God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 104 Pampering

Chapter 104 Pampering (1)

"Aunt Li only told him his mobile phone number and nothing else. By the way, you must not go too far. It would be bad if the media found out." The coach looked at him worriedly. them.

As she said that, she already sent that scumbag's phone number to Qi Shi's phone.

Seeing that he got what he wanted, Qi Shi immediately let go of the coach.

Went to the sofa and sat down.

Luo Chen: "We have this person's contact information, but the key is how to get rid of him?"

Hearing this, Qi Shi's expression became a little complicated.

"Actually, I saw Aunt Li's cell phone once, and it happened to be her and Li Mo's chat records on it, but you have to believe me, I just saw it by accident, there is no other meaning at all."

Qi Shi hurriedly explained, for fear that others would misunderstand him as that kind of voyeur.

Luo Chen rolled his eyes at him.

"Even if you have such evil intentions, you don't have the guts to continue talking."

Seeing that no one doubted him, Qi Shi continued.

"The main conversation above was that Li Mo wanted to borrow 100 million from the manager, saying that his father was sick and needed money for medical treatment. At that time, he thought that was an excuse. How could anyone believe such a lame excuse? But the result, The manager believed it, asked him for the card number directly, and said to send him the money later.”

The more he talked about it, the angrier Qi Shi became, and he wished he could fly over and beat up that scumbag right now.

"And I think that scumbag definitely didn't pay back the money!"

After hearing what Qi Shi said, Mo Jing smiled.

owe money?Simple, let him be ruined.

Right after Qi Shi finished speaking, those little bastards began to form a group, discussing how to kill Li Mo.

Mo Jing didn't allow them to mess around, so he interrupted them.

"Okay, leave this matter to me, and you can train with peace of mind, okay?" Although these words were addressed to the four of them, Mo Jing's eyes were on Luo Xiaoyi.

Luo Xiaoyi: What is the captain implying to me?
The other three: don't think too much, they are just teammates, don't think too much, don't think too much
But the key is what the hell is that doting tone!
"Then leave this matter to the captain, remember to talk about it after it's done." Luo Chen didn't want this matter to disturb their training.

After all, he felt that with the captain's ability, he would definitely be able to handle this matter well.

In the remaining half a day, those five people began to race against time for training.

It wasn't until the coach couldn't stand it anymore that they stopped.

"I said, aren't your eyes tired? You've been staring at your phone all the time, so you should also take a proper rest. It's almost dinner time, so go wash your face first, and practice after eating."

After hearing what the coach said, those five people stopped.

After leaving the phone, Luo Xiaoyi felt that her eyes were so sore, and she could see that the corners of her eyes were red with the camera function of the phone.

I have to say, it's pretty pretty, hehe.

After reading it, Luo Xiaoyi subconsciously wanted to rub her eyes.

As a result, Mo Jing stopped him before he raised his hand.

"Don't rub your eyes with your hands, it's not good for your eyes."

Luo Xiaoyi: You may not know that I have been like this in the past years.

"Okay, captain." Luo Xiaoyi tried her best to behave well.

 Acridine, I heard from the editor that you can’t write about Tanmei, not even a supporting role!
  Crab Crab Chestnut Reward~
(End of this chapter)

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