alien army

Chapter 352

Chapter 352

The night was as deep as water, and there was silence all around.

There are no birdsong, no insects, the forest is sleeping.

The moonlight passed through the treetops, casting mottled light in the forest.A small stream meanders out from the depths of the forest, and under the moonlight, there are dreamlike silver lights, as if flowing out of a dream.

It's just that the dream tonight was a nightmare from which the cat leader Dean could not wake up.

After checking the catman warrior's body, he hurried back to the forest.At that time, besides the shock, his heart was filled with joy and excitement.Because, in these two dead catman warriors, he seemed to have seen the legendary elven marksmanship of nine stars.

In the history of the cat people, there was a great patriarch who was highly respected by the people.Because of his appearance, the cat people who were originally weak in the jungle war gradually rose through many wars and became as powerful as the elves.However, in the battle to besiege the base camp of the elves, he was shot through nine hearts by the elf queen's nine-star continuous arrow technique, and died sadly without fulfilling his ambitions.The magical archery performed by the elf queen not only successfully shot and killed the patriarch of the cat people, but also made all the cat people see their doom - even if they have nine hearts, they cannot escape the clutches of the elves.Narrow and extreme, they overcame the cat people's inner fear of this magical archery. In the following long years, they fought endless battles with the elves.They not only want to avenge the dead patriarch, but also drive out the "natural enemies" in their own eyes.Strangely, in the ensuing years, this magical archery of the elves never appeared on the battlefield again.

Dean believed that the appearance of Jiuxing Lianzhu Archery here was due to the favor of fate for him.This enemy who can display the Nine-Star Lianzhu Archery must be an important figure of the elves.If he can successfully kill it, then this battle will establish his immortal status in the cat people, and he will even become the greatest patriarch in the history of the cat people.Dean even had a premonition that when he sent the dueling blood arrows at the elves, the elves' sharpshooter would definitely find him.Although he didn't have a way to break the Nine Stars Lianzhu Archery, but with the excellent equipment of the poisonous scorpion and a group of experienced men, he believed that he could defeat the opponent.

However, everything that happened on the battlefield ruthlessly shattered his dream.The elf master he imagined did not arrive as promised, what awaited him was a series of despicable attacks - just like a hunter catching prey, the enemy quietly hides in a corner of the jungle, every time he appears Take the life of one or several of his soldiers.From the enemy's attack to the present, more than 30 catmen soldiers under his command have died, but they don't even know how many enemies there are.

"How did this happen!" Dean looked at the stream shining with silver light not far away, his heart was full of anger and unwillingness.

The hunter suddenly became the prey, which was unacceptable to him.But the cold body of the dead catman and the faint smell of blood in the air reminded him constantly that this was the cruel reality on the battlefield.In Dean's memory, since the catman joined the Scorpion, he has experienced countless battles, but rarely suffered such a tragic loss.What he has to face is not only the monstrous anger of his master Arroyo, but also the severe punishment from the elders of the cat people.How can those old guys who protect their shortcomings bear him letting so many people sleep in foreign lands?

"Are you sure that the enemy disappeared into the stream?" Dean took a deep breath to calm himself down, then turned his head and asked the catman officer beside him.

"Yes, General. The enemy disappeared into the stream after the last attack." The officer replied tremblingly.Thinking of the nine feathered arrows stuck in the nine hearts of his companion, his stomach couldn't help convulsing.

"Did you ever go to the stream to check?"

"I took people there myself. The stream is three to four meters deep, and there are a lot of algae in the water, so I can't see the bottom of the water clearly. I dare not send people into the water to check."

Dean stared at him and sneered, "It's been an hour. Do you want to tell me that after the last attack, our enemies threw themselves into the water without your hands? Or, these elves have become A fish that can live in water?"

"No, General. I think they must still be in the water, waiting for the next opportunity to attack. These people have rich experience in jungle warfare. The groups of soldiers we were attacked before were all exposed because they were too careless during the lurking process. It was only when you were in your own position that you were attacked by the enemy. To be honest, after you frightened those elves away with blood arrows, no one thought that they would come again, and everyone relaxed their vigilance. At this point, I have an inescapable responsibility Responsibility." The officer replied in a low voice.

"Among them, is there anyone who knows the nine-star lianzhu archery of the elves?" Dean continued to ask.

"That's not clear. Everyone who encountered them died, and all of them were shot through the heart."

"Okay, let's wait. Send someone to report the situation here to General Arroyo." Dean said.

