Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 26 Martial Soul Fusion Skill

Chapter 26 Martial Soul Fusion Skill
After seeing Yu Tianxing and Shui Bing'er vomiting blood, the leading brother immediately howled excitedly, and then rushed towards them, and at the same time, its hand became a wolf's claw.

Yu Tianxing got up quickly, and then used her second soul skill.With the blessing of this dragon transformation, the power of the second soul ability has increased by [-]%.

The ball lightning directly hit the leader's body, and with a bang, the leader was thrown flying.

After being attacked by Yu Tianxing, the leading brother spat out a mouthful of blood.But then rushed towards Yu Tianxing again.

Yu Tianxing saw that although the other party vomited a mouthful of blood, he immediately became lively again.So he turned around and shouted at Shui Binger: "Go!!"

But Shui Bing'er didn't listen to him.Instead, he displayed his first soul skill, Frozen!
The leading brother was immediately frozen in a small iceberg.But the leading brother did not sit still, but kept attacking inside the iceberg. After he could move freely, he began to attack the inner wall of the iceberg, hoping to escape.The iceberg also slowly appeared the slightest crack.

At this time, Yu Tianxing was very surprised after seeing Shui Binger's soul ability, because this is Shui Binger's first soul ability, and her soul power is only level seventeen.The opponent has now reached the strength of the Soul Sect.But even so, it can trap the opponent, even if it cannot be completely frozen, it is still very powerful.

Yu Tianxing didn't expect Shui Binger's soul skills to be so powerful, and Shui Bing'er came to him at this time and said: "Let's go quickly, my soul skills won't trap him for long."

Yu Tianxing nodded, and then followed Shui Binger and ran away into the distance.


Before Yu Tianxing and the others ran two steps, Shui Binger's iceberg was broken by the leading brother.Then he rushed towards them again.

Yu Tianxing's complexion changed, and then he once again displayed his first soul skill, Thunderbolt.

Ao Bing released a bolt of lightning at the leading brother.But those who were pushed by the opponent retreated steadily.After Yu Tianxing saw this situation, he immediately got up and used the strongest move of subduing the dragon's legs against the opponent, killing the dragon to seek the way.

After Yu Tianxing attacked the leading brother, the other party immediately let out a scream.And Yu Tianxing's face was happy, because since he was able to make the other party who had no feeling after being berserk screamed, it proved that the other party had really been seriously injured.

But immediately Yu Tianxing's face changed, because the leading brother cast the third soul skill on him at this time.No less than Soul Sect's strength, the third soul skill that was fully displayed directly sent Ao Bing and Yu Tianxing flying.

Shui Bing'er saw Yu Tianxing flying upside down and quickly stepped forward to catch him, but was also injured by the powerful impact and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The two fell to the ground. At this time, Yu Tianxing felt that he couldn't stand up anymore. He kept vomiting blood. There were two reasons, one was injured by the leader, and the other was that he used the Dragon Killer to seek Taoism. Was backlashed.

The move of killing the dragon and seeking the way is the most powerful move of subduing the dragon's legs, and Yu Tianxing's current strength cannot be used at all.There was no way to do it just now, so this trick was used, but now it has been backlashed.

"Brother Yuxing."

Shui Bing'er fell to the ground, calling Yu Tianxing's name in pain.

Yu Tianxing also said: "Bing'er."

Yu Tianxing stretched out her hand, and Shui Bing'er stretched out her hand too, and the two held their small hands tightly together.


At this time, the leading brother roared and rushed over again.Yu Tianxing looked at the other party and thought: "No way! I can't be killed like this. I still have to protect the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and I still have to see my parents and grandpa."

At this time, Shui Bing'er found that the hands she and Yu Tianxing held each other were glowing, and it was blue light.

Shui Bing'er was surprised and said to Yu Tianxing: "Brother Yuxing, look."

Yu Tianxing turned his head to look, and immediately said in shock: "What's going on? Could it be?"

But Yu Tianxing immediately said to Shui Bing'er: "Bing'er, let's use our soul skills together." Shui Bing'er nodded, and then the two stood up with difficulty, releasing their martial souls together, and destroying the soul skills in their bodies with all their strength. With his soul power, he attacked the leading brother.

