God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 125 Adultery

Chapter 125 Adultery (2)

In fact, Mo Jing didn't care about face at all in front of Luo Xiaoyi, but he was still very happy after hearing Luo Xiaoyi's answer.

Pulling up one chair after another, she sat beside Luo Xiaoyi.

When Mo Jing's fans saw that Mo Jing finally showed his face in the live broadcast room, they immediately knelt on the bullet screen and begged for a full face, not half face!

[Sister Xiaoyi, please ask the captain to point in your direction, I’m going to die of sourness, seeing my male god sitting beside you]
[sour sour]

[Begging! ]


Luo Xiaoyi looked at Mo Jing after seeing their comments.

Perhaps feeling Luo Xiaoyi's gaze, Mo Jing raised his head and said, "What's wrong?"

This tone was too gentle, and Luo Xiaoyi was taken aback by what he said.

The barrage was also crazy, thinking that it would be strange if Luo Xiaoyi had nothing to do with Mo Jing.

Ah, my white moonlight is gone! ! !

Luo Xiaoyi rubbed her nose in embarrassment, and said, "Captain, why don't you sit here a bit? Those people in the studio want to see you."

To be honest, Mo Jing usually doesn't like to show his face, but now it's Luo Xiaoyi's request, Mo Jing is very willing to move in Luo Xiaoyi's direction.

Originally, there was a distance of half a person between the two of them, but when Mo Jing sat up like this, the arms of the two of them were directly pressed against each other.

Because Luo Xiaoyi has been working on the computer, her arms have been moving around.

After a while, Luo Xiaoyi felt that her arms felt a little hot, she silently put down the mouse, picked up the phone, and was about to start playing games.

How could those people in the live broadcast room let go of these shots and started to post comments frantically again.

Now they feel more and more that there is adultery between Team Mo and sister Xiaoyi.

At this time, many Weibo celebrities have already posted on Weibo saying that if the two of them are not together, they will abandon their accounts.

Look, how determined is this, we must give them some face, so when will the official announcement be made?
The comments on the surface are very harmonious. After all, most people take it as a joke, but many of them take it seriously, and many of them have brainless fans.

As soon as those stupid fans saw that the male god in their mind rented cp with someone else, they immediately came to Luo Xiaoyi's Weibo to start scolding, but after all, there were few people, so they were quickly turned back.

Luo Xiaoyi and Mo Jing, who were broadcasting live at this time, were completely unaware of these things.

Luo Xiaoyi immediately received an invitation from her captain for the man-machine competition after she got her "Yi Wan millionaire" account.

Luo Xiaoyi clicked in with a complicated face, and then Mo Jing clicked to start.

Mo Jing turned his head to see Luo Xiaoyi's expression and thought she was a little nervous, so he said: "This hero is quite easy, don't be nervous."

Luo Xiaoyi: I know it's fun, but I haven't learned it after playing for a year or two.

Netizen:? ? ?Captain, do you seem to be joking?It's just training a hero, so nervous! ?I think you think too much!Also, the other side is just a man-machine, do you need to be so gentle to comfort me?Back then when Qi Shi played games, he was so nervous that he couldn't speak clearly, and I didn't even watch you comfort him!He just said that if you can talk, talk, if you can't talk, don't talk to me.

At that time, because of this incident, Mo Jing was slandered by some sunspots, but Mo Jing didn't come out to explain, but Qi Shi was more energetic.

 Fairy Sakura wants to invite you to meet in the book review area. Is there any cutie who can write me a long review, the point is that I want you to praise me, ahahahahahahahahahaha, and then praise the book by the way (vanity Heart bursting instantly)

(End of this chapter)

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