Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 180 Snow Cicada

Chapter 180 Snow Cicada
Yu Tianxing took the item from Xuehu. It was a jade pendant, like a handle, made of milky white jade, shaped like a fox lying down and sleeping.

Yu Tianxing took this thing to look at it twice, and then said to Xuehu: "This thing should be very important to you, right?"

Xuehu didn't speak, just looked at Yu Tianxing and nodded.

Yu Tianxing said, "Does it have a name?"

Snow Fox shook his head.

Yu Tianxing looked at the jade handle in his hand, and said: "From now on, it will be called the soul of the fox."

"Soul of the Fox?" Xuehu's eyes gradually brightened after hearing Yu Tianxing's words, and then said: "Okay, it will be called Soul of the Fox from now on. It's lost."

Yu Tianxing saw the serious expression on Xuehu's face when he said this, then nodded and said: "Okay, even if I lose it, I won't lose it."

Although Xuehu's identity is mysterious, it is undeniable that she did save Yu Tianxing's life, and now she is giving this thing to him. Yu Tianxing can feel that the soul of the fox should be very important to Xuehu.So no matter what, Xuehu was kind to him, and it was impossible for Yu Tianxing to ignore his benefactor's entrustment.

After hearing Yu Tianxing's words, Xuehu nodded with a smile, and said, "I want to go."

Yu Tianxing asked Xuehu, "Where are you going?"

Xuehu said with a smile: "Lei Bingshan, I will wait for you there."

"Lei Bingshan!" After hearing Xuehu's words, Yu Tianxing immediately wanted to ask Xuehu where Lei Bingshan was, but Xuehu didn't give him a chance to ask the question, so he turned around and left quickly. Within a day, Xuehu left Yu Tianxing's sight.

After seeing Xuehu leaving, Yu Tianxing glanced at the fox soul in his hand, then looked at the direction Xuehu left and said, "What kind of place is Lei Bingshan? Forget it, anyway, I have to go sooner or later." One trip."

After Yu Tianxing finished speaking, he returned to his tent.

And on the hillside not far from where Yu Tianxing and the others camped, two people appeared, a man and a woman.The woman said to the man: "Ao Long, what is the identity of the person who is with the second young master? I feel that the other party is very mysterious."

It turned out that the two of them were members of the Shadow Dragon Guard, and the man among them was Ao Long, who was second only to Yu Xuanhao in the Shadow Dragon Guard.The woman next to Ao Long is Ao Hua, they are husband and wife, and besides Yu Xuanhao, the two most powerful members of Shadow Dragon Guard, both of them have the strength of Contra.

Ao Long looked at the place where Yutianxing was camping and said: "No matter who the other party is, it seems that there is no malice towards the second young master, but I don't know what they said between them, and I observed that girl, it seems that there is something wrong with her. An aura different from that of humans."

After hearing Ao Long's words, Ao Hua said in surprise: "You mean the other party is a soul beast, how is that possible, the human-shaped soul beast is 10 years old."

Both of them are Soul Douluo, so they can basically feel the characteristics of Xuehu that are different from humans, but they are not Titled Douluo after all, and they just wanted to prevent Yu Tianxing and Xuehu from discovering, so The hiding place is also far away.If it was Title Douluo, then Xuehu's body would definitely be recognized at a glance.

Ao Long said at this time: "I just feel it, and it may not be true. It seems that our second young master does have his special adventure. We should not disturb him. The suzerain once explained that unless the second young master The Lord's life is in danger, otherwise we will never be able to help him. So let the second young master choose his own path."

Because Yu Tianxing is a direct descendant in the Landian Overlord Sect, people in the sect always use the title of young master, but there is a Yu Tianheng on top of Yutian star, so the people in the sect call Yu Tianheng the young master. Master, address Yu Tianxing as the second young master, and Yu Xuanhao, address him as the young suzerain.

The next day, Yu Tianxing and the others packed up their things, and then continued to look for suitable soul beasts for Shui Binger and Shen Liuyu.

In the afternoon, Yu Tianxing and the others came to a snow forest.Then everyone heard a piercing cry.

This cry was so loud that Yu Tianxing frowned when he heard it, because this kind of cry was a bit like a mental attack, which could make people have a splitting headache.

Shui Yue'er, who was the weakest in the team, said in pain at this time: "This voice is so uncomfortable, I feel like my head hurts."

Yu Tianxing said at this time: "Everyone, be careful, we have encountered Xuechan. You have something soft in your hands that can block your ears."

Shui Bing'er asked from the side: "Brother Yuxing, what kind of soul beast is Xuechan?"

Yu Tianxing explained while walking: "Snow cicada is a very rare soul beast in the extreme north. Most of the general cicada-like soul beasts are in the Star Dou Forest or Sunset Forest. Because most of the cicada-like soul beasts They all like a hot and humid environment, and the snow cicada is the only cicada that lives in the extreme north. It has a unique attack method. There are two attack methods of the snow cicada: one is ice and snow attack, and the other is mental attack. , similar to a sonic attack. Snow Chan has a very peculiar characteristic, that is, this soul beast has two forms, one is the growth stage, and the other is the mature stage.

The snow cicadas in the growth stage are snow cicada pupae, which are also a kind of soul beast. They live underground, can attack by ice and snow, and are also group soul beasts.But after the age of the Xuechan chrysalis is more than a thousand years old, it will enter the mature stage. At that time, it will become a Xuechan, possessing the ability to fly, and will also add a second attack method.What's even more strange is that the mature Xuechan is no longer a herd soul beast, but has become a lone ranger one by one.Looking at this snow cicada, even Shui Yue'er feels a headache. It seems that the age should not be low, everyone should be careful.Although it seems that there is only one snow cicada here, there are not enough snow cicada pupae around it. Although it will not exceed a thousand years, there are a lot of them, so everyone should observe the situation on the ground from time to time. "

Shui Binger and the others cheered up immediately after hearing Yu Tianxing's words, and at the same time one by one began to stuff some cloth or cotton into their ears.Although this will affect the communication between the teams, Xuechan spends most of her time in the trees, and there is a lot of movement when flying, so everyone will not be greatly affected.

Ao Long and Ao Hua, who were hiding in the dark at this time, were very surprised when they heard Yu Tianxing's introduction to Xuechan. Ao Hua said, "I never thought that the second young master would be so knowledgeable."

Ao Long said: "I heard that the second young master studied with Yu Xiaogang for several years, it should be at that time. Yu Xiaogang's master name is not for nothing."

Ao Hua also nodded after hearing Ao Long's words.

After Yu Tianxing and the others walked carefully for a while, they finally met Xuechan's figure.

(End of this chapter)

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