Brocade legend

Chapter 134 Fang Xianfu

Chapter 134 Fang Xianfu

Just as Zhang Mo and Chen Hong clapped their hands and laughed, Lu Bing was also full of doubts, but because he had just entered Beijing and the situation was unknown, he couldn't figure it out.

As soon as I walked out of the palace gate, I saw a sedan chair parked outside the palace gate. The roof of the sedan chair was silver, the cover and curtain of the sedan chair were soap-colored, and four bearers stood aside.The one standing in front of the sedan chair, Lu Bing looked familiar, looked carefully, and recognized that it was Fang Da.

This Fang Da was the survivor who was assassinated by Dongchang assassins in Mashi and then rescued by Jin Yiwei, and a disciple of Fang Xianfu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

Judging from the appearance and specifications of the sedan chair, only people with a rank of three or more in the capital can sit on it, so the person sitting in the sedan chair must be Fang Xianfu.

Seeing Lu Bing coming out, Fang Da bowed his waist and whispered a few words to the people in the sedan chair, then walked up to him with a smile.

"Lord Lu! The villain is being polite here!" Fang Da nodded and bowed to meet him, and cupped his hands.

"Fang Da? What's the matter?" Lu Bing also smiled.

"My lord has been waiting for Master Lu here for a long time." Fang Da apologized with a smile
"Then there will be Mr. Labor." Lu Bing replied in his mouth, but he thought in his heart that there are quite a lot of people waiting for him today.While thinking about it, he came to the sedan chair with a smile, cupped his hands and said, "Your official Jin Yiwei Qianhu Lu Bing, I have met Mr. Fang!"

Hearing Lu Bing's voice, hearty laughter came from the sedan chair. Fang Xianfu, who was wearing a red bullfight robe, lifted the curtain of the sedan chair, walked down with a big laugh, held Lu Bing's arms and said, "You are so polite, Lu Qianhu!" , I came here specially to thank Lu Qianhu! Would you like Lu Qianhu to do me a favor and have a light meal together?"

Lu Bing thought to himself, if you really think I'm too polite, you won't wait for me to come and salute before coming down.

In the final analysis, Fang Xianfu was the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, a senior member of the second rank, and a well-deserved giant in the literary world. He naturally had to put on airs to Lu Bing, a small military officer of the fifth rank and a thousand households.

I am afraid that the virtues of these civil servants in the Ming Dynasty cannot be changed. Let alone a second-rank official, even a small scholar does not pay attention to ordinary military officers. The civil servants of the Ming Dynasty are really arrogant to a certain extent up.

Lu Bing smiled wryly in his heart and shook his head, he didn't want to do what he thought, but just exchanged pleasantries with Fang Xianfu, and walked to a restaurant not far away.

In the Ming Dynasty, the emperor and the literati jointly ruled the world with literature.Not to mention that he is a small five-rank official with a thousand households, even the emperor of Ming Dynasty, he is choked up by civil officials from time to time.

When Emperor Zhengde was in power, Yang Tinghe, the chief assistant at that time, who was also the father of Yang Shen, who was so talented and affectionate, quarreled face to face with Emperor Zhengde many times. .As a result, he did not go to court, but Yang Tinghe's decision was implemented instead, and the country's operation was better than when Emperor Zhengde was in court.It was also for this reason that Emperor Zhengde was disheartened.

Until Emperor Jiajing ascended the throne, with the support of Zhang Cong and others, and Yang Tinghe and others because of the dispute over the ceremony, the incident of "Blood Splattering Zuoshunmen" finally broke out.

Since the school of discussing rites represented by Zhang Cong and Fang Xianfu gradually gained the upper hand, the officials of the school of protecting rites decided to collectively appeal to the emperor.

So a huge team of more than 23 people, including 20 people from Jiuqing, 21 people from Hanlin, 30 people from Gishizhong, and [-] people from the Imperial Envoy, knelt outside Zuoshun gate collectively, crying and shouting loudly.

