God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 137 Talking about a fake relationship

Chapter 137 Talking about a fake relationship (2)

Luo Xiaoyi felt that her phone might be scrapped.

Luo Xiaoyi returned to the sofa with her mobile phone in her hands.

As soon as Mo Jing looked up, he saw Luo Xiaoyi holding his mobile phone, looking like he was dying, and couldn't help asking questions.

"What's wrong?"

Luo Xiaoyi felt that what she did was very embarrassing, she didn't want to say it, she raised her head and wanted to lie casually, but after meeting Mo Jing's eyes, Luo Xiaoyi found that she couldn't tell a lie, so she had to tell the truth Speak out.

After hearing this, Mo Jing stretched out his hand in front of Luo Xiaoyi.

Luo Xiaoyi looked confused, wanting to know what Mo Jing was going to do.

"Let me check your phone, maybe I can fix it."

After hearing Mo Jing's words, Luo Xiaoyi's eyes widened, as if she couldn't believe it.

Are all current e-sports players this good?I can even repair mobile phones, I'm not worthy!

Luo Xiaoyi handed the phone to Mo Jing with a dull expression, and then began to wander.

Luo Xiaoyi suddenly felt that her captain was too good. Although she was very good before, what surprised her was that the captain can repair mobile phones.
At the same time, she also doubts that the captain of her mobile phone is unlikely to be able to fix it. She has seen that the stuck screen has been repaired, and the crashed one has been repaired, but Luo Xiaoyi has never seen a broken screen that can be repaired.

However, Mo Jing was fixed!

About 1 minute later, Mo Jing suddenly said to Luo Xiaoyi who was wandering in the air: "It seems to be repaired, let me test it for you?"

Luo Xiaoyi nodded immediately when she heard Mo Jing's words.

Test, test!Feel free to test!

Seeing Luo Xiaoyi like this, Mo Jing laughed, and then opened a software casually.

Because Luo Xiaoyi was watching from the side, she saw very clearly that Mo Jingjing had opened Baidu, and felt a little uneasy, but she didn't know where the uneasiness came from.

But soon, Luo Xiaoyi knew where her uneasiness came from!
Baidu last night!

What does it feel like to be heartbroken!
Luo Xiaoyi remembered that she didn't seem to delete the search history!

In a hurry, Luo Xiaoyi wanted to go up and grab her mobile phone.

But Mo Jing lifted Luo Xiaoyi's phone one step ahead of her. Obviously, he saw the search records on it.

Luo Xiaoyi: My God, is there anything more embarrassing than this?
Of course!
Because Luo Xiaoyi didn't grab the mobile phone, she couldn't stop the brakes, and directly threw herself on Mo Jing's body, to be precise, on her leg.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw his team leader holding Luo Xiaoyi's mobile phone in his hand and said to himself: "What does it feel like to be heartbroken? What does Xiaoyi think it feels like?"

Luo Xiaoyi felt that her face was about to be lost by herself, why should she be so embarrassing!
Luo Xiaoyi pursed her lips and got up from Mo Jing with a red face.

"Captain, listen to my explanation." Luo Xiaoyi tried to save face.

Mo Jing directly raised his eyebrows and said, "Okay, I'll listen, you can tell."

Luo Xiaoyi: . . .

What did she say!What did you say!

Didn't the search records on this clearly show the fact that I fell in love with the captain?

Mo Jing was not in a hurry, he was in a happy mood, and the corner of his mouth could stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

Just waiting for Luo Xiaoyi to speak.

"Yes, Captain." Luo Xiaoyi was a little bit awkward.

"Yes, yes." Mo Jing quickly responded.

 I'm a time bacterium~
  Although I'm not here, you still have to actively vote and comment~
  Haha, I'm eating right now~

(End of this chapter)

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