ocean hunter

Chapter 730 The Important Task of Improving Genes

Chapter 730 The Important Task of Improving Genes

After sending the fish into the ice bin, Lu Xiaolu had already collected a jar of water, which was warm enough to drink, and handed it to Xueli.

As soon as Shirley raised her head, she gulped down half of the tank, handed the rest back to him, and turned around to go fishing again.

Lu Xiaolu subconsciously stretched out his hand to grab her, and suddenly he stretched out his right hand, touching his fingers, and felt a sharp pain: "Ah, ah, ah, hey."

Shirley was startled, and came back again: "What's the matter, little donkey Oppa."

Lu Xiaolu took a deep breath: "Hiss~ it's okay, stop fishing now, rest, and catch again in the afternoon, one in the morning, it's agreed."

"But I'm not tired now, I only have one fish, and I can hold on." Shirley still wanted to take advantage of the heat to catch another Masu tuna.

Lu Xiaolu shook his head: "No, the agreed one is the one, and we must follow the plan."

Shirley said she wasn't tired now, it was also because of the adrenaline, the fatigue would accumulate in her body, if she fished again, it would explode after a break, making her legs hurt and her arms hurt.

If you want sustainable development, you have to follow the plan.

The afternoon is long, so you can split it twice and catch two fishes, so that you can fish one by one, plus the small fish that Lu Xiaolu deliberately selected, it won't be too tiring.

Xue Li hesitated: "However, I feel that I can catch a little more. There is no problem in catching six."

Saying that this was a strong pose, Lu Xiaolu stretched out his hand and pinched her arm, exerting a little force.

Xue Li went limp at once, and kept patting Lu Xiaolu: "Ahahaha, let go, it hurts, little donkey Ouba."

"I can't catch six more."

"No, no, no."

"Come on, follow me into the house and rest."


Entering the house, Xue Li still wanted to run outside, but Lu Xiaolu pinned her down on the bed and covered herself with a quilt: "Go to sleep."

"... "

Xueli obviously couldn't sleep, and she was released by Lu Xiaolu after repeatedly expressing that she would not go fishing.

Then, she sat on the bed, leaned her head on Lu Xiaolu's shoulder, put her arms around his waist, and quietly looked at the sea view outside the window. A big bird sneaked past the door and took a peek inside.

The time at sea was rarely so leisurely. Although they didn't talk or have any entertainment, the two of them just leaned together, sitting quietly, or kissing.

It's still early at noon, it's only 08:30, it's still morning, don't worry.

Gradually, Xue Li fell asleep leaning on Lu Xiaolu's shoulder. Lu Xiaolu put her on the bed and crawled in by himself, and the two embraced and fell asleep.

Sleeping with your sweetheart in your arms is a very happy thing, even if you don't do anything or think about anything, it's just like that, very warm.

Falling asleep, Xue Li subconsciously got into Lu Xiaolu's arms, her face pressed against his chest, her limbs clinging to his body, like an octopus.

It was Lu Xiaolu who fell asleep and dreamed that the house at home was leaking and his chest was wet.

When he woke up, he saw Xue Li's saliva all over his chest. Xue Li smacked her lips and muttered in her sleep, "Well, little donkey Oppa, give me that chicken leg, thank you."

Lu Xiaolu almost laughed out loud, she was quite polite.


The next moment, Xue Li bit his chest, biting his clothes, and spat it out in a mouthful: "Why is this chicken leg tasteless?"

This reminded Lu Xiaolu of a song, "Your face is pressed against my chest, and my sleeves have already been soaked with saliva."

It was originally a heartbreaking song, but now it is still a little warm.

Lu Xiaolu was very lucky, the first lover he met was also unswervingly in love with him.

Don't worry about what will happen tomorrow, because I know that you will still be here tomorrow, and you will not go anywhere, except to buy vegetables.

I slept in the cage all morning, and when I woke up, I was still a little lazy and didn't think much about it.

Xue Li woke up, still holding Lu Xiaolu, took out a piece of paper from the table, wiped the drool on his chest, a little embarrassed: "Did I dream?"

"Well, I dreamed of eating chicken legs, hahaha."

Shirley pulled his clothes away and saw that there was indeed a tooth mark. She was a little embarrassed, rubbed her hands again, and then lay down on his chest again.

"Xue Li, you lie down for a while, I'll cook." Lu Xiaolu patted her on the back.

"Hmm ~ don't." Shirley still hugged him tightly, not letting him get up.

Lu Xiaolu saw that it was still early, it was only eleven o'clock, that's fine, just lie down for a while.

At 10:30, Xueli got up by herself and went to cook. The reason was that Lu Xiaolu's hands were not convenient.

Well, fishing is not allowed, and cooking is not allowed. Now you are really a young master.

Lu Xiaolu was also embarrassed to make clothes to stretch out his hands and eat to open his mouth, so he got up to sweep the floor, wipe the table, and pick up the trash.

Tidy up all the places on the kitchen deck, these are tasks that can be done with one hand, so Shirley will not have to clean up when she is done.

While wiping the table, Lu Xiaolu also sang: "I didn't treat you well before, and I was also very sad~ oh."

Shirley was cooking when she heard him screaming and rolled her eyes.

"Who are you not good enough for? It's still uncomfortable. Have you ever been in love? Tell me."

Lu Xiaolu smiled sarcastically: "I'm singing, you haven't heard this song before, Heartache 2009, it's really nice."

"Then why do I hear you sing so badly?"

"... "

Well, I was hit again, tone insufficiency is indeed a blemish.

However, the songs in the past were really good, and those that didn't sound good couldn't be popular, unlike now, "Wai Wai Wai Wai" can be popular, it all depends on the face.

After listening to it, Lu Xiaolu was even a little confident, thinking that he could be popular for singing, but he lacked a pretty face, so why don't he get double eyelids.

Forget it, he still doesn't have to suffer that. Shirley has double eyelids, a dominant gene, and there is a high probability that she will have double eyelids when she has a child in the future, so she pins her hopes on her son.

I never expected that the important task of improving the genes of the old Lu family fell on Xueli, and Lu Xiaolu had made a contribution to the family. I hope that in the future, children will follow Xueli as much as possible, and then inherit Lu Xiaolu's masculinity. Gas will do.

After eating, he went to the toilet, and now he didn't even need to take a nap. The two tunas at the bottom had already left, so Lu Xiaolu looked for another place.

On the way, I saw another big fish, it was still a bluefin tuna, and it was still fat. It was estimated to weigh 10 kilograms, and it was probably worth more than [-] yuan.

However, Lu Xiaolu couldn't choose it, so he could only grit his teeth and let go of this top-quality bluefin tuna, his heart was bleeding.

I really can’t find it when I want to look for it, and come out when I don’t want to look for it.

After sailing the boat for a while, I found a suitable school of small tunas. These tunas were all bluefin, and they were all about one meter long.

(End of this chapter)

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