an old sea turtle who came back from the United States, and the first mate of tuna.

He almost didn't directly say that he looked down on these bumpkin fishermen who had never seen the world.

As a result, it was slapped in the face. It was slapped in the face last year. Those whose grades were dumped could not see the ranking. No. 2 is still a boat for sea fishing enthusiasts and won an encouragement award.

This dealt a blow to the proud and proud Old Turtle, and he couldn't hold back his face. It was said that he drank in the tavern every day and ignored others when he talked to him.

Since the start of this year's fish season, the performance has been good, and the money earned is the envy of other fishermen.

I was preparing for this year's sea fishing competition, but I immediately pulled my hips.

The first time I went to sea, because of evil thoughts in my heart, I robbed the fishing spot and suffered heavy losses. I was overwhelmed by the Golden Sailfish and the Albatross.

(End of this chapter)

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