Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 174 The Decision of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect

Chapter 174 The Decision of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect
After reading Yu Tianxing's letter, Ning Yueshu immediately cried and said to Yu Xuanhao, "Little Xing is still alive! Little Xing is still alive!"

Yu Xuanhao said in shock: "I didn't expect there to be such a place in the world. Xiao Xing actually made friends with a 10-year-old soul beast, and it's also the legendary sea-turning dragon!"

"Hahahaha! My good grandson! Sure enough, he did not disappoint us. Not only his own cultivation has reached the soul emperor, but he can also kill a soul saint. Who else in the world can do like him? It's time for my Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to rise up!" Yu Yuanzhen said suddenly at this moment.

Yu Xuanhao said to Yu Yuanzhen: "Father, Xiaoxing can be said to be our future. It seems that we need to send Shadow Dragon Guards to protect him. After all, what happened this time is too dangerous."

Yu Yuanzhen also nodded, and said, "Xuan Hao, you are currently managing the Shadow Dragon Guard, what do you think should be done?"

The Shadow Dragon Guard is Yu Yuanzhen's trump card, so after Yu Tianxing's reminder, the Shadow Dragon Guard has been secretly cultivated outside the sect, and the manager is still Yu Xuanhao. The entire sect knows that the Shadow Dragon Guard exists. There was only Yu Yuanzhen, Yu Xuanhao and his wife, and Yu Tianxing, and even Yu Tianheng didn't know about it.Because the Shadow Dragon Guard was founded at the recommendation of Yu Tianxing by Yu Yuanzhen, so basically Yu Tianxing was the designer of the Shadow Dragon Guard and was very familiar with the Shadow Dragon Guard.

Yu Xuanhao said: "Father, let Ao Long and Ao Hua go, you don't need to let Xiao Xing know, let the two of them secretly protect Xiao Xing."

Ao Long is another important person in the Shadow Dragon Guard besides Yu Xuanhao. He can be regarded as the deputy commander in the Shadow Dragon Guard, second only to Yu Xuanhao, and his strength has reached level 86.Ao Hua is also a Contra, and a woman, and Ao Long is husband and wife.

Yu Yuanzhen nodded after hearing what his son said, and said: "At present, the strength of Aolong and his young couple still has a great effect on Xiaoxing, so I will do as you said. What you said to Xiaoxing What about that unnamed village?"

Yu Xuanhao said: "If Wuming Village is really what Xiaoxing said, then no matter whether it is the blessed land there or the children in Wuming Village who have awakened their martial souls, they cannot be given up. We need to find souls for those children. ring, and then recruit them and teach them how to practice."

Ning Yueshu said at this time: "Why don't you send them to Thunder Academy?"

After hearing what his daughter-in-law said, Yu Yuanzhen shook his head and said: "No, Wuming Village must be cultivated secretly, and there are mixed fish and dragons in the Thunder Academy. You don't know that we are gradually losing control of the Thunder Kingdom now, and the Wuhun Palace has a great influence on the Thunder Academy. There is also more and more attention. Wuhun City has sent many men to many kingdoms. These people use the excuse of improving the prestige of Wuhun Palace, but in fact most of them are going deep into the country's management, so when necessary we We must prepare for the worst, and even give up the Thunder Kingdom."

After hearing Yu Yuanzhen's words, Yu Xuanhao and Ning Yueshu said in shock, "What is Wuhun Palace doing?"

Yu Yuanzhen said with a serious face: "Xiao Xing said at the beginning that Wuhundian's ambitions are so great that many people can't imagine it. He even thinks that Wuhundian wants to unify the entire Douluo Continent."

Yu Xuanhao and Ning Yueshu were shocked when they heard Yu Yuanzhen's words. They really couldn't imagine how the Wuhun Palace's ambitions could be so big, it was completely unreal.

The Douluo Continent is a mixture of fish and dragons. Not only are there two great empires forming a tripartite confrontation with Wuhundian, but there are also dozens of affiliated kingdoms around it, plus many sect forces. How can Wuhundian have such a big appetite?

Yu Yuanzhen said: "It is better to believe what is there than to believe what is not. This is what I learned from Xiaoxing, and many things that Xiaoxing expected at the beginning are correct, such as the traitor in the sect, these ten In the past few years, I have eliminated a large number of traitors in the sect, the number is large enough to be described as terror, so we have to guard against it."

Because of Yu Tianxing's reminder, Yu Yuanzhen is not as conceited as in the original book. After all, conceit and sometimes self-confidence stem from ignorance. Abandoning the previous conceit and self-confidence, even the development of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has been cautious and cautious in the past few years.

Yu Yuanzhen said to Yu Xuanhao: "Xuanhao, I will leave the Shadow Dragon Guard to you. The nameless village that Xiaoxing mentioned is very hidden, otherwise we would not have been able to find Xiaoxing at the beginning, and even this place might not be there. It is even more hidden than the current base of the Shadow Dragon Guard, so you and Yue Shu are responsible for moving the base of the Shadow Dragon Guard to Wuming Village and the foot of the snow mountain, but don't go to the top of the snow mountain. Although Sea God Jiao and Xiao Xing have become friends, soul beasts hate humans after all, this is the same, so we should try not to disturb others, find a hidden place at the foot of the snow mountain, and then establish the base of Shadow Dragon Guard, Wuming Village Establish a contact station there, Xiao Xing said, there is only one way to get out of Wuming Village, and that is to follow a river inside, so the geographical environment should be a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

Upon hearing this, Yu Xuanhao nodded immediately and said, "Father, leave this to me."

Yu Yuanzhen nodded after hearing Yu Xuanhao's words, and motioned for them to leave.

After Yu Xuanhao and Ning Yueshu left, Yu Yuanzhen sighed, because at this time, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was not having a good time. Although it was ranked among the top three sects, there was only Yu Yuanzhen in the sect with the title Douluo , the most important thing is that Yu Yuanzhen also feels old.

At the beginning, Yu Yuanzhen eliminated a large number of traitors by virtue of his influence in the sect, but the sect seemed a little depressed now, but Yu Yuanzhen did not regret it.

Yu Yuanzhen also wanted to protect Yu Xuanhao and Ning Yueshu when they were sent to Wuming Village. If there was a crisis in the sect, he could also protect Yu Xuanhao and the others, and Yu Tianxing was outside, and no one knew about it. Tianheng is also outside, and there is the old man Poison Douluo by his side.

And Yu Yuanzhen had already decided that if something happened to his sect, he, the only titled Douluo of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, would definitely bear the brunt of it.So Yu Yuanzhen has decided to hand over the future of the sect to the younger generations, and he will protect the younger generations.

Yu Yuanzhen took out a note, which was in Yu Tianxing's envelope before, but Yu Yuanzhen didn't let anyone read it, but took it out of the envelope when he was reading the letter.

Yu Yuanzhen opened the note, and there were only four words on it, which were Yu Tianxing's opinion on the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

Break and stand.

After seeing these four words, Yu Yuanzhen hesitated for a moment, and then gradually became firm.

(End of this chapter)

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