Brocade legend

Chapter 136 Punishing the Heart

Chapter 136 Punishing the Heart
Fang Xianfu seemed to have realized something, but he still said: "Lu Qianhu can tell you."

"Xiaguan didn't walk very close this time. From the capital to Xuanfu, from Xuanfu to Datong, and from Datong to Yulin, Xiaguan looked all the way and thought all the way, why are the people all the way so miserable? At first, I thought it was because of the Mongolian harassment on the border, but after thinking about it again, I was wrong. Where the Mongols do not reach, the life of the people is just as difficult..." Lu Bing drank another cup, and said: "After thinking about it, the officials actually I found one thing, that is, where there is no government management, the people live better..."

"Bold! In the whole world, is it the land of the king; on the coast of the land, is it the king's subject! You... talking nonsense! Do you want to rebel?" Fang Xianfu suddenly changed his face when he heard this, slapped the table, and shouted loudly.

Lu Bing smiled wryly, looked at Fang Xianfu with piercing eyes, and said, "Does your lord know what the last sentence of 'The shore of the land, is it the king's minister' is?"

"This..." Of course Fang Xianfu knew, but he couldn't say it out.

"Master Fang won't say it, I will tell you for you." Lu Bing sat upright and said loudly: "Doctors are not equal, I work as a virtuous man!"

"You, you, you..." Fang Xianfu was furious, stood up abruptly, pointed at Lu Bing, but was at a loss for words, unable to think of how to accuse him.

Lu Bing sneered and said: "Master Fang, you can still sit and drink with me today because I haven't figured out what to do with you! I think, after you leave this restaurant, you will know that I have already Appointed to be the envoy of the Fusi of the North Town, to investigate the Mashi case! You must know what the Fusi of the Beizhen is doing. I am afraid that the Jinyiwei under my official has heard of it, otherwise I would not wait in the palace. Outside the door. Jin Yiwei is acting according to the order, special things! Is Mr. Fang planning to have a good drink with this official, and cooperate with this official to investigate the case tomorrow, or let this official first get rid of you?"

Fang Xianfu was sweating profusely, and wanted to reprimand angrily, but his heart was weak, he muttered for a long time, sighed, and sat down.

Seeing Fang Xianfu sitting down obediently, Lu Bing said with a smile: "Then the next official will finish what he didn't say just now. Since ancient times, the officials have forced the people to rebel, and many unjust, false and wrong cases have been committed by bureaucrats? Think about the West Lake vinegar fish. In that story, which character in it was not persecuted? Persecuted by bureaucrats? And bureaucrats are literati. The first time I went to Beidi, I saw a lot of betraying the country for profit, cheating people for profit, the more I watched, the more angry I became, and the more I watched, the more aggrieved, so I instructed Zhu Liu and others to act ruthlessly, I want to see, these The rich and noble people who run rampant in the countryside lost their money and even their lives! Can you become more reasonable! Be more honest!"

Lu Bing saw that Fang Xianfu just kept his face sullen and silent, and sighed in his heart, knowing that these words would not impress this old bureaucrat, after all, he is also one of the scholars in the world, and he is still a leader.But think about it, at least the old bureaucrat still has a guilty conscience. After sighing secretly, he continued: "Master Fang, you are Mr. Yangming's disciple. I am willing to come with you because I feel that you will at least Understand some truths, today it seems that the lower officials are wrong..."

Fang Xianfu couldn't help being a little moved when he heard Lu Bing mentioning his predecessor, and then he heard that Lu Bing had room to maneuver, and then he sighed: "I don't agree with what Master Lu said, but I can't refute it. However, I can He said that he never wanted to disgrace the name of the former teacher. Since becoming an official, I have fulfilled my duties and considered most of the people in the world, and I have a clear conscience."

Lu Bing asked again: "Then why did you get involved in the horse market?"

Fang Xianfu sighed: "One misstep will cause eternal hatred! I just asked the doorman to bring some goods over, I just thought it was a business, I never thought it was this kind of business, I want to withdraw it, but I can't withdraw it..."

"Are you afraid that there will be many participants, some even relatives and friends, who are in the same year, if you quit halfway, it will make everyone suspicious and even alienated?" Lu Bing asked with a smile.

Fang Xianfu nodded awkwardly.

"So, many people were deceived by Dongchang on the grounds of doing business. You didn't know it was an underground horse market before?" Lu Bing followed Fang Xianfu's words and found an excuse for him.

After hearing this, Fang Xianfu understood and nodded in agreement.

Lu Bing continued to laugh and said, "Master Laofang, please cooperate with the investigation recently and hand over a list of the people who were deceived, and I will defend you in front of the emperor."

Fang Xianfu was a little hesitant, but when he thought about it, there was no other way. Lu Bing had made such a big presence in the Northland that he might have collected almost all the evidence.

Fang Xianfu understands that Lu Bing's method is to give himself a personal favor, so that he can have the opportunity to protect his own people, and he reciprocates: "I don't know what else Mr. Lu needs to cooperate with?"

Lu Bing thought for a while, and said: "I really feel strange about something when I'm an official, and I want to ask Mr. Fang for advice."

Lu Bing said what he felt strange today, especially the fact that the emperor let Chen Hong go.

Fang Xianfu was also deeply involved in the horse market case, so naturally he didn't shy away from it. After listening to it, he thought about it for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he was actually happy in his heart: "Could it be...the opportunity has come!"

Seeing Fang Xianfu's expression like this, Lu Bing knew that Fang Xianfu had something to gain, so he asked, "What did Mr. Fang think of? Please give me some advice."

Fang Xianfu looked at Lu Bing in front of him, and thought: "If you want to seize the opportunity, I'm afraid you have to rely on this Lu Qianhu. In this case, it's better to say it bluntly. It would be great if we can form an alliance temporarily. If you escape from the case, you can... However, if you want to form an alliance, you have to show your own strength."

Thinking of this, Fang Xianfu smiled confidently, and said calmly: "Master Lu, do you know what is guarding an official?"

When Lu Bing heard this, something about guarding the middle officials flashed through his mind.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty had the habit of sending guarding eunuchs to the provinces and important towns of the Ming Dynasty. The guarding eunuchs held military and political power, forming a network of eunuchs replacing the emperor to rule the country.

The eunuch's autocratic and chaotic government is also a major disaster in the past dynasties. They relied on the emperor, formed a party for personal gain, plundered wantonly, framed ministers, and ignored human life.During the reign of Wu Zong, the eunuch Liu Jin monopolized power, and he was powerful all over the world.

Guarding eunuchs are not only in charge of military, administrative, supervisory, judicial and other powers, but also in the name of serving the imperial court, cleverly set up names such as "Jinfeng" and "filial piety", and cruelly exploited the people. silver count.

Acting in this way, there will be no place in the world that will not be suffering, and no place will be chaotic.

When Lu Bing heard Fang Xianfu mention the guarding officials, he couldn't help asking: "The guarding officials in the world...haven't they all been dismissed last year under Zhang Shoufu's vigorous promotion?"

(End of this chapter)

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