God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 150 My boyfriend is the prettiest

Chapter 150 My boyfriend is the prettiest (1)

As Qi Shi expected, the moment he finished saying this, the coach immediately swears.


The four people inside heard what the coach said, and thought that Qi Shi must have angered the coach.

Seeing that his voice was too loud, the coach immediately lowered his voice and said, "What? How could he be with Xiaoyi? Didn't the two of them have a cold war the day before?"

Qi Shi felt helpless too.

"I don't know, I just found out, coach, you can go to Weibo, it's already on the trending searches, and the two parties didn't come out to explain."

"Coach, if there is nothing else, I'll leave first, bye." After saying this, Qi Shi immediately opened the door and ran inside.

As soon as Qi Shi entered, he received the eyes of his teammates.

One of them caught his attention in particular.

It was the captain's gaze, which always felt meaningful.

Tut tut, scary!
Qi Shi walked back to his seat in despair and continued to practice.

Others only thought he was being scolded by the coach and didn't care.

If they all looked at Qi Shi at this time, they could still see Qi Shi's guilty expression looking at Luo Xiaoyi and the captain.

About a minute later, the coach finished reading the items in the trending search, then opened the door silently, and said, "Come out, captain."

Mo Jing seemed to know that the coach would call him a long time ago, put down the phone in his hand, and came out slowly.

"Is there something wrong?" Mo Jing said this sentence as the door closed.

"You..." Zhao Wen didn't continue after saying this word.

Mo Jing naturally understood Zhao Wen's meaning and said "um".

Zhao Wen:. . .

In the end, Zhao Wen sighed and said: "Well, I don't care about you young people. By the way, your manager probably doesn't know about this matter. You should think about what to do first. Of course, I said It’s something that’s on the hot search.”

"En." Mo Jing said very calmly.

Zhao Wen:.
"Okay, let's go, let me blow some air here."

After the coach finished speaking, Mo Jing looked up to the sky.

The scorching sun is in the sky, and I really don't know what kind of wind is blowing.

Mo Jing didn't care what Zhao Wen thought.

After Mo Jing returned to the living room, Luo Xiaoyi asked him in a low voice: "Did the coach tell you anything? Didn't he scold you?"

At this time, Luo Xiaoyi still hasn't forgotten about being scolded by Qi Shi just now.

Mo Jing smiled and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, it's okay, be good."

Luo Xiaoyi blushed and immediately lowered her head to play with the phone in her hand.

Luo Chen: I know you two speak very quietly, but please don't pretend that I don't exist.

Just when Luo Xiaoyi was about to start the next game, someone suddenly called her.

Look at the notes: Master Mother.

It's my mother.

Luo Xiaoyi took the phone and went to the bathroom to listen.

"Hey, mom, what's the matter?" Luo Xiaoyi asked while clasping her hands.

"What do you think, my dear good daughter?" Luo Mu on the other side was silent for a few seconds before speaking.

Luo Xiaoyi felt that something was wrong when she heard her mother's tone, and then spoke cautiously.

"My dear mother, what happened? Can you tell me?"

"Your brother called me a few minutes ago, guess what he said?" Luo Mu directly asked Luo Xiaoyi on the opposite side.

 Regular bacteria come to Liao, everyone votes and rewards~

  I'm still sleeping, hahahahaha
(End of this chapter)

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