Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 183 Author's Chapter

Chapter 183 Author's Words

I am very sorry during this time, because the author’s body, the number of words that has been updated is very unstable, but the author has really worked hard. Even the chapter just now was coded out by the author in the hospital with his mobile phone. Today, the author did a checkup. As a result, the result of the normal examination was that the previous cold and heat alternated, and the author had a relatively serious cold.Nucleic acid testing was also carried out, but because the results of nucleic acid testing can take up to six hours at the fastest, so the author is now in the hospital, and at the same time waiting for the results very anxiously, bless yourself.

During this period of time, the author dare not read the comments. I haven’t read them for almost half a month, so I have never answered the questions in the comment area. It’s not that I don’t want to, but I dare not. I hope everyone can understand. The author will definitely fulfill what he promised everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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