Brocade legend

Chapter 156 Zhou Bin's Origin

Chapter 156 Zhou Bin's Origin

After entering Beijing, Honglian's ability became more prominent, and she made outstanding achievements many times.

Therefore, in this deceitful capital, the Empress Dowager Jiang relied more heavily on her, and with the help of Chen Hong, she became even more powerful.

But this Honglian is not a fool who is proud of the powerful. The more powerful she is, the more cautious she is. She is fair and just in dealing with people and things.After Empress Dowager Jiang became seriously ill, in this huge harem, Honglian was the one who was actually in charge.

According to Dongchang's investigation, after Honglian's parents sold Honglian, they gave birth to a boy, Zhou Bin.

However, sitting on the mountain and eating nothing, the money for selling the daughter will soon be used up, so I can't sell the son who has passed on the family line, right?
Therefore, Honglian's parents, that is, Zhou Bin's parents, took Zhou Bin to rent two acres of land from the landlord and became tenants.

One can imagine Zhou Bin's life when he was a teenager. Leaving aside being bullied, he couldn't get enough to eat, and he had to work hard so that he wouldn't starve to death, but he was so tired that he would die every day.

Later, his parents also fell ill due to overwork all year round, and finally passed away before him.

After the death of his parents, Zhou Bin's life became even more difficult. Just when he thought he would follow in the footsteps of his parents, people from Dongchang finally stepped into his home. On such a day, Chen Hong found him, and he was shocked. until.

When the people from Dongchang broke into his house, he had lost even the spirit of fear. When he was sent to Beijing and saw Chen Hong, he was still in a trance.

And when Chen Hong told him the whole story of the future, he was almost dumbfounded, and couldn't believe that such a thing would happen to him.

He didn't cry until he saw his sister Guren hugged by the crying Guren.

When the siblings finished crying, they had mixed feelings when talking about the two of them over the years.

Honglian told Zhou Bin about her experience and life experience. Zhou Bin didn't remember anything else, but he remembered to seize the opportunity and study hard.

He knows that it is too late to study now, and now that he has a chance to stand up, he will practice martial arts crazily, and finally practice a good skill, because he knows very well that if all this is not true, he will also gain a foothold for himself capital.No matter how nice my sister is to me, and no matter how powerful Chen Hong is, she is not the most reliable.Only this ability will be with him for the rest of his life.

And Zhou Bin's hard work and hard work are also seen by Hong Lian, who is very satisfied with this younger brother.Therefore, it also changed her original decision to oppose Chen Hong's letting Zhou Bin enter the officialdom.

Hong Lian's original plan was to make Zhou Bin a rich man, and live a normal and prosperous life.

But Zhou Bin and Chen Hong disagreed.

Zhou Bin has been bullied enough. Now that he has the opportunity to change his destiny, he certainly wants to seize the opportunity and make himself someone who can bully others... In terms of his background and experience, this is the best he can think of. .

Of course, Chen Hong also has his own plans. The appearance of Zhou Bin will make the distance between him and Honglian, due to the distance inside and outside the palace, the change of identity, and the problems of less gathering and more separation, the estrangement between him and Honglian will change. more intimate.

As long as he can make Hong Lian's younger brother flourish, Hong Lian will naturally stand by his side and support him not to fall, because if he does not fall, her younger brother will naturally not fall. In this way, it is a disguised form of treating the Queen Mother as another backing.

With Honglian's wisdom, of course she thought of this, but her brother's efforts moved her, made her unbearable, and finally made her feel relieved and even hopeful.

After all, she is a girl, and she seems to be strong now, but because of the Queen Mother Jiang.

When Empress Dowager Jiang is here, she is naturally comfortable for a day, but now, Empress Dowager Jiang's health is getting worse and worse, and she may die someday.At that time, she, the empress dowager's neighbor, would be nothing more than a mustard.Her current status, on the contrary, makes it impossible for her to find another backer in the future - the person used by the empress dowager, who would dare to use this harem?Her best result is nothing more than being raised in the palace to enjoy her old age.

Therefore, she needs someone who can take care of the wealth of her Zhou family, so that she will not fall into a lonely situation.

Originally, she wanted to count on Chen Hong, but Chen Hong's performance in recent years has been a bit smug. She has been around the empress dowager and the emperor all year round, and she has a deep understanding of what the empress dowager and the emperor said.This made her sleepless at night, secretly frightened.This is also the reason why she gradually distanced herself from Chen Hong, she didn't want to be implicated by Chen Hong.

Now that she has a younger brother, and she is so capable, she is naturally thinking about it. If they can work together to help her younger brother to the top when Chen Hong's power is at its strongest, she will have hope for the rest of her life.

So in the end she let go and asked Chen Hong to arrange Zhou Bin's future.

Due to various reasons, Zhou Bin finally chose to join Jinyiwei... This was the place he felt was the most powerful, least vulnerable to bullying, and able to bully others, except for Dongchang, which was headed by eunuchs.Besides, his brother-in-law is the governor of Dongchang, and Dongchang doesn't dare to bully him!

Honglian wanted someone who could share the burden with her, but Chen Hong wanted someone who could help him tie Honglian. If the person who tied Honglian could occupy a place in Jinyiwei, and even be in charge of Jinyiwei, This is very much in Chen Hong's mind!

Chen Hong really made a good plan. In his opinion, the semi-independent North Town Fusi who manages the imperial prison is obviously more promising and more useful to him than the Nanzhen Fusi who manages the Jinyi Guards' discipline equipment.

After Chen Hong got Zhou Bin into Fusi of Jinyiwei North Town, with Hong Lian and Chen Hong working together, Zhou Bin really made it to the top. Within two years, he became a thousand households, and his next target was Wang Zuo. The location——Jinyiwei North Town Fusi Town Fushi.Luo An is getting old, and Wang Zuo is about to replace Luo An, becoming the commander of Jinyiwei is a certainty.And after Wang Zuo was promoted, Zhou Bin didn't sit in the position he vacated, who would dare to sit in it!

This also became a tacit understanding that Chen Hong, Hong Lian, and Zhou Bin did not need to discuss.

The plan of Chen Hong and others went smoothly before Lu Bing suddenly appeared.

However, Lu Bing suddenly appeared!
And it was a blockbuster!
Lu Bing's sudden appearance not only disrupted many of Chen Hong's arrangements, but also blocked Zhou Bin's way of promotion.

That's why Zhou Bin was so dissatisfied with Lu Bing before he met Lu Bing.

He hated Lu Bing so much that his teeth itch!

Today, under Chen Hong's various admonitions, he came here full of anger.

He just wanted to see how powerful this legendary Mr. Lu Binglu was.

 My new book "The Young Hero of Wulu" has been released!
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  This is a novella of mine, it's finished, if you are interested, you can try it out!

(End of this chapter)

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