"Where are they?" Sitting on the top of a towering ancient tree, Hailun asked worriedly looking at the quiet stream.After the battle started, Liu Yun climbed up the big tree with her and watched the entire battlefield from the air, so as to rescue Ryan and others when they were in danger.

"It's probably addictive to play in the water! The dark night is easy to kill, and the muddy water is easy to fish!" Liu Yun laughed.

Hai Lun said angrily: "Are you a bit serious? It's been an hour, and your subordinates are gone, so you're not worried at all?"

"What's an hour! These bastards, I threw them into the stinky puddle for a long time during training!" Liu Yun said with a smile, "The catman soldiers were beaten by our attack. I guess their commanders are more We are still in a hurry. This is the time to compare our patience and will with our opponents!"

Hai Lun said: "But this stalemate is not a good thing for us. Neither you nor Black Eagle can delay the time."

Liu Yun sighed helplessly: "You are right, every minute and every second is extremely precious to us. Every bit of time passing may be at the cost of the lives of soldiers and civilians in Priseli City The enemy may have taken a fancy to this, and chose to ambush us at this time. Therefore, I have to fight them tonight, and I want to let this scorpion taste the taste of my own blood!"

"Ryan and the others are hiding in the water at this time, can they find the enemy?" Hailun asked.

"For elves such as Ryan who have lived in the forest for a long time, the forest has become a part of their body. When any foreign things break the peace of the forest, they can immediately perceive it. Moreover, they have a good Night vision, even in water, as long as the eyes are close to the water surface, you can see the scene on the shore."

"If the cat people have not acted, what will Ryan do?"

"They're waiting."

"Wait for what?"

"Moonlight." Liu Yun raised his finger and pointed to the sky.

The moonlight is like a demure girl, walking slowly in the forest, her steps are light and graceful.Wherever it goes, it leaves a clear glow.

When she came to a grass by the side of the stream, a faint light suddenly flickered in the grass.Although the light is very faint, it looks so dazzling in the forest at night.


Suddenly there was a clear sound of water in the creek, and several black figures burst out of the water.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!  …"

A rush of arrows piercing the air broke the silence in the forest.

"Ah..." A catman soldier covered his chest with his hands, standing tremblingly in the grass, screaming pitifully.His eyes were fixed on the few feather arrows stuck in his chest, his eyes were full of horror and despair.He couldn't believe that his nine hearts would be severely injured in an instant.

The watery moonlight shone on his body, and it was also dyed blood red.

When the cat soldier fell, several black figures disappeared into the water again.

The jungle quickly returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, but there were more cold corpses on the ground.

"Until he dies, he will never understand that it was the moonlight that killed him!" Hailun sighed softly after witnessing the scene by the stream.

"The Black Eagle armor does not reflect light at night. On the battlefield, any tiny detail will determine the life and death of a soldier." Liu Yun said.

Hai Lun chuckled and said, "I can't see through you more and more. But I have decided that I will never be your enemy in this life."

Hai Lun felt that Liu Yun and his team members were like a red snake in the jungle.They hide quietly in a certain corner, and when the time comes, they will launch a deadly attack on their prey like lightning.

"Only war can bring out the wisdom in people's heads to the fullest! Therefore, I often don't understand whether war is a good thing or a bad thing for human beings." Liu Yun said with emotion.

"But I understand one thing, any enemy who dares to be arrogant in front of me, I will let him get down gorgeously!"

"..." Hailun felt that using any language to describe the man in front of him seemed pale and powerless.

Dean also witnessed the whole process of the death of the cat soldiers.

The screams of the soldiers before they died made him almost unable to resist leading his men to rush out.But he held back in the end, because he understood that the enemy hidden in the dark is the strongest opponent that the poisonous scorpion has ever encountered.

"General, why didn't you chase him?" the officer beside him asked puzzledly.

"Chasing?" Dean sneered, "If those people are their bait, shouldn't we chase after them and die?"

"However, this is where we planned to ambush the enemy. Many people are distributed near the creek. If they are not stopped, more soldiers may be killed! Are we just watching?" the officer argued. .

"Patience a little longer! There will inevitably be casualties in the battle, and we will avenge them!" Dean sighed.

"General, I don't understand why the magic armor worn by the soldiers can't stop the enemy's arrows? You know, ordinary knives and arrows can't hurt them at all!" the officer asked puzzled.

"Because they are using the sharp weapon used by elf sharpshooters to deal with magicians - the magic-breaking arrow!"

(End of this chapter)

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