God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 112 Kiss me once

Chapter 112 Kiss Me (1)

It is said to be for sun protection, but in fact, I don't want others to see my little girl.

My little girl is so cute, many people must be thinking about my little girl.

Luo Xiaoyi didn't think too much about Mo Jing's actions, and only regarded him as caring for his teammates.

The other four wore what they should have worn.

After all, he is also a public figure, so he may meet a few fans on the road.

The five of them arrived at the barber shop very smoothly, but Luo Xiaoyi felt that her hair was not very long, so she didn't need to cut it, so she washed and maintained her hair and sat on the sofa in the barber shop to wait for them.

In the beginning, for training, Luo Xiaoyi tied her hair with a rubber band, and put the rubber band on the sofa when she washed her hair, but Mo Jing put it on his hand directly after seeing it.

The good name is to prevent the rubber band from getting lost.

Also because of this, the hairdresser Mo Jing met when he was cutting his hair was a young lady who had been trying to talk to Mo Jing, but Mo Jing just ignored her.After cutting his hair, Mo Jing put his wrist in front of the barber.

The barber showed a very white wrist, and then saw the elastic on the wrist.

"Did you see, I have a girlfriend, so I'll just sit in the back." Mo Jing deliberately said this in a low voice, so small that only the barber could hear it.

And the reason why Mo Jing said it after the haircut was done was because he was afraid that the barber would retaliate and ruin his hairstyle.

Sure enough, after the barber listened to Mo Jing's words, his expression froze immediately.

Mo Jing walked to the sofa in a very happy mood, and sat with Luo Xiaoyi.

Luo Xiaoyi, who was playing with her mobile phone on the sofa, was so focused on her mobile phone that she didn't realize that there was someone next to her.

After the game was over, Luo Xiaoyi's tense body finally relaxed, and she lay back directly.

And Mo Jing's arm was resting on the sofa behind Luo Xiaoyi, Luo Xiaoyi lay down like this, and put her head directly on Mo Jing's arm.

Luo Xiaoyi froze and was about to get up.

But Mo Jing directly wrapped his arms around Luo Xiaoyi's forehead, and pressed down gently, Luo Xiaoyi returned to Mo Jing's arms.

"It's okay, let's continue." Mo Jing's pleasant voice surrounded Luo Xiaoyi's ears.

Luo Xiaoyi blushed and didn't speak any more.

After lying down, Luo Xiaoyi began to condemn herself in her heart.

My God, Luo Xiaoyi, you are too worthless, if you tell you to lie down, you can lie down, and why are you blushing!Think about your eloquence in the live broadcast before, how flamboyant, what's wrong now! ?Why did you shy away in front of the captain?
Although Luo Xiaoyi was talking to himself in his heart, Mo Jing didn't know what Luo Xiaoyi was thinking.

After a while, Luo Xiaoyi whispered, "Thank you Captain."

Mo Jing licked his lips after listening, and said, "Thank me, why thank you, did sister Xiaoyi forget that she still owes the captain several favors?"

Mo Jing deliberately moved closer to Luo Xiaoyi.

After hearing this, Luo Xiaoyi immediately remembered why she owed the captain several times.

Just don't be embarrassed, okay?

"Then how do you want to thank the captain?" Luo Xiaoyi really couldn't think of what she could thank Mo Jing for.

After hearing the answer he wanted, Mo Jing suddenly approached Luo Xiaoyi sideways, and said, "Kiss me."

 Small question mark, do you have many friends?
(End of this chapter)

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