Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 85 Jin Peng's Revenge

Chapter 85 Jin Peng's Revenge
A few days later, everyone finally returned to Tianshui City.

After entering Tianshui City, Shui Yue'er and Yu Hairou were very excited.Only Yu Tianxing and Shui Binger's faces remained unchanged.

Teacher Xiao said to everyone at this time: "Okay, let's go back to the college and report to the principal what we experienced in the extreme north."

Shui Binger and the others immediately nodded, and Yu Tianxing said at this time: "Mr. Xiao, I'm going back first."

Teacher Xiao thought for a while, and then said: "Okay, you go back first, but if you come to the college tomorrow, maybe the principal will come to you for something."

Yu Tianxing nodded and said, "Okay."

After Yu Tianxing finished speaking, he turned and left.Shui Bing'er saw Yu Tianxing leaving, so she immediately called out, "Brother Yuxing."

Yu Tianxing turned around suspiciously, and then asked Shui Binger, "What's the matter, Binger?"

Shui Bing'er thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "It's okay."

In fact, when Shui Binger asked Yu Tianxing, she just wanted to ask him about his future cultivation and combat experience.After all, going to the extreme north this time can be said to be quite a blow to Shui Binger, and she is also the leader of the team, but she is not very competent.

Yu Tianxing smiled at Shui Bing'er, and then left.

After returning to the residence, Yu Tianxing practiced for a while to restore himself to his heyday, and then walked towards the Great Spirit Arena.

When he came to the Great Soul Arena, Yu Tianxing didn't fight immediately, but was attracted by a game.

Because one of the two people fighting is Jinpeng, and the other is a girl who looks about sixteen or seventeen years old, with fiery red hair, and the martial spirit on her body is very strange, it is a flame in the shape of a human.

Jin Peng said to his opponent: "Little girl, I lost last time, this time I want to get it back!"

Jin Peng's opponent is the most talented student of Blazing Academy and the number one beauty of Blazing Academy, Huo Wu.

Huo Wu said to Jin Peng: "Big Pig, since I can make you lose once, I can make you lose the second time."

As soon as Huo Wu finished speaking, she slapped Jin Peng. Huo Wu's martial spirit released a tongue of fire, and then burned towards Jin Peng.

Jin Peng didn't dodge or attack, but rushed forward to the right, not only getting closer to Huo Wu, but also perfectly avoiding Huo Wu's soul skill.

Huo Wu's face immediately changed, and Jin Peng turned around at this time, and while rushing towards Huo Wu, he said, "I won't be hit by the same move again."

Huo Wu retreated immediately, but Jin Peng's straight line sprint was his soul skill, and the speed was very fast.


When the two collided, Huo Wu staggered and almost fell backwards, but Huo Wu still relied on her own strength to stabilize her figure, but was always pushed back by Jin Pengding. Besides, Huo Wu also lost.

After Huo Wu saw this situation, she immediately got up and jumped over Jin Peng's head.

Jin Peng watched Huo Wu leaping over him, but he couldn't stop it now, because he was also tired by the inertia of his soul skills, and he could only control his body in the rest of the time, but he couldn't do anything to Huo Wu. any blocking.

Huo Wu still came behind Jin Peng, and Jin Peng finally stopped at a position half a meter away from the edge of the fighting spirit field, and then turned around to confront Huo Wu again.

"Huo Wu! Come on! Huo Wu! Come on!"

At this time, some people in the audience outside the venue began to cheer for Huowu.Yu Tianxing looked over and found that the other party was two men, one also had short red hair and looked somewhat similar to Huo Wu, and the other had gray-blue hair and a handsome face.

Huo Wu was a little out of breath at this time, he said to Jin Peng in surprise: "Why has your strength increased so much, has your soul power increased?"

Jin Peng said to Huo Wu: "Little girl, I won't hide it from you. During this period of time, my soul power has increased by one level, and it is now level 38."

Hearing Jin Peng's words, Yu Tianxing, who was sitting in the auditorium, was still very surprised. When he went to the extreme north, Jin Peng was only level 37, and he didn't look like he was going to break through. He actually increased by one level in the past two days soul power.

After Huo Wu heard Jin Peng's words, she immediately said in surprise: "Impossible, you just increased your soul power by one level. Although you are higher than me, you are only one level higher than me. How could your combat power have increased so much!"

Huo Wu's first-level soul power really shouldn't be so different, especially Huo Wu's combat power is not underestimated.

Jin Peng said: "It's thanks to the help of my young master who allowed me to watch him while he was cultivating. Now I am not what I used to be. Little girl, you can take over."

After Jin Peng finished speaking, he rushed towards Huo Wu directly, and at the same time, the purple soul ring on his body also lit up. Jin Peng's martial soul immediately howled excitedly, and then the two fangs in his mouth actually doubled in size.

Huo Wu didn't dare to be careless when she saw Jinpeng's soul ability, after all, they were also soul masters, and Jinpeng used the strongest soul ability.

Huo Wu also displayed her strongest soul skill. The flames burning on her martial soul seemed to be doused with gasoline, and began to burn violently. After that, Huo Wu's martial soul actually split into two.Then they attacked Jinpeng together.

After seeing Huo Wu's martial spirit, Yu Tianxing was very surprised that he actually had the function of a clone, and it seemed that the clone also had a lot of fighting power.

Huo Wu's martial soul is called Hokage, it is a typical fire element martial soul, and it can change any shape at will, and the Hokage clone just now is Huo Wu's third soul skill.

After seeing Huo Wu's attack method, Yu Tianxing knew that Huo Wu had lost.

Because Huo Wu actually let the two martial soul clones attack Jin Peng's soul skills at the same time, this simply increased the energy of the attack, nothing else.

If it was Yu Tianxing, maybe he would hide one of the Hokage clones, or behind him, after Jin Peng's attack arrived, he would let the clone attack when Jin Peng had no time to attack, which would be better.

Sure enough, after seeing Huo Wu's attack, Jin Peng didn't back down, but continued to charge towards Huo Wu.

When the two came into contact, Jin Peng immediately shouted: "Just wait for your move!"

Huo Wu's expression changed drastically immediately, and she said, "What!"

Jin Peng immediately raised his right hand, and then gave Huo Wu a palm, and to Yu Tianxing's surprise, Jin Peng's palm actually had the shadow of Kanglong Yougui in Jianglong Palm.

Yu Tianxing was taken aback when he saw Jin Peng's attack, but then he laughed.

Except for the basic cultivation of soul power, Yu Tianxing's martial arts cultivation is all in the wild, and Jin Peng has been following him all the time.So it seems that Jin Peng didn't simply follow Yu Tianxing to protect the Dharma, but when he relied on Yu Tianxing to practice martial arts, he also grew a lot.

If Jin Peng had talent, this palm might be derived into his self-created soul skill.

(End of this chapter)

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