Brocade legend

Chapter 161 Alluding to Chief Assistant

Chapter 161 Alluding to Chief Assistant
That day, under the witness of Honglian, Lu Bing and Chen Hong compared each other, and Lu Bing became more sure of Emperor Jiajing's plan.

Therefore, the three acted in a play with a tacit understanding, and Emperor Jiajing's quick response strengthened the confidence of the three of them.

Emperor Jiajing wants to attack Zhang Fujing, the chief minister of the dynasty!
In fact, it is easy to understand that Chen Hong opened a horse market in private. In a big way, it hurts the country. Tell the host.

Now that the master knows, he is naturally very angry, and of course he must send someone—that is, Lu Bing to investigate.

When Lu Bing went to the Northland, he not only beat the Mongols who were secretly doing business with his slaves, but also robbed the Mongols of their belongings, so he regained his face.

Moreover, Lu Bing also borrowed this matter to help Emperor Jiajing get back a large sum of income, so there is also a lot of money.

Now that he has face and face, and the servant has taught him a lesson, most of Emperor Jiajing's anger has dissipated, and he even feels like a blessing in disguise.

And some people died in the frontier, such a trivial matter, of course, the emperor would not take it to heart.

What's more, now that this slave is still useful, Jiajing naturally let Chen Hong go first, because for Emperor Jiajing, there is another thing that is imminent.

Zhang Fujing's proposal to dismiss the guarding officials in the world was a good thing for the country and the people, but it also made the eunuchs in the world hate him to the bone, and even Emperor Jiajing felt a little unhappy.

You must know that a lot of the money collected by the guarding officials sent to the local area will eventually flow into the emperor's internal treasury, and this income is also one of the important sources of the emperor's internal treasury.

Now that there are no guarding officials in the world, and the emperor has lost a large sum of money, Emperor Jiajing is naturally heartbroken, which is why he rejected Zhang Fujing's proposal several times.

Also, what is a eunuch?To put it bluntly, it is the emperor's dog. People say that it depends on the owner to beat the dog. Although the dog is disobedient, it should be beaten, but outsiders cannot be allowed to do it!
Now, Zhang Fujing beat all of Emperor Jiajing's dogs once, and people all over the world said that the beating was good. Those dogs who were beaten naturally complained to Emperor Jiajing every day, and Emperor Jiajing hated Zhang Fujing even more.

Is this still one of the reasons why Emperor Jiajing made up his mind to take down Zhang Fujing.

After Emperor Jiajing came to power, he took back the power from the civil official group, and the eunuch group was an important force for Emperor Jiajing to fight against the civil official group.

Yang Tinghe and his son, the leaders of the civil official group at the time, were hit head-on by the Yili faction headed by the current Zhang Fujing and the original Zhang Cong during the grand ceremony. Zhang Fujing was an important force that helped Emperor Jiajing defeat Yang Tinghe back then.

Today, Emperor Jiajing has been on the throne for 11 years. At the beginning, the influence of Yang's father and son gradually dissipated and disintegrated, but Zhang Fujing's reputation has become increasingly prominent. In addition, before Zhang Fujing became an official, he was a well-known celebrity in the world. He once founded Luo Feng in Yaoxi, the five capitals. In the academy, he called himself Mr. Luo Feng, and these conditions gradually made him tend to become the second Yang Tinghe.

Emperor Jiajing's power was taken back from the civil servants, so he was naturally very vigilant about this matter. Zhang Fujing attacked the eunuchs, which made the suspicious and intelligent Emperor Jiajing see some other signs.

Therefore, Emperor Jiajing decided to keep Chen Hong alive and take advantage of the god-given opportunity of the Mashi case to take down Zhang Fujing.

Naturally, it is not easy to say such things clearly. Fortunately, Lu Bing is a smart person. Chen Hong naturally cooperated with all his strength in order to save his life. Fang Xianfu, the second child of ten thousand years, naturally wanted to go further, so he overturned the important matter of the chief assistant of the court. , It seems to be completed without any hindrance.

Of course, this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

If it weren't for the large amount of evidence that Lu Bing had obtained in the Northland, Chen Hong would not be able to force Chen Hong to protect himself and cooperate consciously.It is even more impossible to force so many civil officials to defect. According to Fang Xianfu's reasoning, there is a bigger black hand behind the mapping. It is self-evident who has such a great influence among the civil officials in the Ming Dynasty.

If it wasn't for the horse market involving so many people who turned against each other, Fang Xianfu wouldn't even have the chance to replace Zhang Fujing.

As for the other major forces in the imperial court, the military and nobles are naturally happy to see the civil servants unlucky. s reason.

In this way, Lu Bing took advantage of the right time, place and people, and forced Zhang Fujing into a corner, making him a lonely family.

"I don't know, what is Master Lu planning to end?" Fang Xianfu put down his glass and asked Lu Bingdao.

Lu Bing thought for a while and said: "With the intelligence of Mr. Shoufu, I'm afraid I have already sensed that something is wrong. I think it is not beautiful to be too persecuted. When the time comes, I will really turn my face, and the emperor will not be able to hold back. Let me borrow the opportunity to investigate the case." First, go to see Mr. Shoufu to find out. If Mr. Zhang is sensible, we can talk about it, and he can retreat unscathed. If he is stubborn, we will see the real chapter again."

"Why is it so troublesome?" Chen Hong said impatiently: "Zhang Fujing has nothing to do now, as long as we give a little hint, there will naturally be a lot of testimonies pointing at him, and when the time comes, we'll just come to arrest him."

Lu Bing didn't seem to hear it, so he ignored it, Fang Xianfu heard it, thought for a while, and said: "I think it's better to follow Lord Lu's method, and it can be regarded as courtesy first and then soldiers."

Seeing that Fang Xianfu and himself couldn't urinate in the same pot, Chen Hong snorted coldly and said, "Anyway, I don't have anything to do later, so you can do whatever you want! I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first!"

After Chen Hong finished speaking, he stood up and left with a wave of his sleeves.

Lu Bing and Fang Xianfu looked at each other and smiled.

Lu Bing thanked Fang Xianfu repeatedly for his advice. Now that Fang Xianfu has lost his arrogance, the two chatted happily.

You must know that although the rank of Fusi of Beizhen is not high, those who can sit in this position are all the emperor's confidantes, and the status of Qianhu is quite different from that of Qianhu.

Looking at the majestic chief minister of the current dynasty, under one person, above tens of thousands, Lu Bing was on the verge of falling for three days with a hint from the emperor. It can also be seen that Lu Bing's ability to observe and judge the overall situation is unusual, and for The ability to mobilize and utilize various forces to achieve goals is also beyond Fang Xianfu's estimation.

What's more, what happened on the day Lu Bing took office had already spread throughout the capital, how could Fang Xianfu dare to be arrogant.

The two of them were polite, chatted for a while, and then they left.

Lu Bing didn't go back home, but went to Liu Biao's small courtyard first.

Sun Quan and Huang Lian'er have been taking care of Liu Biao these few days. Today Sun Quan came to report that Liu Biao had woken up.

(End of this chapter)

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