Brocade legend

Chapter 163

Chapter 163
Lu Bing opened his mouth, but said: "I'm waiting here, Master Zhang won't even serve you a cup of tea?"

Zhang Fujing took a deep look at Lu Bing, and said loudly, "Come here, serve tea!"

Lu Bing didn't speak anymore, Zhang Fujing was only silent, and the dignified atmosphere didn't ease until the servants brought tea.

Lu Bing picked up the tea bowl, took a sip, pursed his lips and said, "This hair tip is very ordinary. I don't know where Master Zhang used the money he got in the horse market?"

Zhang Fujing's hands on his knees tightened, his veins bulged, but his tone was still calm, and he said: "If you want to commit a crime, there is no reason to worry about it."

Lu Bing put down the tea bowl and said, "It seems that Master Zhang still understands this truth."

Lu Bing said solemnly: "Master Zhang must have seen the situation in the past few days. I don't know what he thinks?"

"The villain is in charge".Zhang Fujing gritted his teeth and said every word.

Zhang Fujing has been an official for many years, has experienced many storms, step by step to today, how can he not see the situation clearly.

He has seen the vicissitudes of the past few days and hated them in his heart.

However, in addition to this, there is a deep helplessness.

He hated Chen Hong, Lu Bing, and Fang Xianfu for collusion, hated that the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were unprincipled and unclean.

But feel deeply helpless.

He has no choice but to accompany the emperor like a tiger, helpless good intentions are not rewarded, helpless literati have no integrity...

But what is even more helpless is that after careful investigation, he found that he is not completely clean, and he really has his own Hakka family who are entangled with the horse market.

He had already expected that Lu Bing would come, but he didn't expect that Lu Bing did not come with a large group of people, but came like a visiting visitor, gossiping about family affairs.

Because of this, he was able to hold back his temper and wait to see what tricks Lu Bing was going to play.

After listening to Zhang Fujing's words, Lu Bing knew that the "villain" in Zhang Fujing's words also included himself.

Lu Bing was not angry, and continued: "Since Mr. Shoufu understands in his heart, then dare to ask Mr. Shoufu how to choose."

"Choose?" Zhang Fujing sneered and said, "I will appeal before the emperor. If I can't clear my name, I will die in front of the emperor!"

"Why are you bothering, my lord?" Lu Bing sighed: "Tell the truth to Mr. Shoufu. I'm afraid Mr. Shoufu won't be able to pick it clean. Now the civil and military people of Manchu Dynasty, as long as they have something to do with the horse market, they are very happy to see your lord. This is a scapegoat. You dismissed the guarding officials in the world. The attitudes of the two largest forces among the eunuchs, Dongchang and Yumajian, have been very clear. And I, Jinyiwei... must investigate to the end. Moreover, this official has already grasped With definite evidence, Mr. Shoufu is clean, but Mr. Shoufu's house is not clean, I am afraid that Mr. Shoufu can't tell."

The more Zhang Fujing heard it, the more angry he became, his face turned red, he slapped the table hard and said, "What! You are here today to force me to confess!"

Lu Bing said frankly: "My lord, I don't want to fight to the death with you, because this is not a good thing for me. I hope you can think about it calmly, so that we can all retreat." Lu Bing thought After thinking about it, he said bluntly: "Your Excellency should also see what the officials do. There will be a break between Jin Yiwei and Dongchang, and this is what the emperor is happy to see. If we fight, we will lose , it can only be the East Factory that can profit, and it can only be Chen Hong. At that time, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty will all be in the hands of Chen Hong, and if you are gone, wouldn't Chen Hong want to dominate the family?"

Zhang Fujing calmed down, but his face was sullen and he didn't say a word.

Lu Bing knew that Zhang Fujing was thinking, so he kept silent, giving Zhang Fujing time to think clearly.

After a while, Zhang Fujing spoke, his voice became hoarse suddenly, and he said: "I propose to dismiss the guarding officials of the world for the sake of the country and the people, but I didn't expect to end up like this. Thinking about it carefully, I also think that I am a dragon. , Some are proud of their achievements. I have heard about the horse market, but I didn’t pay attention to it, and I didn’t think of a way to stop it. willing!"

Zhang Fujing frowned and sighed.

Lu Bing comforted him and said, "Your Excellency, you don't have to worry too much. In fact, we all know that it is a good thing to dismiss the emperor's middle-ranking officials, but we, as courtiers, can't make the emperor too unhappy, can we?"

"Do you know that you are also an accomplice? What you have done, you will not be able to escape a sycophant in the future!" Zhang Fujing suddenly raised his eyebrows and shouted coldly!
"You!" Yang Sen and Xue Yang were furious at the same time.

But Lu Bing raised his hand, stopped them from continuing to be rude, and said: "There is no right or wrong in this world, it's just that everyone's position is different. No matter how good your proposal is, the emperor will naturally He has his considerations. Now that the guarding officials of the world have been dismissed, but you are showing a little bit, the emperor trims it... From the standpoint of this official, there is nothing wrong with it. What's more, the emperor doesn't want you to die. Why not share the emperor's worries? This official is just guarding the duty of Jin Yiwei, at least how the world evaluates it, as long as you don't stand in front of this official and say it, what does it matter to me?"

"One day, someone will stand in front of you and say it!" Zhang Fujing shouted.

"Then I'll kill him!" Lu Bing narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Can you kill all the people in the world?" Zhang Fujing felt a chill in his heart, but he still bite the bullet and shouted.

"No." Lu Bing smiled: "I don't need to kill all the people in the world, I just need to kill the people who don't know how to advance or retreat."

"You..." Hearing Lu Bing's words, Zhang Fujing shuddered a little: "It's unreasonable!"

"My lord has a clear conscience!" Lu Bing stood up abruptly and shouted: "Thunder, rain and dew are all the favor of the king! You, Mr. Zhang, have read sage books all your life, and you don't understand this truth! You think the emperor is cheating on you! But you don't know that the emperor is Save you! Do you want to end up like Yang Tinghe! I don’t know how to advance or retreat!”

Zhang Fujing was suddenly dripping with cold sweat!
He cursed himself in his heart, he was unwilling, but he was fascinated!
I don't feel it yet, but the emperor already feels that he is a bit powerful!
Zhang Fujing assisted Emperor Jiajing to go through the grand ceremony!How could he not know how vigilant the emperor is towards civil servants!

Zhang Fujing had been cautious all the time, but he didn't expect that he finally surpassed the emperor's psychological bottom line!
The emperor didn't kill himself, it seems that he felt that he was not out of control, and using the horse market to beat himself was both a lesson and a temptation!If you really incite your cronies to make trouble, then you are really not far from death!

Zhang Fujing has been the chief assistant for many years, and his disciples and old officials are all over the court and the public. He was unwilling to fight for another one, but now he was awakened by Lu Bing, and he dare not have the slightest delusions!
(End of this chapter)

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