Douluo's revival blue tyrant

Chapter 9 Yu Tianxing's Martial Soul, Golden Dragon!

Chapter 9 Yu Tianxing's Martial Soul, Golden Dragon!
After Ning Yueshu and Yu Xuanhao brought Yu Tianxing back to the residence, Yu Xuanhao said to Ning Yueshu: "Yueshu, take Xiaoxing back to the room to rest, when will the soul power be retested for Xiaoxing, when the time comes Wait for the notification. As for Xiaoxing, well, forget it, let’s leave it at that.”

At this time, Yu Xuanhao also believed that Yu Tianxing's martial soul was the same as what Yu Tianqi said, and it was a waste martial soul, so he didn't say anything.

Ning Yueshu nodded after hearing her husband's words, then took Yu Tianxing's hand and went back to the room.

When they came to Yu Tianxing's resting room, Ning Yueshu touched Yu Tianxing's small face and said, "Little Xing, it doesn't matter what your martial spirit is like, or whether you have soul power or not, as long as you know, no matter the result How, both father and mother love you."

Yu Tianxing said to Ning Yueshu at this time: "Mom, believe it or not, I can feel that my martial spirit is not simple, it is very powerful."

Ning Yueshu was very surprised when she heard Yu Tianxing's words, and asked, "Oh? How did you feel it, Xiaoxing?"

Yu Tianxing explained: "When testing the soul power just now, it wasn't that there was an accident with the crystal ball, but because the crystal ball couldn't bear the soul power in my body. Uncle told me before that a person's innate soul power is related to martial arts. The strength of the soul is closely related, so I think my martial soul is definitely not a waste martial soul."

Yu Tianxing was very serious when she said this, but Ning Yueshu was already stunned.Because she knew that the crystal ball used to test the soul power today is indeed limited by the level of soul power.Because it is used by six-year-old children to awaken their martial souls, the soul power that the crystal ball can withstand is no more than tenth level, which means they are born with full soul power.If it is high, the crystal ball will not be able to bear it, and it will start to shatter.

But this kind of situation has never happened. Although there have been cases where the crystal ball could not withstand the level of soul power and was broken, it was also the result of soul masters being careless when testing their soul power level.

Ning Yueshu had never heard of such a situation when testing innate soul power.

Ning Yueshu asked Yu Tianxing nervously: "Xiao Xing, is what you said true?"

Yu Tianxing nodded seriously.And Ning Yueshu smiled and stroked Yu Tianxing's head and said: "Our little star will definitely not be a waste martial soul, mother believes in you."

Yu Tianxing was expressionless and did not speak.He could tell that his mother didn't quite believe what he said.More just comfort.But Yu Tianxing also knew that all the results would not be confirmed until he had another soul power test.

Ning Yueshu left, and after she left, the first thing she did was to find Yu Xuanhao, and then repeated Yu Tianxing's words to Yu Xuanhao.

After hearing his wife's words, Yu Xuanhao was also shocked and asked: "Are you sure, Xiao Xing said so?"

Ning Yueshu nodded and said, "That's right."

After hearing what his wife said, Yu Xuanhao looked out of the room with a solemn expression.And Ning Yueshu said at this time: "It's just that what Xiaoxing said is completely based on Xiaogang's theory. If Xiaogang's theory is wrong, it is very likely that Xiaoxing's martial soul is really useless." Ning Yueshu sighed when she said this.

Yu Xuanhao said: "When Xiao Gang's research was just released a few years ago, it can be said that everyone was not optimistic about it, and they sneered at it. But after so many years of verification, in fact, in Xiao Gang's research, there is a small Part of it has been proven to be correct, but people on the mainland don’t admit it. But Xiaoxing told you whether the level of innate soul power is related to the strength of the martial soul. This is the first time I’ve heard it. And in my impression, Xiaogang never said such a thing. It may be because Xiaogang was depressed before, so he didn't want to tell others, but no matter what, Xiaoxing's soul power test has not yet got results. It’s hard to say, we’ll have to wait for Xiaoxing’s next test.”

