God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 131 I'm so mad at my mother

Chapter 131 I'm so mad at my mother (2)

"I'm so mad!" Bai Rou said something that didn't match her appearance.

Luo Xiaoyi walked to her bed and sat on it.

"What's the matter, I just saw your expression was not quite right, something happened again."

Hearing Luo Xiaoyi's words, Bai Rou immediately sat up from the bed, staring at Luo Xiaoyi with wide eyes.

"Xiao Yi, do you know that when I came here, I saw an idiot, and it almost drove me to death."

Luo Xiaoyi looked indifferent and said, "It's Zhou Qi."

"How do you know?" Bai Rou couldn't believe it.

"Because you only scolded your ex-boyfriend besides calling my brother an idiot." Luo Xiaoyi is still very familiar with the word idiot.

Hearing Luo Xiaoyi's words, Bai Rou was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "Well, yes, I just met that idiot Zhou Qi, but I can't blame him entirely for being angry."

Hearing Bai Rou's words, Luo Xiaoyi became interested.

"Then who else has pissed you off?"

"Of course it's the bad weather! Look at the Hanfu I'm wearing, it's worth at least a few thousand. I'm so distressed when I'm drenched in water!"

Luo Xiaoyi was silent.

"So you..." Luo Xiaoyi didn't say the rest, and waited for Bai Rou to add it herself.

Bai Rou smiled slyly and said, "So I need you to help me with one thing now."

"See the suitcase I brought. It's all Hanfu. I brought it to you to wear. Don't thank me. Just let me take a few photos. After I'm done, I'll find someone to PS and it will be the cover. gone."

Luo Xiaoyi knew she would say this, so she sighed helplessly, and then said: "Then don't do it for too long, I have to go to training soon."

Bai Rou patted Luo Xiaoyi's shoulder, and said boldly, "Don't worry, it's only half an hour, and you won't waste a lot of time. I finally came here once, so you can stay with me~" Bai Rou said Acting like a baby, she shook Luo Xiaoyi's arm.

"Yes, please, my eldest lady, I beg you, please help me."

Hearing Luo Xiaoyi's answer, Bai Rou quickly let go of Luo Xiaoyi's arm, and then immediately ran to her suitcase to fiddle with it.

Luo Xiaoyi was changed by Bai Rou from head to toe, from hairstyle to writing, and it took a full half an hour.

The Hanfu brought by Bairou this time is made in the Ming Dynasty. Luo Xiaoyi puts it on, and she looks like a lady from the outside, if it is the height
Regardless of height, Bai Rou's clothes for Luo Xiaoyi still fit very well.

Bai Rou immediately pushed Luo Xiaoyi to the front of a wall, gave her a bunch of things, and asked her to pose.

Luo Xiaoyi was fucked by Bai Rou for more than ten minutes before finally taking the photo.

Seeing that Bai Rou had finished taking the photo, Luo Xiaoyi immediately put down the things in her hands, and wanted to take off the Hanfu on her body.

Seeing Luo Xiaoyi's actions, Bai Rou immediately ran forward and said, "What are you taking off? Go downstairs and show your captain."

As soon as Bai Rou finished saying this, Luo Xiaoyi got off even faster.

Bai Rou hurriedly changed her words and said, "No, no, no, I won't show it to your captain, but to your other team members and the coach. Is it okay now?"

When Luo Xiaoyi heard Bai Rou's words, she hesitated for a few seconds and decided to give up undressing.

Bai Rou was very satisfied with Luo Xiaoyi's actions, and immediately took Luo Xiaoyi out after finishing her own facilities.

 Hey, I suddenly feel that I don’t have to wait for the summer vacation to put it on the shelves, I suddenly feel that I can put it on the shelves after I finish it hahahahahahahahahahahaha

  By the way, I have already written the confession, hahahahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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