God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 117 Baby, I Only Love You

Chapter 117 Baby, I Only Love You (2)

"Sister, this should be Brother Zao, right?"

Because Luo Chen is a few months younger than Gu Zao, when he was a child he was always called Sister Gu Zao, but when he grew up, Gu Zao forced Luo Chen to call him brother every day, still the kind who threatened with his fists.

Gu Zao didn't care what Luo Xiaoyi called him at all, as long as his little cutie liked it.

".Yes." Luo Xiaoyi was silent for a while, then nodded.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect my brother Zao to be so awesome, and he gave the film king. It's not in vain to run away from home this time! By the way, sister Xiaoyi, can you call Brother Zao? She blocked me gone."

After hearing Qi Shi's request, Luo Xiaoyi immediately agreed, because now she also wanted to call Zao Zao.

I want to ask her why you want to kiss someone else's dog, do you not love me? ?
Luo Xiaoyi didn't bother to look in the contacts, so she directly input Gu Zao's phone number very skillfully, and called.

And Mo Jing, who had been sitting on the sofa all this time, immediately had a bad expression when he saw this scene.

From the conversation between Luo Xiaoyi and the others just now, it can be seen that the person they are talking about should be a man.

Then why is Xiaoyi so familiar with a boy's phone number?
Mo Jing lay down directly behind the sofa, wanting to see who Luo Xiaoyi was going to call.

A few seconds after Luo Xiaoyi called, the person on the other side answered.

"Hey, baby~ what's the matter?"

From this voice, one can tell that the person on the opposite side has just woken up, and the type of voice is that of a son-in-law. Calling "baby" is not too provocative.

Luo Xiaoyi has long been familiar with being called a baby by Gu Zao since she was a child, and her expression has not changed much.

But Team Mo, who was sitting on the sofa, might not have such a good expression.

Heh, baby, it's really intimate. I want to see what kind of relationship you have with my little girl.

Thinking of this, Mo Jing directly clenched the disposable paper cup in his hand into a ball.

Bai Zi next to him: Hey, what did I do wrong?
"Sister Zazao, haven't you woken up yet? Is it disturbing you?" At this time, Luo Xiaoyi was worried about Gu Zao's sleeping condition.

After Luo Xiaoyi finished speaking, Mo Jing caught the key word.

Sister Zazao?
Gu Zao on the opposite side was very happy to hear Luo Xiaoyi's concern.

"Thank you my baby, I have nothing to do, what can my baby do for me?"

Just as Luo Xiaoyi was about to ask a question, Gu Zao who was opposite suddenly said something.

"Oh, by the way, baby, I'm working with my younger brother now, which star do you like, can I ask for an autographed photo for you?" Gu Zao's younger brother is Gu Ye.

Mo Jing: Sorry, she doesn't need someone else's autographed photo, she is not as handsome as me.

"Oh, Sister Zazao, I only like you. I'm going to talk about the business next. I watched the entertainment news today and saw that you kissed a boy. Also, Sister Zazao, why do you want to In men's clothes?"

When Mo Jing heard Luo Xiaoyi said that he only likes you, he admitted that he was sour, even though the other party was a girl.Gu Zao was still confused when he heard Luo Xiaoyi's question at first.


It was posted online!I shouldn't have trusted that bastard!Say no one will find out! ?

Although he was very angry in his heart, Gu Zao was still very gentle towards Xiao Yi.


 Looking for a reward?

(End of this chapter)

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