Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 127 Tang 3 vs. Meng Yiran

Chapter 127 Tang San vs Meng Yiran
Just as Chao Tianxiang finished speaking, Yu Tianxing said at this moment: "It seems that I gave this soul beast to Mr. Zhao, and they should have no right to give it to others."

Zhao Wuji's expression changed immediately after hearing Yu Tianxing's words, and then he said to Yu Tianxing: "Little baby, what are you talking about, since you gave it to us as a gift, it belongs to us, and everything after that has nothing to do with you .”

Zhao Wuji also wanted to protect Yu Tianxing and Shui Bing'er, although they had just met, but because of Tang San's relationship, and Yu Tianxing also donated the cockscomb snake to them, so Zhao Wuji should not let Chao Tianxiang find Yu again. The stars are in trouble.

Sure enough, Chao Tianxiang's expression darkened after hearing Yu Tianxing's words.And Meng Yiran who was at the side suddenly said at this time: "Boy, let me tell you, my grandfather is not far away, and when he comes, you will have good fruit to eat, and only my soul power has broken through level [-] here. Who else can absorb this spirit ring?"

After hearing Meng Yiran's words, Zhao Wuji said, "Oh? Really? Children, show her your soul ring."

After Zhao Wuji finished speaking, Shrek went to blame and released all his spirit rings, except Dai Mubai who had two yellow and one purple, the rest were two yellow spirit rings.

After seeing the spirit rings of the Shrek Seven Monsters, Chao Tianxiang immediately said in surprise: "This! How is it possible!" Especially Chao Tianxiang felt very unreal after seeing the three spirit rings on Dai Mubai.

Now in the whole scene, only Yu Tianxing and Shui Bing'er did not show their soul rings, because they were afraid of scaring them.It's just that Yu Tianxing was also surprised when he saw that Tang San and Xiao Wu only had two spirit rings. According to Yu Tianxing's estimation, Tang San and Xiao Wu should have broken through level [-] long ago. Didn't absorb the third spirit ring?

Chao Tianxiang knew that among the Shrek Seven Monsters, Dai Mubai, who was the most powerful and the oldest, was younger than Meng Yiran, let alone the rest.

Chao Tianxiang knew that the Seven Shrek Monsters were all favored by heaven, and their future was limitless.And Meng Yiran was even more stunned.

Chao Tianxiang asked Zhao Wuji: "Brother Zhao, do you have any students who broke through level [-]?"

Zhao Wuji immediately said with a smile on his face: "To be honest, elder sister Chao, some of these ineffective children did break through the thirtieth level, but the cultivation talent of the children is really poor. At present, except for one, only one of the remaining six Three broke through level [-]."

What Zhao Wuji was talking about was naturally Tang San Xiaowu and Oscar.

Sure enough, Chao Tianxiang's expression changed immediately after hearing Zhao Wuji's words, and then she said in shock: "Three!"

At this time, Yu Tianxing had brought Shui Bing'er to a big tree and leaned against the trunk. Yu Tianxing also took out two packs of snacks, and then ate a bag of Shui Bing'er by himself.It's obviously a mode of watching a show.

After seeing the appearance of Yu Tianxing and Shui Bing'er, Zhao Wuji said angrily: "Hey, I said you two little dolls, even if it's not about your business, you can't be so unscrupulous."

And Yu Tianxing ignored Zhao Wuji, but stretched out his hand and said: "It's okay, just pretend that we don't exist, you continue."

Chao Tianxiang was also angry when she saw Yu Tianxing's appearance, but she still turned her head and said to Zhao Wuji: "Brother Zhao, since both of us need this cockscomb snake, then follow the rules of the world of soul masters." Bar."

The rules of the soul master world are that the fist is the truth, but it is really civilized, that is, when two people fight each other, whoever wins the soul beast will own it.

But Zhao Wuji shook his head and said: "Maybe not."

Chao Tianxiang immediately said after hearing Zhao Wuji's words: "Brother Zhao, I have given you enough face, and I have also made the last concession, what do you want, even though this cockscomb snake is the little blonde The baby noticed it first, but if it wasn't for my last blow, he might not even have seen the snake's tail."

Zhao Wuji said: "Miss Chao, you misunderstood, it's not that I disagree, and there's nothing I can do about it, because my student is a food-type soul master."

"What! Food-type soul master!" Chao Tianxiang said in shock.And the dream on the side was equally shocked.

Food-type soul masters have no fighting power, so they really can't fight Meng Yiran.

Chao Tianxiang was in trouble at this time.At the same time, after she knew about Oscar's talent, she even wanted to recruit Oscar into her family.After all, a food-type soul master is very useful to Meng Yiran, and food-type soul masters are very rare in Douluo Continent.

At this time, Tang San walked out and said: "Mr. Zhao, why don't you let me take Oscar's place in the battle. I'm also level [-], and I haven't obtained the third spirit ring yet, shouldn't it be considered an advantage?"

Seeing Tang San standing up, Zhao Wuji couldn't help showing admiration in his eyes, and said to Chao Tianxiang: "Senior, what do you think? My disciple is a battle soul master, and can meet the requirements of the first battle. He will represent Oscar in the battle. If he loses, this thousand-year-old cockscomb snake is yours, senior, otherwise, please forgive me."

Chao Tianxiang was very surprised after seeing Tang San, because Tang San was younger than Oscar, but he had broken through level [-].

And when Zhao Wuji said this to Chao Tianxiang, it was on the other hand that Shrek and the others felt a little awkward, because they knew very well that although Tang San hadn't absorbed the third spirit ring, it had been a long time since he broke through level [-]. Meng Yiran's breakthrough was much earlier, so the soul power reserve must be more than Meng Yiran's.

Chao Tianxiang looked at her granddaughter, Meng Yiran nodded, and then Chao Tianxiang said, "Okay."

And Tang San came out after Chao Tianxiang finished speaking, Oscar said to Tang San: "Little San, good brother."

Tang San said to Oscar: "Don't worry, this spirit ring must be yours."

Yu Tianxing on the side said to Tang San after hearing what he said: "Little San, be careful."

Tang San nodded to Yu Tianxing, and said: "It's been so long, I'm very curious about how strong you are, Brother Xing, I really want to see it."

Yu Tianxing smiled and said, "Don't worry, you'll see it in a while."

Tang San nodded, and then said to Meng Yiran: "Tang San, the Martial Soul Blue Silver Grass, the thirtieth-level second-ring battle spirit master."

Meng still said coldly: "Meng still, Wuhun snake stick, thirtieth second-ring battle spirit master."

Tang San said: "Please."

Meng Yiran rushed towards Tang San immediately after hearing Tang San's words, and at the same time smashed the snake stick in his hand towards Tang San's head.

Tang San immediately used the Shadow Bewildering Trace and began to retreat, and at the same time the Blue Silver Grass in his hand used the entanglement spirit ability to wrap around Meng Yiran's body.

Seeing that he had succeeded in attacking, Tang San smiled slightly, after all the blue silver grass is poisonous now, so he thought the outcome was settled.

But then Tang San was surprised, because not only did the toxin of the blue silver grass have no effect on Meng Yiran, the poisonous thorns on the blue silver grass couldn't even stay on Meng Yiran.Meng Yiran's body became very smooth.

But Meng Yiran's clothes did not have this effect, so under the attack of the Blue Silver Grass, Meng Yiran's clothes began to shatter, and some parts even disappeared.

 Kneeling for a recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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