Brocade legend

Chapter 138 Poor Alley

Chapter 138 Poor Alley
All Liu Biao knew was that he followed Mr. Zhang Mo all the way to Dongchang.

Today, coming tonight, he is no longer from Dongchang, let alone Zhang Mo.

In fact, a long time ago, he already knew that he didn't need to be grateful to Zhang Mo. He was just one of the desperate young people picked up by Zhang Mo. Zhang Mo picked them up for better use.

Among those young people, Liu Biao had also seen betrayal, but none of them survived, let alone succeeded...

Just when Liu Biao recalled!A few faint cold lights suddenly flew out from the dark corners, across the night, and arrived in front of you in an instant!

The sneer at the corner of Liu Biao's mouth flickered, and he turned around and flashed into the darkness.

Those sleeve arrows naturally fell through.

The back alley fell into darkness and silence again.

Liu Biao hid himself in the darkness, with his fingers resting on the handle of the knife... In fact, not long after he came to Qiongxiang, he felt as if someone was following him.

While recalling, he was also calculating how many places could hide people in this poor alley, and what angle it would be if the hidden weapon was placed.

Therefore, when the arrow light appeared, he had already chosen the direction and angle of avoidance, and easily dodged it.

At the same time, he also chose a place where he could hide.

While Liu Biao sneered, he also felt sad.

Because he knew who sent the killer, he had already guessed that there would be this moment.

And his ability to avoid murder was also taught by the person who sent the killer.

Liu Biao stayed quietly in the shadows.

That person not only taught him how to deal with assassination, but also taught him how to assassinate.

Compared with defense, Liu Biao is better at offense.

The killer's attack requires super endurance assistance.

Liu Biao didn't move, and neither did the killers.

It was silent at the moment, but the atmosphere gradually became dignified.

Liu Biao speculated secretly, judging that there were no more than three places where people could hide in this crude alley, except for this place where he was hiding.

In other words, there are no more than three killers.

Liu Biao knew in his heart that he could judge it, and so could the killer.

Those killers must already know where they are hiding, but whoever shows up...will die first!

Time passed by breath by breath.

Just like that, the alley was quiet for half an hour, as if nothing had happened.

At this moment, Liu Biao could be sure that with such patience, these killers must have come from the hands of Zhang Mo, not the dead men trained by Dongchang.

Speaking of it, Mr. Zhang Mo is really a great talent, resourceful, eloquent, knowledgeable, and martial arts. Just talking about assassination, Mr. Zhang Mo can be called a master.

It's a pity that Zhang Mo met Mr. Lu.

Thinking of this, Liu Biao couldn't help laughing.

The most important thing in the assassination method that Zhang Mo advocated was patience. In order to wait for an opportunity, one could spend days or even months to observe, plan, wait, and look for an opportunity to kill with one blow.

Master Lu is a master who prefers to fight fast.

Master Lu has been emphasizing speed. Whether it is a fight or a battle of wits, Master Lu likes to go with the wind and the trend, make decisive decisions, and cut through the mess quickly.

These two people together are really natural nemesis!

Zhang Mo likes to create opportunities, and waits until the time is perfect before making a move.But Mr. Lu was able to mobilize all resources and seize the opportunity.

In the last round, Zhang Mo obviously didn't adapt to Master Lu's way of doing things. In the end, he underestimated Master Lu's ability and chose to confront him head-on, so he suffered a crushing defeat.

This time back to Beijing, Zhang Mo and Mr. Lu will definitely have a confrontation. I don't know, who will win this time?
Liu Biao's thoughts slowly turned back to himself, thinking: "The assassination of myself today is not the first confrontation between them!"

Time is still ticking... the Zi hour is almost over.

Zhang Mo was on guard. It was obvious that it would be beneficial for him to survive like this.

However, he knew that the killer trained by Zhang Mo would choose to give up his life in order to complete the task.

If he was the assassin this time, he would definitely choose to sacrifice one person and force himself out first.

Sure enough, as Liu Biao expected, in the darkness, a few smoke bombs were suddenly thrown out, and thick smoke enveloped half of the alley in an instant.

This smoke bomb is Mr. Zhang Mo's favorite work. It is made of a mixture of gunpowder and some inflammable substances that can produce thick smoke.

If you do not pay attention to precautions, you will be choked if you inhale the smoke.

Liu Biao immediately tore off the hem of his clothes. Although he knew that the tearing sound would be very obvious in the dark, if he didn't cover his mouth and nose quickly, there would be no need to fight now!
Sure enough, the tearing sound was very loud in the dark night. Before Liu Biao had time to tie the cloth strips on his face, he covered his mouth and nose with the cloth with his left hand, and drew out his waist knife with his right hand.

And Liu Biao had just drawn the knife in his hand, and a long knife had already struck face to face!

Liu Biao covered his mouth and nose with a cloth strip in one hand, held the knife in the other hand, and struck several times with the long knife that was coming at him. Liu Biao's strength was still higher than that of the killer who attacked him, and he forced the killer back with a few knives, but Liu Biao was also exposed.

Liu Biao immediately became alert, and before he had time to retreat, several sleeve arrows were already shooting at him with the sound of breaking the wind!

Fortunately, Liu Biao was vigilant in time and managed to dodge. Those sleeve arrows brushed against Liu Biao's body and nailed them to the wall behind him.

Liu Biao knew that he couldn't stay in this corner anymore!Regardless of the pickle on the ground, he rolled on the spot, just in time to avoid another knife from the killer just now, and rolled into the thick smoke.

And Liu Biao, who rolled into the thick smoke, was not safe either. The two killers hiding aside had already predicted Liu Biao's dodge route.Liu Biao scrambled and scrambled in embarrassment to avoid the sleeve arrows that followed him all the way, and the sleeve arrows rolled past behind him, nailing two rows in a canine-toothed pattern!

Finally, the sleeve arrows were no longer fired, and before Liu Biao could get up, or even take a breath, two long knives came one after another!

The long knife used by the killer looks similar in style to the waist knife in Liu Biao's hand.

The knife in Liu Biao's hand was not the standard Xiuchun knife, but it was made according to the appearance of the Tang knife, with a longer handle and a slightly larger arc.This style is also Zhang Mo's invention. It can hold the knife with both hands, which is more convenient for chopping.

But the long knife that was chopped off was longer than the blade in Liu Biao's hand, and it looked like a Japanese sword.

Liu Biao was even more sure that the killer was sent by Zhang Mo, because the new knives of Zhang Mo's killers were all replaced by Japanese knives smuggled from Japan.Because the Japanese sword is of better quality, it is also more suitable for chopping and stabbing.

Only Liu Biao still kept the old knife because he no longer participated in assassination activities and was used to the original style of knife.

And these smuggled Japanese knives were handled by Liu Biao.

Liu Biao quickly hand-to-hand with the two killers, and immediately dodged to hide in the thick fog. At the same time, the sound of footsteps and rustling clothes in the alley stopped instantly!

(End of this chapter)

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