Chapter 134

Bai Rou walked to Luo Xiaoyi's side, and said, "I've already processed those pictures and sent them to you. Remember to send them to Aunt Li later."

Luo Xiaoyi checked in on WeChat after hearing Bai Rou's words, looked at the photos inside, and had to admire Bai Rou again, she didn't handle it very well, she almost knelt down when she saw the people inside.

After reading it, Luo Xiaoyi immediately sent the photo to Xia Li, then held Bai Rou's face and pulled it.

Bai Rou immediately put on a disgusted expression.

The face of Mo Jing next to him turned dark.

My little girl said nothing to herself except for a few words in the morning, and she was about to panic him to death.

But he couldn't think of any excuse to talk, so he had to endure it, and now he saw a girl kissing his little girl's face, saying that she wasn't jealous was a lie, but he couldn't go up and separate the two of them.

Well, I'm not poor with you, I'll go out to get some air first, staring at the computer for more than an hour, I'm going to be exhausted too.

Luo Xiaoyi immediately put on a look of "please", and then said something cheap: "You won't get lost, right? It's quite difficult to get here."

Bai Rou unceremoniously rolled her eyes back, and said, "Don't worry, I'm not like you, I'm a road idiot."

After speaking, Bai Rou went out directly.

After going out, Bai Rou found that the rain outside had stopped.

As soon as the door was closed, a very familiar voice was heard.

"Rou Rou."

Bai Rou looked back stiffly, and it really was him, Zhou Qi.

At this time, Zhou Qi was sitting at the door, his clothes seemed to be wet, and it seemed that he had done it since it was raining.

Seeing Zhou Qi's appearance, Bai Rou couldn't help but curse.

"I said you are crazy? You are still sitting here on a rainy day. You must not have been sitting here since I came in, right?"

She couldn't believe what Bai Rou said later.

After all, I have been in for almost two hours. Who would sit in front of someone else's house for two hours just to wait for someone to come out, and that person may not come out.

As a result, Bai Rou saw the silly hat in front of him nodding.

Bai Rou:. . . . . .

She really didn't know what to say.

"Get up, don't sit still, go back to your base."

Hearing Bai Rou's words to drive him away, Zhou Qi immediately shook his head and said, "No, I want to follow you."

Bai Rou resisted the thought of wanting to beat the idiot in front of her to death, and said with restraint, "Brother, you have been drenched in the rain here for so long, I advise you to go home quickly, otherwise I might bear I can't stop beating you to death."

Saying that, Bai Rou raised her fist to threaten Zhou Qi.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qi went up and hugged Bai Rou directly.

Bai Rou didn't notice Zhou Qi's sudden hugging action.

Just when he was about to push him away, he felt the heat on the big brother's forehead.

Well, this big brother really has a fever, let him do it, sooner or later he will have to kill himself.

Fortunately, Bai Rou is strong enough and Zhou Qi is not too heavy. Bai Rou successfully helped Zhou Qi to the door of their villa.

Bai Rou rang the doorbell indifferently.

After about 30 seconds, someone came to open the door.

It was Yan Xiao who opened the door.

Yan Xiao seemed to have just woken up, his eyes were still half-opened and half-closed, but his face had already been taken care of, and his clothes had also been changed.

 Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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