Shui Binger's ice phoenix, Yu Tianxing's dragon Ao Bing.The two spirits actually leaned against each other, and then flew into the sky in a spiral shape.A large amount of ice mist also appeared around the two spirits.The ice fog enveloped both Ao Bing and Ice Phoenix.

Immediately afterwards, there was a resounding dragon roar, and a huge ten-meter-long ice dragon appeared in front of Yu Tianxing and Shui Bing'er.

Shenlong's entire body is made of blue solid ice, and there is an iceberg coiled around Shenlong's lower body.Thick lightning flashes around the entire iceberg.

"This! This is.!"

Shui Bing'er looked at the huge monster in front of her, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak.But Yu Tianxing said excitedly: "I guessed correctly! Bing'er! Let's command the ice dragon to attack the bad guys together!"

Shui Bing'er nodded, and then Yu Tianxing shouted to the leading brother rushing: "The ice dragon is coming out of the mountain!!"

Yu Tianxing and Shui Bing'er shook hands with each other, and with their other hands they slapped the leading brother together.

At this time, the ice dragon roared again, then broke away from the iceberg and flew towards the leading brother.The leading brother felt the boundless cold at this time, even his hair and eyebrows turned white, and finally he slowly settled in place, completely frozen.

And the ice dragon's attack also arrived, and the ice dragon directly sprayed a breath of cold air at the frozen leading brother.The leading brother turned into an ice sculpture miraculously, not frozen into an ice sculpture, but a real ice sculpture made of ice, even transparent.

At this time, the iceberg had already reached the top of the leading brother who had turned into an ice sculpture, and then smashed down with a bang.

It's not over yet.A large number of lightning flashes on the iceberg.Then it exploded with a bang.Eventually, all that was left on the ground was a mass of ice.But the leading brother had already been mixed into the ice and could not be found.

Seeing such a result, Yu Tianxing smiled immediately, but because of the excessive consumption of soul power, his face was extremely pale.


At this time, Shui Binger suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and then fell backwards.At the same time, the two held hands loosened.When the hands of the two were released, the ice dragon in the sky disappeared, leaving only the ice on the ground.

Yu Tianxing was shocked when she saw Shui Binger vomit blood, and quickly shouted: "Binger."

Before Shui Bing'er landed, Yu Tianxing hugged her in her arms.

Yu Tianxing immediately asked concerned: "Bing'er, how are you doing?"

Shui Bing'er said weakly: "Brother Yuxing, I'm fine, it's just that my soul power is exhausted."

Hearing that Shui Bing'er said that his soul power was overdrawn, Yu Tianxing felt relieved.At the same time also understand.It is precisely because the ice dragon out of the mountain that the two of them just performed consumes a lot of soul power, and Shui Bing'er is only a seventeenth-level soul master, and cannot support the soul power consumption of the ice dragon out of the mountain at all.So when the ice dragon came out of the mountain to display it, she couldn't hold it anymore.

Shui Bing'er still didn't understand at this time, so she asked Yu Tianxing: "Brother Yuxing, what happened to the iceberg just now? Why did your martial spirit turn into ice?"

Yu Tianxing explained: "It was our martial soul fusion technique just now, called Ice Dragon Coming Out of the Mountain. The dragon is because my martial soul is a dragon, and the ice mountain is the reason for you, Bing'er. It is also because of the use of martial arts. Soul fusion technique, you became like this."

Shui Bing'er suddenly understood after hearing Yu Tianxing's introduction.At this time, Shui Bing'er saw the dragon horn on Yu Tianxing's head.At this time, Yu Tianxing was still maintaining his dragon transformation, so the dragon horn on his head was still there, and his right hand also looked like a dragon claw.

Shui Bing'er was very curious when she saw the dragon horn on Yu Tianxing's forehead, so she raised her hand to touch it.

At this time, Yu Tianxing suddenly smiled and said to her: "Bing'er, my dragon horn is not easy to touch."

 Chapter 10!The author doesn't know how many words he has written. Each chapter is at least 3 words, and Chapter [-] is still [-] words, a total of ten chapters.Readers, do the math yourself, the author is exhausted anyway.As for the content of this book until now, I don’t know if readers are satisfied.Comments are welcome.

  Finally, for the sake of the author's hard work, please recommend and collect it.


(End of this chapter)

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