God of Glory is a bit sour

Chapter 158 Han Han

Chapter 158 Han Han (1)

Zhou Qi: Well, I have something to do with your family Xiaoyi, can you give your phone to your girlfriend.

Luo Xiaoyi: Yes.

On the opposite side, Mo Jing saw "your home" sent by the other party, and "your girlfriend" felt a lot better in an instant.

"Xiaoyi, someone is looking for you." After speaking, Mo Jing handed the phone to Luo Xiaoyi who was sitting next to him.

Because Luo Xiaoyi's cell phone ran out of battery just now, and Mo Jing didn't charge her while playing, so Mo Jing gave her his cell phone to play with, and he took Luo Xiaoyi's cell phone to charge first.

Luo Xiaoyi was playing a game, and when she saw the mobile phone that suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, she threw the mobile phone in her hand to Mo Jing, and asked him to make a call for her, then picked up her mobile phone and wanted to check it out. See who is looking for you.

As a result, I saw the conversation between my boyfriend and Zhou Qi.

Luo Xiaoyi:? ? ?

What the hell are these?

Luo Xiaoyi: Is there anything you can do with me?

Zhou Qi: Are you Xiaoyi's younger sister?
From Zhou Qi's tone, Luo Xiaoyi could see that the child must have been frightened by the captain just now.

Luo Xiaoyi: Well, I am.

Seeing that it was a real person this time, Zhou Qi on the opposite side immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to ask his own questions directly.

Zhou Qi: Xiaoyi, do you know why Rourou broke up with me?

Luo Xiaoyi was a little confused when she saw this sentence, and didn't know how to answer the other party.

After a pause for a few seconds, he replied slowly.

Luo Xiaoyi: Why did you suddenly ask me this?

Zhou Qi felt that if he asked Luo Xiaoyi directly at this time, she might not say it, so Zhou Qi decided that he should tell a little lie to deceive Luo Xiaoyi.

But even if Zhou Qi hadn't lied, Luo Xiaoyi would tell the truth. The reason was because Luo Xiaoyi didn't dare to lie.

Zhou Qi: Xiaorou told me all about it, but I think you've heard about it, maybe she hasn't finished it yet, so I want to ask you.

The words Zhou Qi sent to Luo Xiaoyi were full of loopholes, but Luo Xiaoyi really believed it.

Luo Xiaoyi:! !Rourou actually told you, I knew she would!By the way, the main reason for this matter is your mother, you should talk to your mother, because Auntie seems to have some inexplicable prejudice against Rou Rou, and most of the reasons for the breakup between the two of you this time are also Because of aunt.

Luo Xiaoyi tried her best not to speak too harshly.

Although Luo Xiaoyi didn't say anything specific, Zhou Qi almost guessed most of it.

Looking at the message Luo Xiaoyi sent to him, Zhou Qi was silent for a while, then thanked him, and stopped talking.

Luo Xiaoyi, who was on the opposite side, saw the "thank you" sent by Zhou Qi, and felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Luo Xiaoyi: I don't seem to have done anything, right?Why do you say thank you? ? ?

Mo Jing, who had been watching from the side, looked at the fool sitting next to him, and patted her head helplessly.

Why are you so stupid?

Forget it, just be stupid, after all, she is my girlfriend, no matter how stupid she is, she will be pampered.


Zhou Qi and Luo Xiaoyi on the opposite side made a direct call to Sheng Ning after chatting.

As for where the call came from, it was very simple. Zhou Qi's mother sent Zhou Qi Shengning's mobile phone number over and over again on WeChat, and told him to chat with other people's homes frequently.

 I found that the editor made a wrong v, ah, so annoying
(End of this chapter)

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