Chapter 14

The interview with Zuo Wen found by Yu Younuan was seven years ago. At that time, Zuo Wen was very energetic. He had just started his own company, and his first project was a great success. Li received the city's top ten outstanding youth awards.

Yu Younuan read the interview back and forth several times, and Zuo Wen's answer was concise and concise, except for the last question, which really made people think.Interviewers asked him what his biggest dream in this life was.

The expected answer is probably to hit another peak in his career, but Zuo Wen was only 28 years old at the time, and he should be full of pride. When pointing out the country, his answer was, the dream is to have a daughter. A steaming meal awaits him.

Zuo Wen's answer was so simple that everyone felt that he was not telling the truth.

If Yu Younuan still remembered the past, she would remember what she said about Zuo Wen at that time, "What a country bumpkin, he doesn't look like an emperor in a dragon robe."

At this time, Yu Younuan tapped the table lightly with her finger, thinking of the Luyuan Community where Zuo Wen lived, and seeing this interview again, she suddenly felt that she understood Zuo Wen's heart a little bit.Although he has always been aggressive, he has never been ashamed of his ordinary background, and he is still nostalgic for the kind of...

The kind of life that is full of breath of life.There are no endless entertainments, no dinner parties that require you to wear formal clothes, no cold villas, and no cheating wives...

After Yu Younuan left the study, she sat in the living room on the second floor in a daze until Sister Hui came up to turn off the lights.

"Miss, why don't you go back to your room?" Sister Hui asked.

Yu Younuan said, "Sister Hui, have you met Zuo Wen's parents?"

Sister Hui was taken aback by Yu Younuan's question, then shook her head.

"Didn't his parents come? When I married him, didn't his parents come?" Yu Younuan asked.

Sister Hui hesitated for a moment, then shook her head again.

Yu Younuan read a little difference from Sister Hui's expression, "Sister Hui, don't lie to me, didn't you have a bad time?"

Sister Hui said with some embarrassment: "Miss, it happened ten years ago, I really don't remember much. And the lady was too young at that time."

Yu Younuan almost despaired of herself, what did she do before?

"Then do you remember where Zuo Wen's parents live?" Yu Younuan asked again.

"I don't know." Sister Hui said.

Really did not know what to ask, Yu Younuan had no choice but to let Sister Hui leave, but it was not difficult for Ms. Yu to check such a small matter, and spent five hundred dollars to find out the address and information of Zuowen's parents.

Zuo Wen's parents still lived in the small town in the south where he was born. After Yu Younuan got off the plane, he took a car to the prefecture-level city where the town was located, then transferred to the county seat, and finally arrived at the town.

The small town is full of waterways, tree-lined, and very quiet.On the green square, many aunts and uncles are dancing the most dazzling national style.

Yu Younuan now has some understanding of square dancing. The rhythm of square dancing in Luyuan District is relatively slow, while the elderly here seem to be too energetic, and the rhythm of dancing is faster than that of young people.

Yu Younuan pulled her luggage and stood on the side of the square watching for a while.She looked at the time. At this point, Zuo Wen's parents should be exercising in this square.

At 08:30 in the evening, the dancers on the square began to slowly disperse.

An old lady in her fifties, with small curly hair, wearing a square dance group suit, and holding a pink dance fan in her hand, when passing by Yu Younuan, looked back at her several times, and then called out with some uncertainty. : "Warm again?"

Yu Younuan took a closer look at her by the lights in the square, and found that she was somewhat similar to her mother-in-law in the photo, and she also said with some uncertainty, "Mom?"

Bai Xuan was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that after many years, she would see her proud daughter-in-law here, and she could even hear her calling mother.

(End of this chapter)

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