God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 129 What does it feel like to be heartbroken?

Chapter 129 What is it like to be heartbroken (2)

Because last night Mo Jing had already heard from the manager that Xiaoyi had a girl friend coming today.

"By the way, Captain, don't you need to go for a run this morning?" Luo Xiaoyi said this for some reason.

Mo Jing raised his eyebrows after hearing this.

My little girl has never cared so much about herself. What happened today?
"It's raining outside, you may not have seen it, but it's not too much rain."

After hearing what Mo Jing said, Luo Xiaoyi was ashamed.

Because Luo Xiaoyi usually likes to close the curtains, no matter it is day or night, she feels that this is more atmospheric, but she doesn't know what the atmosphere is.

"Really, hahahaha." Luo Xiaoyi laughed dryly.

Mo Jing curled his lips, walked to Luo Xiaoyi's side, touched his head, and said, "Okay, let's go down to eat first, the others should still be sleeping now."

For some reason, Luo Xiaoyi nodded when she heard Mo Jing's words, and came downstairs obediently, sat at the dining table, and prepared to eat.

When Luo Xiaoyi bowed her head to eat, she always felt that a fiery gaze was looking at her.

You can look up and see nothing.

Just when Luo Xiaoyi raised her head for the nth time, she happened to meet Mo Jing's gaze.

Luo Xiaoyi immediately lowered her head immediately.

Luo Xiaoyi: As long as I'm not embarrassed, the other party won't see it.

Mo Jing: .
Seeing Luo Xiaoyi like this, Mo Jing chuckled lightly, thinking that the little girl sitting opposite him was really cute.

Feeling like this, Mo Jing looked at Luo Xiaoyi all morning, Luo Xiaoyi ate his meal all morning with his head down, and occasionally when he raised his head, he could see Mo Jing's gentle eyes.

Seeing this look, Luo Xiaoyi didn't panic, but felt a little nervous.

It seemed that the person sitting across from him was not his captain, but his invigilator during the exam?

I don't know why, Luo Xiaoyi used to get nervous whenever she saw the teacher, but now after seeing the captain feel that way, Luo Xiaoyi feels a little weird?

Luo Xiaoyi suppressed the weird feeling and what happened last night, and immediately hid on the sofa to practice after breakfast.

When Luo Xiaoyi finished her breakfast, those upstairs also got up.

They yawned and went downstairs, and greeted Luo Xiaoyi and Mo Jing after seeing them, and they were used to them being so early every morning.

I don't understand why I have to wake up early when I can go to bed early for a few 10 minutes.

Luo Xiaoyi: I also don't understand why you guys have to go to bed a few hours late, but you have to go to bed early.

Mo Jing started to eat his own breakfast after watching Luo Xiaoyi leave.

The four at the dining table played with their mobile phones while eating breakfast, and it took them 10 minutes to finish their meal.

After eating, Luo Xiaoyi continued to practice with them in five rows.

In fact, Luo Xiaoyi has been here for several days, and she is almost familiar with them, but the fifth row really needs to work hard.

Because this is not only Luo Xiaoyi's shortcoming, but also the whole team's shortcoming.

If everyone in the team uses the hero they are good at to solo with others, they can definitely win, but if they form a five-platoon team, that is not necessarily the case. The coach saw this and let them Practice five rows a lot.

After practicing for an hour, the coach asked them to relax their eyes and stop staring at their phones.

 ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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