Brocade legend

Chapter 110 Martial Virtue

Chapter 110 Martial Virtue
"I... haven't lost yet..., I... I, haven't lost yet!" Shito growled and stood up desperately!
Stone remember!He can't lose, his winning or losing is related to Master Lu's life and death, and it is related to the life and death of Huang Daxia!

So he's on his feet again!
The tenacity of the stone deeply impressed the Mongolian soldiers, but angered Arak Khan.

"Kill him!" Alak Khan yelled at Wang Zhaoyi!
Wang Zhaoyi hesitated for a moment. Although he is a master of martial arts, his foundation is nothing more than a farmer, at most it is just the knowledge of a gang boss.

He couldn't tell the structure of the court, and he couldn't figure out who was with whom.

But he understood one thing, that is, Master Lu was specifically against Dongchang.

As long as Master Lu is left behind, he can add chaos to the East Factory and indirectly avenge himself!

But the order of the Great Khan... the life of the little daughter is still in the hands of the Mongols!
Thinking of this, Wang Zhaoyi was distracted, he didn't want to think about it any more, he took a step forward, whipped his legs against the crook of the stone's calf, and threw the stone to the ground again.

Before Arak Khan had time to show a smile, the stone struggled to get up again!

Alak Khan is really angry!

Seeing Arak Khan's expression, Wang Zhaoyi didn't dare to hesitate any longer, stepped forward and kicked again, knocked down the stone, and rolled a few times!

But the stone climbed up again...

Arakhan's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water.

Wang Zhaoyi's heart was completely messed up!
What kind of person is this!Wang Zhaoyi shouted in his heart!
Wang Zhaoyi didn't dare to think about it, shouted loudly, kicked the stone to the ground again, and prayed in his heart: "Don't get up again! Just lie down like this! Don't force me to kill you!"

But Shishi couldn't hear his voice, so Shishi climbed up tenaciously.

Wang Zhaoyi didn't dare to wait for the sweat to issue an order, so he stepped forward and kicked Shi Shi's chest...

When poking your feet to fight against the enemy, look at the enemy's eyes to be poisonous, and observe his five sense organs to detect movements, changes in perception, and win by surprise.That is to say, the eyes must be sharp and the feet must be quick.

Wang Zhaoyi is a person at the level of a great master, and his eyes are naturally very good. He saw the eyes of the stone.

Shitou's eyes were swollen long ago, but Wang Zhaoyi still saw that Shitou's eyes were dull.

Wang Zhaoyi's heart is like a beating stone!
This turns out that he has lost consciousness a long time ago!

Only a belief that cannot fall is supporting the stone, and it keeps getting up.

Shi Shi's lips moved slightly, clearly muttering: "I can't fall... I can't lose!"

What is supporting him, allowing him to have such faith!

Wang Zhaoyi's mind was racing, but the condition of many years of martial arts training made him stop his feet in time. When he saw it, his feet came too, and he kicked the stone to the ground again.

Wang Zhaoyi stared blankly at the stone wriggling... struggling... desperately struggling to stand up, feeling a sharp pain in his heart.

What Lulin Dahao gave him was a heroic heart!
This heroic heart made him unable to face a warrior like Shi Shi without emotion!
Although this heart was blinded by hatred and hurt by Daming's scum.

But deep down, he is still a Han, a Han martial artist!
"Master, what is the purpose of practicing martial arts?"

"To keep fit!"

"What's the purpose of keeping fit? Farming?"

"To protect the family and the country!"

Wang Zhaoyi's mind echoed what his grandfather said when he was teaching him martial arts when he was a child. That thick and majestic voice would ring out every morning when he was practicing:
"Respect the teacher! Filial piety and justice! Help the poor and help the poor! Eliminate violence and protect the good! Ask for advice with an open mind! Treat others with humility! Help others for pleasure! Avoid arrogance, extravagance and lust!"

This voice, along with his immature voice, echoed in the courtyard!

"Respect the teacher! Filial piety and justice! Help the poor and help the poor! Eliminate violence and protect the good! Ask for advice with an open mind! Treat others with humility! Help others for pleasure! Avoid arrogance, extravagance and lust!"


When he grows up, although he still remembers these words, his heart of a warrior is more immersed in the glory and pleasure of victory, in the vanity of being praised by others, and in the chicness of galloping in the rivers and lakes!

Too many victories, too much boasting, made him lose himself, and his whole family was killed. Is there really no responsibility for him?

He suddenly remembered!That person... was at the temple fair that day. He carried his daughter and let her ride on his neck, watching the clapper humming.

A man with several attendants insisted on squeezing past him. He was agitated for a moment and kicked him to the ground.

That person wanted to yell and scold at that time, but when he saw his staring eyes, he immediately recognized him as Wang Zhaoyi, knowing that he couldn't please him, so he ran away in desperation.

At that time, I was still proud of my high reputation, so I scared those people away at a glance.

He still remembers his daughter clapping her little hands on top of his head and giggling. At that time, he felt very majestic and his daughter was very happy.

But what he also remembers is the night when the village was massacred, the screams of the whole village, and the muffled cries of the daughter in his arms, until he escaped far away, he could still hear the saying...

Wang Zhaoyi suddenly laughed. It turned out that it wasn't just that guy from Dongchang who harmed his whole village, but also his arrogance.

"Zhaoyi, do you know why I called you this name?"

"Why! Grandpa"

"This is what I asked my husband for advice, so I gave it to you for a baby."

"Why the hell! Grandpa"

"Mr. said a lot of poems and prose, what's like 'Zhuobi Yunhan, show back to the sky' and what's "Youth is appreciated, and the day is only shown." I didn't remember it, but I remembered it. Showing is "showing leadership, publicizing and showing." The meaning of ". Together with righteousness, it means that people want benevolence and righteousness and faith, and you have to demonstrate benevolence and righteousness and promote faith! You must understand great etiquette and understand great righteousness!"

"Grandpa, I don't understand."

"It's okay, you'll understand when you grow up."

At this moment, Wang Zhaoyi, who was standing in the Mongolian camp, burst into tears.

Grandpa, my grandson has grown up, but my grandson didn't understand in time!If we had understood earlier, our family would not be finished!

If I had listened to my master's words and guarded against arrogance and impetuosity, I wouldn't have acted rashly that day, be humble, be courteous, wouldn't it be over?

"Respect the teacher! Filial piety and justice! Help the poor and help the poor! Eliminate violence and protect the good! Ask for advice with an open mind! Treat others with humility! Help others! Avoid arrogance, extravagance and lust!" Wang Zhaoyi murmured.

Looking at the stone standing up wobbly, Wang Zhaoyi swore in his heart: "Grandpa, my grandson understands. If you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening. It is rare for Ming Dynasty to have officials and family members like them. Let them be kept for us. Take revenge and do something good for the world!"

Wang Zhaoyi had already decided in his heart to find an opportunity to send Lu Bing and others out of the camp!
"Even if we bet the lives of our father and daughter!" Wang Zhaoyi turned around and wanted to leave first. He didn't want to live in mediocrity, and he didn't want to let his daughter marry a Mongolian in the future, give birth to a Mongolian baby, and finally forget that he is a Han. , become a Mongol!

He finally understood, finally he was not confused, but at this moment, a girl's voice woke him up: "Father! Be careful!"

 I have been silently racking my brains to write a book. A friend suggested to set up a group, saying that it would be helpful for the review of historical authenticity, so I built it. Friends who like Jinyiwei can exchange and discuss.Group number: One, two, one, one, nine, five, one——"Legend of Jin Yi" book friend group
(End of this chapter)

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