Chapter 62

Zuo Wen staggered his eyes and looked at the tiny ring on Yu Younuan's fair finger again.At that time, although he was working in the Yu family, his career had just started, everything was waiting to be done, and the economy was not well off.

At the same time, his father, Zuo Rui, was diagnosed with uremia and urgently needed a kidney replacement. Zuo Wen failed to match the type, but fortunately, his brother-in-law and Zuo Rui's kidney type was successfully matched, and he was willing to donate a kidney to Zuo Rui. .

Surgery costs a lot of money.In addition, Zuo Wen's uncle's medical expenses and the future life of his family are all on Zuo Wen's shoulders.

The darkness before dawn was extraordinarily intense.Zuo Wen glanced at Yu Younuan again, thinking that a beautiful life would indeed have the effect of beautifying the environment and pleasing the soul. He didn't know why at the time, but he wanted to see Yu Younuan crazily, so he just watched quietly .

Maybe it's because a loved one might be passing away, and you're eager to find someone to fill in the blanks?To this day, Zuo Wen can no longer analyze the blind psychology of that time.

But despite the extreme longing in his heart, Zuo Wen is indeed neither romantic nor chasing girls, Yu Younuan is arrogant and conceited, and his pretended amiability is the most real alienation and indifference.

Zuo Wen asked himself that he never had the energy to pursue Miss Yu. After weighing it, he could only give up. Fortunately, seeing a real person is not necessary to appreciate a beauty, and photos are also a good choice.

Zuo Wen didn't know how Yu Yiyan saw his thoughts, but he was still young at that time, and although Yu Yiyan inherited his father's career, he was indeed a very capable person, otherwise the Yu family would not be in his hands To carry forward, he is naturally not an idle person, and it is not surprising that Yu Yiyan sees through Yu Yiyan's mind for the younger generation.

When Yu Yiyan was diagnosed with cancer and was eager to entrust Yu Younuan and the Yu family to a trustworthy person, this kind of buy one get one free deal couldn't help being left and right.

Although Yu's is not in Zuo Wen's eyes, what Yu Yiyan can do, Zuo Wen himself will surely be able to complete in time. Looking back now, Siwei's market value is not inferior to Yu's.

It's just that people are the hardest thing to get in this world. Zuo Wen knew very well in his heart that if he missed that time, he would never be able to approach Yu Younuan again, so he bowed his head to Yu Yiyan, even if he would be laughed at by others. His wife starts a family, and he is willing to accept that situation.

As for the ring in front of him, it was the largest diamond ring that Zuo Wen could buy with all the money he could scrape together at that time, and the price was not cheap. He still remembered the price tag - [-].

Yu Younuan didn't care about the size of the ring at first, but she didn't want to wear it to show others.And when she knew that Zuo Wen had the money to start a company but had no money to buy her pigeon eggs, Miss Yu's temper couldn't be suppressed.

To this day, Zuo Wen still cannot understand the thoughts of Yu Younuan and other women.In their view, the company that lays golden eggs is far less important than the decorations they wear on their fingers, and it can also be listed on the line to the level of true love.

At this moment, Yu Younuan, ten years later, raised his hand above his head facing the light, and was looking at the wedding ring again.

Zuo asked: "Your fingers are beautiful, any ring will look good on you."

Yu Younuan pouted, "But it would be embarrassing to wear it out." This is like driving a Bentley but smoking a five-yuan pack of cigarettes, and using a one-yuan lighter, which is inappropriate.Although it is indeed a little vain, but how can a person not be vain in the rivers and lakes?

"Then I'll accompany you to pick out another ring?" Zuo Wen asked cautiously. Although Zuo Wen couldn't remember the content of the quarrel of the century, Yu Younuan's temper was deeply imprinted on Zuo Wen. heart.

Yu Younuan withdrew her hand and put it in front of her eyes for a closer look, and said, "Then what can I do, this is a unique wedding diamond ring."

Zuo Wen helplessly spread his hands.

Yu Younuan murmured: "It seems that you can only change the ring once you get divorced and remarried."

Zuo Wen squeezed Yu Younuan's chin, "You have a good idea, get rid of this idea as soon as possible." The plain ring on Zuo Wen's left hand caught Yu Younuan's eyes.

"I remember you didn't wear it a few days ago." Yu Younuan grabbed Zuo Wen's hand, "Okay, I don't wear a wedding ring because the diamond is small, so what do you mean by not wearing a wedding ring?"

"It's not very convenient to wear." Zuo Wen replied naturally, as if the answer was so natural that Yu Younuan was making too much fuss.

Just when Yu Younuan was stunned, Zuo Wen had already taken his clothes and went to the bathroom.

Yu Younuan leaned back, lying on the bed, and looked at the tiny ring on her finger, thinking that it must be extremely abnormal for a couple who have been married for ten years and still be as close as if they were passionately in love?

If not for love, then for money?But even if Yu Younuan lost his memory, she now understood that Mrs. Yu was already in Zuo Wen's hands, and he really didn't need to treat her so carefully.

During dinner, Yu Younuan couldn't help but ask Zuo Wendao: "Did we fall in love and get married freely?"

Zuo Wen raised his eyebrows, but didn't speak.

In the end, it was Yu Younuan who couldn't hold back, and added: "I looked at the expressions of the two of us on the marriage certificate, and it doesn't seem like it was voluntary."

(End of this chapter)

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