all the mornings

Chapter 25 Dream

Chapter 25 Dream (2)
Xiao Yu didn't sleep very well, her brows were slightly frowned, her head was shaking in the pillow, looking for a softer position.Li Sichuan stared at her face, observed her movements, and found her eyeballs rolling under her eyelids.In medicine, this is called light sleep, which is a manifestation of dreaming.Xiao Yu is dreaming, that's for sure.

"Xiao Yu." He called her softly, "Can you hear me?"

Xiaoyu's eyes in the dream paused for a few seconds, then slid to the other side.

"I'm Li Sichuan, and I'm sitting next to you." Li Sichuan slowly held her hand, "This is my hand. Where are you going, take me with you."

Xiao Yu's hands tightened subconsciously, and she clenched her fingers tightly.

"Yes, take me with you. Where are we now?" Li Sichuan asked carefully.

"Mom, let's go see mother." Xiao Yu said clearly.

Li Sichuan's heart skipped a beat.Poor Xiaoyu, who has become a mother herself, still can't break free from the shadow of her late mother's death.

"What's mom doing? Did she see us?"

"Mom is very sad, she cried, and she drove out." Xiao Yu held his hand tightly, and Li Sichuan felt sweat in her palm.

"Stop her and tell her we're coming to see her, don't let her drive that car." Li Sichuan said, recalling an event deep in his memory, he asked, "What clothes is mom wearing? Is she wearing white?" A skirt? Is there a scarf?"

"No, mother is wearing green." Xiaoyu's voice suddenly changed, like a baby talking, sharp and thin, soft and waxy.She seemed to be talking to someone in a dream, not Li Sichuan."Mom, take me," she called, using Hokkien, her native dialect.Fortunately, Li Sichuan and her have been husband and wife for four years, and they can understand a little bit of Hokkien. Fortunately, the words in this sentence are the simplest language of infants and young children.

"Did Mom stop?" Li Sichuan's hairs stood on end, but he didn't care about his fear, he just kept asking.

"No. No. Mom drove away." Xiaoyu's voice returned to her normal tone, low and slow.Suddenly it tapped back again, like a five-year-old Xiao Yu in the adult Yu Jin's body.She screamed, "Mom!"

The voice was so shrill that Li Sichuan couldn't bear to explore her memories and dreams.He snapped his fingers next to Xiao Yu's ear, and said, "Xiao Yu is back, Xiao Yu, I'm Li Sichuan, do you know who I am?"

Xiaoyu calmed down, suddenly smiled lightly, and said, "Xiaoyu, is your surname Huo? My surname happens to be Li."

Li Sichuan wanted to cry when he heard it, he leaned on her body, kissed her face, and said: "Xiaoyu, I am Li Sichuan, come back and be my wife, let us watch the baby grow up together."

"What's wrong with Yingying?" After a while, Li Sichuan heard Xiaoyu speak.This time the voice was clear and cold, which was the voice she used to speak to him normally, with restrained emotions and a deliberately created sense of distance.

Li Sichuan knew that it was true that Xiaoyu's soul had returned. He relaxed his body, lay on her chest, and said sullenly: "Yingying said to play for you to see a doctor. Are you still playing this game? You can't play a little bit." What's new? What's so fun about seeing a doctor? Why don't I give her a bench vise. In the future, being an engineer is much better than being a doctor. You don't know that doctors are a high-risk industry now. You have to stand for ten hours to perform an operation, and you are exhausted. died."

"Get up, you are almost crushing me to death." Xiao Yu pushed him, "She likes to be a little doctor, so I have to be a patient for her. You think it is easy to pretend to be a patient. If you have a cold today and a cough tomorrow, you will be sick every time." If you want new tricks, I can’t even make up new diseases.”

"You can say that you are going to raise a baby, so that both of you will feel fresh." Li Sichuan took the opportunity to say, "You were safe that day, right? I remember that I was useless. But it's hard to say, you sometimes cycle It's not that accurate either. Why don't you check it out, or have it tested? If you're embarrassed, I'll go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick."

Xiao Yu was really angry now, she pushed him away and sat up, "You're a hooligan again. You've got your vise installed and then go, don't let me bother to greet you."

Li Sichuan let go of her and asked, "Have you had more dreams recently? You were dreaming just now."

