Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 170 The Changed Cornucopia of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 170 The Changed Cornucopia of Heaven and Earth
When Bai Liang heard Bai Ling's words, he immediately looked in the direction of the snow mountain. When he saw the colorful beams of light on the snow mountain, he actually shed tears of excitement.

Bai Liang murmured: "That's right, that's right, everyone, follow me to the bank of the Wise Man."

After Bai Liang finished speaking, he took the lead and ran towards the Zhizhe River, and the rest of the villagers followed behind Bai Liang.

After Bai Liang came to Zhizhi River, some villagers took out a blanket and spread it on the ground.

Bai Liang knelt on the blanket, facing the snow-capped mountain, kneeled three times and prostrated nine times, then looked in the direction of the snow-capped mountain without blinking.

At the same time, Xuehu and Dalong at the water outlet of the cornucopia of heaven and earth saw a thick and colorful energy column erupting suddenly from the center of the lake. The energy column directly broke through the clouds above, but immediately after, the clouds began to slowly recover , Gradually enveloped the cornucopia of heaven and earth again, and the colorful energy column lost its previous power. After failing to break through the clouds, it turned into colorful rainwater and fell back into the lake again.

Xuehu immediately said: "Dalong, it's now!"

Dalong nodded immediately, and then he and Xuehuli used their strongest attack moves together, and then there was a bang.

The boulder blocking the water outlet immediately exploded into a large number of fist-sized fragments.

The boulder was gone, and a large amount of lake water began to flow down the mountain along the position of the boulder, and the water flow was very fast. After a while, a waterfall with a length of three to four meters was formed. The entire waterfall was nearly ten meters high. The water of the waterfall fell on the In a place on the snowy mountainside, a water mist surged into a reservoir, and then the water in the reservoir gradually overflowed, forming a waterfall with a diameter of about five meters. The water of the waterfall directly followed the original old The river flows into the River of the Wise.

In this way, on the mountainside between the Zhizhe River and the cornucopia of heaven and earth, there appeared two white waterfalls like the Milky Way, like two steps, the upper one was smaller and the lower one was larger.

However, because the lake has been closed for a long time and has accumulated a large amount of water, it is now like a dam full of water, causing the source and waterfall of the entire Zhizhi River to form a torrent.

The huge water rushes along the Zhizhi River to the nameless village at the foot of the snow mountain.

The villagers of Wuming Village by the Zhizhe River did not leave, they knelt devoutly by the side of the Zhizhe River, and Bai Liang was at the front of the team.

At this time, a sudden hee hee Suo Shuo sound appeared in the ears of all the unknown villages. Everyone looked in the direction, and it turned out to be the source of the Zhizhe River.

And Bai Liang stood up at this time, his eyes fixed on the source of the Zhizhi River, until Bai Liang heard the original chattering sound turned into the rushing sound of water.

A huge wave of water rushed down the River of the Wise.Seeing this situation, Bai Liang immediately seemed to have returned to his youth. Holding his octogenarian body, he started cheering, and even twisted his body from time to time.

All the villagers cheered after seeing this situation, and even started singing and dancing.

Gradually, after the huge water wave passed, the water level of the Zhizhi River did not show any downward trend, but the water flow gradually became gentle.In the end, even the fish in the river seemed to feel the joy, and jumped out of the water one after another, and some even jumped directly to the new river bank, but the villagers didn't want to kill them, but put the fish back into the river .

Bai Liang and Bai Shu were also very excited at this time, and the two children also jumped up and down and said, "Teacher has succeeded! Teacher has succeeded!"

Bai Liang looked at the Zhizhe River at this time. At this time, the width of the Zhizhe River has doubled. Although some crops have been flooded, but not many. After all, the place where these crops are located is the river bed and river bank, so the most unnamed villages are here. Trees are planted to prevent soil erosion, but not many crops are planted.

Looking at the Zhizhe River, Bai Liang's tears flowed slowly, because the current Zhizhe River is what he imagined the Zhizhe River should look like decades ago. He still remembers playing on the side of the Zhizhe River when he was young , took his own children to play, but then the water in the Zhizhi River gradually became scarce, and even caused a crisis in the entire village.Even the generation of my own grandchildren can vaguely feel what Zhizhehe looked like in the past only in the stories told by the older generation.

Now, in Bai Liang's eyes, the wise river from decades ago has finally returned.

At this time, Bai Liang knelt on the ground again, and then he knelt in the direction of the snow mountain. This time he didn't kneel to Thor, but to Yutianxing.

At this time on the snow mountain, Xuehu and Fanhaishenjiao were stunned. When they saw the lake in front of them, Xuehu said in a daze: "It's so beautiful!"

Dalong also said: "So this is what this place really looks like!"

At this time, the water level of the cornucopia of heaven and earth has dropped a lot, but the water volume is still abundant, and the current lake water can be said to have changed a lot.

The lake water in Cornucopia of Heaven and Earth is very clear, so after the water level dropped, the colorful pattern that Yu Tianxing saw at the bottom of the lake appeared on the lake, or the pattern itself was still at the bottom of the lake, just because the water was so clear and refracted. The principle, now this pattern seems to cover the entire lake, dividing the entire lake into six parts, among which the five colors of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth form a circle, and then converge toward the middle, and the middle of the pattern is a purple The blue circle is also the spring of the lake.

And such a scene is the true appearance of the cornucopia of heaven and earth.

At this time, Xuehu and Dalong suddenly heard the sound of roaring water, and then an eight-meter-long golden dragon jumped out of the water, and then, a group of dragons formed in the sky, and Yutianxing was standing on the ground of the dragon. on the head.

Yu Tianxing standing on Ao Bing's head looked at the appearance of the cornucopia of heaven and earth at this time, and then nodded. This is the cornucopia of heaven and earth in his mind.

The multicolored light forms a pattern like a matrix, and it will not dissipate.

Yu Tianxing then saw the edge of the lake, because the water level dropped, a large number of rock ledges and rock walls were exposed, forming a huge vacuum zone between the lake water and the growing herbs.

But Yu Tianxing is not worried, because herbs and spiritual plants will grow in the latter place.It's just that it is dominated by the five elements, because the cornucopia of heaven and earth is still dominated by the five elements, followed by thunder.Therefore, a large number of plants with individual elements will grow in the position corresponding to this multicolored pattern.For example, a place close to the fire element will grow a lot of fire element plants, and a place close to the water element will grow water element plants.

It is precisely because of this place that one side of mountains and rivers supports one side of people, so Yu Tianxing now also knows the characteristics of those children who have awakened Wuhun in Wuming Village.

Most of the martial souls awakened by the children in Wuming Village belong to the five element elements, just like the martial souls of Bai Shu and Bai Ling belong to the wood element.No matter what kind of martial spirit, the children of Wuming Village can't get rid of gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Of course, a small number of them also have the element of thunder.

And it is this cornucopia of heaven and earth that makes the children of Wuming Village awaken such martial spirits, because this is exactly a kind of paradise with five elements as its main characteristics.

(End of this chapter)

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