Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 124 Oscar's Crest Snake

Chapter 124 Oscar's Crest Snake

Don't mention Tang San's side.

Yu Tianxing and Shui Bing'er had arrived at the Star Dou Great Forest at this time, they did not stay, but directly entered the core area.

The biggest purpose of Yu Tianxing and Shui Binger coming here is to find a soul ring suitable for Yu Tianxing, and Yu Tianxing also has his own goals.

Thunderbird, a spirit beast covered in white feathers and with a lightning mark on its forehead, this kind of spirit beast possesses a powerful lightning attack ability, and is Yu Tianxing's ideal soul ring target.

When he was in Sunset Forest, Yu Tianxing wanted to use Thunderbird's soul ring as his fifth soul ring, but in the end it happened suddenly, and Yu Tianxing finally absorbed Ningshui Feiluan's soul ring.

Of course, now it seems that Ningshui Feiluan still makes Yu Tianxing very satisfied. Not only does Yu Tianxing have a new martial soul fusion skill, but his fifth soul skill is also very powerful.

It's just that the thunderbird is a very powerful soul beast, and it is also a very rare soul beast. It is not easy to find even the Star Dou Forest and the Sunset Forest in the soul beast paradise.

The Star Dou Great Forest is huge, and it took Yutianxing and Shui Bing'er only one day to enter the core area.And although the core area is mentioned here, most of the soul beasts are thousands of years old, and even 5000 years old are rare.

At night, Yu Tianxing and Shui Bing'er guarded by the bonfire. The spirit beasts here pose no threat to Shui Bing'er and Yu Tianxing, and they also have the ability to fly.

So the fire was lit so recklessly, and even a wild boar leg was roasted on the campfire.

Shui Bing'er said at this time: "Brother Yuxing, I have been here again for so many years, and nothing has changed."

Yu Tianxing laughed when he heard Shui Binger's words, when they met for the first time in the Star Dou Forest, Yu Tianxing was six years old and Shui Binger was eight years old at that time.Now Yu Tianxing is 13 years old, and Shui Binger is also [-] years old.

Yu Tianxing said: "Let's take some rest after eating. I'll watch the night. We will enter the area where the ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts are almost all day tomorrow. At that time, we must cheer up."

Shui Binger nodded after hearing Yu Tianxing's words, and then walked to the campfire to eat some barbecue, but at this time Shui Binger suddenly gave up.

And Yu Tianxing quickly stood up and said: "Be careful, there are soul beasts approaching!"

Shui Bing'er came to Yu Tianxing's side, and then put on a fighting posture.Yu Tianxing observed the surroundings motionlessly. Although the age of the soul beasts here is not too high, there are still not enough soul beasts with high ages. After all, this is the Star Forest, which is infinitely dangerous.

Shui Bing'er and Yu Tianxing slowly moved away from the bonfire and came to the foot of a big tree to avoid the other party's sneak attack from behind.

At this time, there were rustling sounds from time to time around, Yu Tianxing and the others knew that the target was getting closer and closer to them.

But at this time, the sound suddenly disappeared.

Shui Binger asked suspiciously: "Why is there no sound? Could it be that the soul beast was just passing by?"

Yu Tianxing said: "Impossible! We have a fire here, so the spirit beast must be coming towards us. Now there is no sound, but it is even more dangerous."

Shui Bing'er nodded after hearing Yu Tianxing's words, and then looked around with all her energy.And Yu Tianxing didn't find anything at this time, he felt very surprised, his perception was very powerful, although not as good as Ziji Demon Eye, but it was still very powerful.

Afterwards, Yu Tianxing opened the Purple Demon Eyes.

As soon as Ziji Demon Eyes was cast, Yu Tianxing saw a snake-like soul beast as thick as a bucket rushing towards the bonfire.

This snake-like soul beast has a red tumor on its head and a fan-shaped tail.And not only is it very fast, but it can fly!Because the other party has wings, they came to Yu Tianxing and the others by gliding.

The soul beast flew to the bonfire, bit the meat on the grill, and then fled towards the distance at high speed. The whole movement was done in one go, and the speed did not even slow down.

Yu Tianxing immediately said after seeing the other party: "Hmph, it's just a cockscomb snake less than 2000 years old, and it didn't know how to snatch our food."

Yu Tianxing rushed towards the Cockscomb Snake with one stride, and then with his right hand, he saw Long Zaitian hit him on the back.

The Cockscomb Snake had just swallowed the roast meat, and then received Yu Tianxing's palm, and immediately screamed after being hit.Yu Tianxing even knocked off a few snake scales on the back of the phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake.

And the cockscombed snake knew that Yu Tianxing was not easy to mess with, so it didn't fight back, but fled away quickly.

Seeing this situation, Yu Tianxing said, "Hmph, you bastard, you want to run away after stealing our food? It's not that easy, Bing'er, let's chase."

Shui Bing'er nodded, and then directly released the Flying Luan Divine Armor, while Yu Tianxing used the Dragon Subduing Leg, and the two chased towards the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake one up and one down.

Yu Tianxing was very surprised while chasing the cockscomb snake, because the speed of the cockscomb snake was very fast, although Yu Tianxing didn't use all his strength, he couldn't catch it.Although the distance between the two has not been lengthened, it has not been shortened either.

Yu Tianxing knew that the cockscomb snake was very fast, but it was the first time he had encountered this kind of soul beast, so he had no idea about the speed of the cockscomb snake, and now Yu Tianxing finally knew the speed of this soul beast How fast.

According to Yu Tianxing's estimation, basically this cockscomb snake can fly two kilometers away in one minute.This speed is very fast.

Yu Tianxing said to Shui Bing'er in the sky: "Bing'er, keep an eye on it."

After hearing Yu Tianxing's words, Shui Bing'er looked at him and nodded, and then began to fly higher and higher.

And at this time, Shui Bing'er suddenly said: "There is someone!"

Hearing Shui Binger's words, Yu Tianxing asked in surprise: "Who?"

Shui Binger said: "There are two people, it looks like an old man and a young man, the old man is very fast, and there is no soul ring on his body, and the young man has two yellow century-old soul rings. It seems that they also Chasing this crested snake."

Yu Tianxing frowned when he heard the words, who are the two of them?
It's just that the distance is too far, Shui Bing'er can't see whether the other party is a man or a woman, but only sees that the other party is holding a long stick in each hand, and the shape of the long stick is also unclear.

Shui Binger said at this time: "Brother Yuxing, they are very close to the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb Snake, and the other party is likely to be an agility attack system soul master, so the other party may make a move."

Yu Tianxing hadn't put away the Ziji Demon Eye at this time, he also saw those two people, they were indeed two people, one old and one young, and they were two women, the old one looked about six or seventy years old, the young one It is bigger than Shui Bing'er.

Yu Tianxing looked at the cockscomb snake in front of him, and said in surprise: "It can't be such a coincidence, could it be that they are the snake woman Chao Tianxiang and her granddaughter? This cockscomb snake belongs to Oscar? So Tang San also Nearby."

And at this moment, Chao Tianxiang finally got close to the Cockscomb Snake, she directly held the snake staff and hit the Cockscomb Snake's abdomen.Immediately after being hit, the cocksnake hissed and continued to run away.

Yu Tianxing said to Shui Bing'er after seeing it: "Bing'er, let's not expose it, just follow them."

Shui Bing'er nodded, and then slowly began to reduce the flying speed and altitude.

(End of this chapter)

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