"How do you know? Did I talk in my sleep?" Xiao Yu became nervous, "What did I say?"

"You said Li Sichuan, you are so good, your arrows are not in vain." Li Sichuan shrugged. Si Chuan, you stinky rascal, I said yes, yes, isn’t this our old line? You can change it to something new, I don’t think it’s fresh after hearing it.”

Xiao Yu was so angry that he grabbed the pillow beside him and threw it at him. Li Sichuan caught it and threw it aside, threw himself on her, wrapped his arms around her, and said to her face to face: "I mean it. You Do you want to have a test? Yingying said he saw it."

"What did she see?" Xiao Yu asked warily.

"She said that she saw that her mother had a baby. She said it twice, and it scared me into a sweat. It seemed like I was back in college, and I was so frightened when my girlfriend said that my best friend didn't come this month." Li Sichuan's hand was in the Walking on her body, "I asked her how she saw it, and she said she saw it when she was seeing her mother. That's why I know you guys are playing doctor again. You see, I didn't take the opportunity to eat your tofu and talk nonsense."

"You are now." Xiao Yu accused him.

"Is there any?" Li Sichuan put his hand on her lower abdomen, "I'm quite worried. You are not in good health, and you keep dreaming. It's too bad for you to raise a child. It's not good for you. Last time you gave birth to a baby, I Just to tell you like this, sure enough, you have never weighed more than [-] from the time you were pregnant until you gave birth to the full moon. Why are you so desperate for your life? I'm not your father, forcing my wife to have a son."

"Don't bother talking about him, what did I say in my dream?" Xiao Yu was used to his rhetoric, unmoved, and only asked the right question.

Li Sichuan said, "You're calling mom again."

He stood up and looked down at her.Xiao Yu's face instantly changed from a funny, angry, coquettish and intimate state to a serious masked person, and she armed herself again.

"You can leave now," she said.

"I'm going to go," Li Sichuan nodded, "I'll come in and tell you, otherwise you'd think that a snail boy created a wooden workbench out of thin air."

Xiao Yu lifted the quilt and got off the bed, put on her slippers, and said as she walked out: "You want to see Yingying, give me a call, so I can make an appointment."

"Little Yu."

"Huh?" She turned around and stopped.

"Give me a kiss, you know I miss you." He hugged her, "You are so unfeeling to me, knowing that I love you, you still treat me like this." He hugged her tightly, tightened his arms, and kissed her face and lips, "Do you think I don't love you because I haven't seriously said that I love you? Then I will tell you very seriously now, I love you. During the 380 nine days when I left you, every day One day, I found out that I love you a little more."

Xiao Yu softened again in his arms, and she responded to his kiss, "I know. But I can't afford that much, I'm a useless person, a single-celled creature, you let me live a little easier, just consider it sympathetic to me .I have failed you in this life. I hope that in the next life I will be reborn as a human being in a healthy body. Then you will come to me again and say to me, 'I am Huo Xiaoyu, your surname is Li'."

"If we were really Li Yi and Huo Xiaoyu in the last life, then I owe you, let me pay you back in ten lifetimes." After Li Sichuan finished speaking, he let her go, said goodbye to Yingying, and returned to his company. In the rented apartment for him, turn on the computer and talk to his psychiatrist.

Li Sichuan returned to the United States to study. In addition to learning professional knowledge, he also took a part-time course in psychology.He and Xiaoyu have been married for four years. From the day they were together, he knew that she was tormented by a nightmare, and he was helpless. He watched her struggle and knew that she was working hard, but he just couldn't save her.In the end, they lost their happiness.He is not reconciled, he must find a way to save her and save their marriage.She is his responsibility, since he was the one who first told her that she was Huo Xiaoyu and his surname was Li, that was to admit that they had a long-term relationship.Xiaoyu once said to him that she decided to marry him because they had a long-term relationship. Otherwise, why is there so much love and hate for no reason in this world?

Li Sichuan told his professor and psychiatrist on MSN, "If a person keeps dreaming about the same thing, does it mean that this thing happened for real?"

The professor is not online.He just sorted out the clues slowly, wrote down what he knew about Xiao Yu's dream, and sent it to the professor.This dream description is a full five hundred words, and it took three days for his professor to reply to him, not online, but also replied to a large letter with hundreds of words.