Ning Yueshu also nodded after hearing her husband's words, and at the same time secretly prayed in her heart, hoping that what Yu Tianxing said was correct.

At this time, Yu Tianxing did not rest, but dismissed the surrounding attendants after Ning Yueshu left, and then after confirming that there was no one around.

Yu Tianxing secretly destroyed the internal force, that is, the soul power.His internal power and soul power are actually the same, this is the same as Tang San.

Immediately afterwards, the Martial Soul, which looked like a strip of meat before, appeared in Yu Tianxing's right hand again.

Yu Tianxing said to the martial soul in his hand: "I know, you must not be an ordinary martial soul, right? I can feel that you are definitely not an earthworm like what they said. Are you?"

Yu Tianxing's martial soul curled up in his palm at first, but after Yu Tianxing finished speaking, his martial soul seemed to have just woken up, and then God unfolded his body, and then formed an S shape Stand up like that.And it was still pointing in the direction of Yutianxing.

Seeing that his martial spirit was moving, Yu Tianxing put his hand in front of his face, and the distance was very close, so he looked carefully.

At this time, Yu Tianxing suddenly smiled and said: "Although I don't believe you are an earthworm, why do you look more and more like you now?"

But Yu Tianxing's martial soul seemed to have heard his words at this time, and began to twist his body in dissatisfaction.Seeing this, Yu Tianxing smiled again and said, "You don't want to listen anymore."

At this time, Yu Tianxing's Wuhun's head suddenly flashed a blue light. Yu Tianxing was very strange when he saw the blue light, so he moved his head very close to see what it was.

But just after Yu Tianxing leaned his head over, his martial soul suddenly emitted a blue light two fingers thick, and the blue light rushed towards Yu Tianxing's head!And the target was the birthmark on his forehead!

After the blue light touched Yu Tianxing's forehead, Yu Tianxing immediately stayed in place as if he had been electrocuted.But his thoughts are still there at this time, but his body is out of control, and he can't make a sound.

Blu-ray just became a medium connecting Yu Tianxing and his martial soul.

Meanwhile, the changes continue!
At this time, something slowly came out of Yu Tianxing's birthmark, and at the same time, the blue light was also disconnected from Yu Tianxing's forehead, but it was still connected to the thing that came out of Yu Tianxing's birthmark.

At this time, Yu Tianxing finally regained control over his body.After that, there was a moment of fear, because that feeling made Yu Tianxing very scared, and he also felt a little bit of danger.It seems that there is danger coming, but he can only watch and cannot avoid it physically.

Yu Tianxing looked at the thing coming out of his body, and then said in surprise: "It's actually my jade pendant!"

That's right, what came out of Yu Tianxing's forehead was nothing but the jade pendant that brought him to this world.

But Yu Tianxing didn't have time to think about it, his martial soul directly controlled the blue light and sucked the jade pendant, and then the jade pendant turned into a flash of light and entered the martial soul's head.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan couldn't understand.But at this time, his martial spirit actually began to change. First, the size of his body doubled, from the previous ten centimeters to more than 20 centimeters in length, and his body also became thicker.

Immediately afterwards, four protrusions appeared on Wuhun's abdomen, which gradually turned into claws.The body also begins to have tiny scales.

The most important thing is Wuhun's head. The changes are particularly obvious. First, the outline begins to slowly appear, and then a pair of antlers appear on the head.Then the head begins to evolve in the direction of the dragon's head.

After all the changes were completed, a golden dragon with a length of more than 20 centimeters and a pair of blue dragon horns appeared in Li Xuan's hand.

At this time, Yu Tianxing was stunned. Although he knew that his martial spirit was unusual, he was mentally prepared.But after actually seeing the appearance of his martial soul, he was still shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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