Chapter 155 Life
Yu Tianxing asked Bai Liang at this time: "Bai Dashu, which country is closer to you?"

Bai Liang said with a smile: "In terms of proximity, our place is between the Storm Kingdom and the Snow God Kingdom. It is a little closer to the Snow God Kingdom, but the distance is difficult. Basically, they are all mountains, and the only way to go is by water. It is also the period when the water level is dry, and you have to wait for a long time. Our river is called the Wise Man River. It is said that it was named in memory of a powerful god and the wise man around him. It is just the name of this wise man. But don't know."

After hearing Bai Liang's words, Yu Tianxing nodded, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief, proving that he was not too far away from the Snow God Kingdom, as long as he found out where he was, he could go back, but now he couldn't leave immediately. Wait until his injury recovers.

Bai Ling asked Yu Tianxing at this time: "Big brother, why did you suffer such a serious injury? It must be very painful."

Yu Tianxing smiled and said to Bai Ling: "Yes, it hurts, but the big brother is doing this for his own life."

At this time, Bailiang suddenly said to Yu Tianxing: "Xiao Xing, are you a soul master?"

Yu Tianxing glanced at Bai Liang, and then said, "Yes."

Bai Liang immediately said excitedly: "You are indeed a noble soul master!"

Seeing Bai Liang's excited look, Yu Tianxing asked suspiciously: "Uncle Bai, haven't you met a soul master?"

Bai Liang sighed and said: "I saw it once when I was young, but I haven't seen it until now. We don't have a Wuhun Temple here, so the children in the village are ordinary people, even when they are six years old. , and there is no soul master to awaken the martial soul for them, Bai Ling is already five years old, and will be six years old in half a year, but even so, if there is no accident, there may be no soul master to awaken the martial soul for her."

Hearing this, Yu Tianxing nodded suddenly, and then he said to Bai Liang: "Uncle Bai, when my injury is healed, I will awaken the martial soul for Bai Ling."

Bai Liang said excitedly after hearing Yu Tianxing's words: "Really?"

Yu Tianxing nodded, and Bai Liang said at this time: "Xiao Xing, I have a heartless request, can you awaken the martial soul for other people in our village?"

Yu Tianxing smiled and said: "No problem, as long as conditions permit, I can awaken their martial souls for them after my injuries are healed."

Bai Liang was immediately excited when he heard Yu Tianxing's guarantee, and he said to Yu Tianxing: "Little Xing, you are really a great benefactor in our village. To be honest, there have been no soul masters in our village for decades. And because the village is closed, it is not recognized by the outside world. We have been living peacefully like this, but this is not a solution. After all, if the village is threatened one day, we can only be slaughtered by others, Xiao Xing, you What a great favor God of Thunder has bestowed on us."


Yu Tianxing heard Bai Liang say Thor, so he asked suspiciously: "What is Thor?"

Bai Liang said: "Thunder God is a very powerful god. According to legend, he lives in the far north, and beside him is a very powerful wise man. Our wise man river is named after him. Thor God It is also the belief of everyone in our village."

After hearing Bai Liang's words, Yu Tianxing was even more puzzled, because he knew that Douluo Continent had gods, or god-level soul masters, but this was the first time he saw him in such a closed and remote mountain village. There is actually a village that believes in God so much, and it is a Thor that has never been heard of.

In the next few days, most of Bai Ling took care of Yu Tianxing, and after a few days of recuperation, Yu Tianxing was finally able to get out of bed and walk around.

Yu Tianxing walked out of the house for the first time, and his eyes lit up immediately after seeing the scenery outside.

This is indeed a rare paradise.Bai Ling said to Yu Tianxing at this time: "Brother Yuxing, can I take you to my family's vineyard?"

Yu Tianxing nodded with a smile, and followed Bai Ling to the outside.

The village where Bailing and the others are located has no name, or it used to have a name, but as time went by, it was forgotten by many people, and finally became the current nameless village.

This unnamed village is very strange, and the environment is also very good. In a deep canyon, there are yellow mountains similar to the Loess Plateau on both sides. There is no vegetation on the mountain, and it looks a bit desolate.

But in the valley, it is covered with green grass, because a river about [-] meters wide passes through the village. There are characteristic adobe houses on both sides of the river, and the roof is made of a green plant with large leaves. , Most of these houses are still hidden in the woods, and it is basically difficult to see the houses from the outside.

Yu Tianxing was very surprised while admiring the surrounding scenery on the road, because the location of this village is considered to be relatively high above sea level, and its orientation is also the northernmost. Most people grow fruits, and there are many fruits that even Yu Tianxing has never seen.

The main food of the people in Wuming Village is also a kind of plant. The fruit on the tree is a bit like a bread tree. If you pick the fruit from this tree and cook it at high temperature, it will be like steamed buns. When it is ground into powder, it will look like flour and can be used for any pastry food.Moreover, vegetables are grown here, there are fish and shrimps in the river, wild animals in the forest, and people in the village also domesticate animals, so the whole village can be said to be rich and completely self-sufficient.

Yu Tianxing followed Bai Ling to the vineyard, and then Bai Ling ran around happily.The vineyards here also surprised Yu Tianxing, because the size of the grapes is about half the size of an apple, and they taste very refreshing, some are very crisp, but the taste is just like the taste of grapes, which makes Yu Tianxing very happy. Novelty, there is also a kind of red grape, which is also very big, but just like traditional grapes, it has a lot of water.

After that, Yu Tianxing and Bai Ling came to the Zhizhe River. The water in the Zhizhe River was very calm, and there were many fish in it. Most of them were migratory fish. Some fish even jumped out of the water from time to time. A lot of people are fishing, and Yu Tianxing is very surprised by the way of fishing. People use nets to catch fish, and no one uses harpoons to fish here. After the fish are caught, the villagers first check , After discovering that the fish is a pregnant female, the fish's belly will be cut open, and the roe inside will be scattered into the river.

Bailing said: "These fish all come here to give birth, but it's strange that after giving birth, the mother fish will die, so the villagers catch the fish and eat them, but the roe inside You can't eat them, let them grow up."

After Yu Tianxing heard this, he suddenly realized that this should be a migratory fish similar to the salmon in the real world.The same is true for salmon, which, after laying eggs, die and become food for other wild animals.

Sure enough, Yu Tianxing also saw a lot of wild animals on the river bank, including bears, some birds, and even wolves, but it was strange that these animals did not attack people, but lived peacefully with humans.

(End of this chapter)

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