He first looked at the length of the letter, clicked his tongue, then went back to the top, and carefully read it from the beginning.

The letter said: This is a rare dream about the previous life.

He has been a psychiatrist for 20 years, and this is the first case of such a clear dream about his previous life.

Li Sichuan read the first paragraph, his heart shivered, and he thought to himself.This is another dream, not the record of the death process of Xiao Yu's mother, Ms. Jin Ying.Ms. Jinying drove out, and she was the only one in the car. She was wearing green clothes at that time, instead of "the white dress was flying, and there was a little girl calling her mother in the car" as Xiao Yu said.She wasn't at the scene of the crash, and all she knew about her mother's death was what people described afterward.She visualized this process, connecting the words into pictures in her heart and dreams, and then told herself through psychological hints: the mother in the dream is her mother, Ms. Jinying.

Xiaoyu's dream obviously went awry, but she herself was obsessed with it, without realizing it.As for whether this dream is related to the previous life, Li Sichuan is not sure for the time being. He hopes that his professor can tell him the reason, and have strong logical convincing power to convince him.

Li Sichuan continued to look down.

This is a dream about a past life.

The narrator of the dream is telling her memory from a bird's-eye view.The narrator has a very clear perspective. She is standing—or hanging in front of the dream. This is the best angle and position for an overview of the entire picture.It is like a convex environment on the corner of a supermarket, from one point, you can see all.

At this point, the convex mirror becomes a video camera mounted on top of a car traveling at the same speed as the dream car.The narrator faithfully recorded the whole process of the dream with a camera-like recording posture, without trying to interfere with the development of the dream.Such a completely detached perspective is called eagle eye.

The dream with such eagle eyes is more or less related to the memory of the previous life.

According to statistics, there are no more than twelve kinds of dreams we have: being chased, injured, in distress, losing important items, taking an exam, making a fool of ourselves, being late, falling from a height, disconnecting the phone, disaster, getting lost, and dead.Among the twelve types, the last one is relevant to this case: dead people.People sometimes meet their dead relatives in their dreams. After waking up from the dream, people believe that their dead relatives will come to visit them from another world.

But obviously the person in this dream did not come to visit the narrator.The person in the dream has no communication with the narrator.The above eleven kinds of dreams are all about the dreamer being chased, falling, injured and lost. The dreamer feels it personally, and at the same time they will make corresponding body movements to meet the needs of the dream.In the No.12 category, most of the dreamers will have some form of communication with their dead relatives, such as dialogue, eye contact, or doing something together... That is, the same as the previous eleven categories, it is to participate in During the progress of the dream.And this dream, from the narrative of the narrator, does not see this aspect of communication between the two.

In the first dream, the narrator witnesses a death.

Dreamland [-]: "I" saw me walking on a mountain road, with mountains on one side and slopes on the other, the road is a winding road, and there are white flowers on the slopes. "I" saw a car behind me, and a little girl with a round face and round eyes was sitting in it, and "I" knew it was my daughter. "I" saw me walking in front of the car, and my daughter was calling me, but I couldn't hear it.I walked slowly, the long white skirt was entangled on my feet, I couldn't walk fast, my daughter was calling me, but I couldn't hear it. "I" saw the car coming towards me, and I flew into the sky. "I" clearly saw that the white skirt was like a morning glory, wrapping me in it.I have a long scarf around my neck.I will fly away and embark on the road of glory.I, in the quotation marks, was a bystander from beginning to end, watching calmly, without trying to interfere with the progress of the matter.In the second dream, however, it was different.

Dream [-]: "I" went to see my mother.Seeing mom was sad, she cried, she drove out.She (actually it should be "I") yelled, "Mom, take me." Mom ignored it and continued driving.She (actually "I") screams, "Mom!"

In the second dream, the narrator has tried to communicate with the character (mother) in the dream at least twice. The identity of the narrator is actually the narrator himself when he was young.

Comparing the two cases, the difference between the two can be clearly seen.The second case is a common dream of missing a dead relative. The dreamer misses the dead relative and tries to prevent the tragedy from happening; while the first dream has no such tendency.There is only "I see" throughout.

(End of this chapter)

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