Emperor Jiajing sent people to take the leading ministers into prison, and the officials became even more angry. There was a commotion in front of Zuo Shun's gate, and Emperor Sejong became murderous. He dispatched Jin Yiwei from all directions to arrest 130 people and arrest 86 people. , Zuo Shun in front of the door was stained with blood.

After that, the civil servants saw Emperor Jiajing's iron fist, and they dared not stand out.Then Emperor Jiajing reused Zhang Cong, Fang Xianfu and other pro-imperial literati, and finally grasped the power, and now the Jiajing Dynasty came into being.

However, literati are still the upper class of Ming Dynasty and have not changed.Therefore, Fang Xianfu came to invite Lu Bing, thinking that he had given Lu Bing enough face, and put on airs, Fang Xianfu didn't think there was anything wrong with it.After all, civil servants like Fang Xianfu looked down on people like Jin Yiwei and Dongchang.

If it weren't for Fang Da's matter, Fang Xianfu would definitely not be so "ceremonial corporal".Even if Lu Bing was Jiajing's baby brother and confidant, Fang Xianfu couldn't let Fang Xianfu take a high look.

However, whoever let himself really participate in the horse market, originally just wanted to do some business and earn some extra money, but he didn't get involved with Dongchang, it really didn't do any good, and Fang Xianfu secretly called it bad luck.

Lu Bing was well aware of Fang Xianfu's entanglement in his heart, and he also disdained such a pious person, but in order to take over the next task, temporary hypocrisy and obedience are also necessary.

Lu Bing had planned to find out when Fang Xianfu had recently happened in Beijing.

Lu Bing and Fang Xianfu went into the restaurant together, Fang Xianfu asked for a private room by the window, the two gave way, Fang Xianfu took the host seat and Lu Bing the guest seat.

Fang Xianfu asked for a pot of Biluochun, ordered some seasonal vegetables, ordered a West Lake vinegar fish, and warmed a pot of wine.

After a while, the waiter from the shop came up with tea first, and the two drank tea and chatted while waiting for the dishes to be served.

Fang Xianfu smiled and said, "Lu Qianhu, thank you for saving this official, I must have another drink later."

"Lord Fang, you are being polite!" Lu Bing smiled modestly: "Assassins dare to commit murder in front of my Jin Yiwei, they don't take my Jin Yiwei seriously, and they should be executed on the spot."

The tone of Lu Bing's words was humble, but his words were not polite at all.

Fang Xianfu stroked his beard, and said: "Jin Yiwei has indeed shown a new look recently, unlike before, he was just colluding with Dongchang."

After Fang Xianfu finished speaking, he seemed to remember that the person sitting across from him was Jin Yiwei Qianhu, and apologized: "Lord Lu, I am not talking about you!"

Lu Bing picked up the tea, took a sip, and said: "It's okay, Jin Yiwei has indeed lived a bit of hardship these years, and this official is also from a family of Jin Yiwei, so it's really hard to see."

"Then, Master Lu, can you find out who assassinated our sect...?" Fang Xianfu tentatively asked.

"It's been found out, it's from Dongchang." Lu Bing said bluntly without hiding anything.

On the contrary, Fang Xianfu felt a little embarrassed, and thought for a long time, not knowing how to explain it.The two drank tea silently, made various calculations, and waited for the dishes to be served.

As for Dongchang, Chen Hong and Zhang Mo had already discussed how to stop.

Zhang Mo was about to retreat and act according to plan, but Chen Hong suddenly stopped him and said, "From tomorrow onwards, Liu Biao will be a member of Jinyiwei. Since the establishment of Dongchang, it has only been my Dongchang who poached others. Others come to poach people from my East Factory, especially Jin Yiwei!"

"Supervisor...what do you want?" Zhang Mo asked
"If Liu Biao really enters Jinyiwei, then my face and the face of Dongchang will be completely humiliated! I don't want to see this moment happen!" Chen Hongyin said harshly.

(End of this chapter)

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