Brocade legend

Chapter 165 Extremely Happy

Chapter 165 Extremely Happy
Li Yanwen stroked his beard and said with a positive smile, "Exactly!"

As soon as Lu Bing turned around, he left the whole room behind and couldn't wait to run to the backyard and broke into the room. Lian Qiu was sitting on the embroidered stool by the table sewing clothes for Lu Bing, when Lu Bing suddenly pushed the door open and came in, scaring her Jump.

Lu Bing stepped forward and hugged Lian Qiu, Lian Qiu hurriedly dropped the needle and thread in his hand, saying: "Slow down, be careful not to prick you."

How could Lu Bing care about these things at this time, he laughed and said: "Lianqiu, are you happy?!"

Lian Qiu blushed and said: "Husband, you already know..."

"Hahahaha!" Lu Bing laughed happily and said, "We finally have a son! I am, I am so happy!"

Lian Qiu looked at her husband who was usually sheltered from the wind and rain, and now he was as happy as a child, and couldn't help but also chuckled.

"Lianqiu, we finally have a son! Hahahahahaha!" Lu Bing hugged Lianqiu and turned around.

"Slow down!" Lian Qiu patted Lu Bing's shoulder in shock: "Be careful with your son!"

When Lu Bing heard this, he quickly stopped spinning, took Lianqiu into his arms, and said happily: "Finally, I got what I wanted! Lianqiu, you are a great contributor to our family! Whatever you want! I will give it to you!" You get it!"

"I don't want anything, as long as my husband is happy." Lian Qiu nestled in Lu Bing's arms, with a happy and satisfied expression on her face.

"No, I can't be the only one who is happy. If you say what you want, I'll get it for you to make you happy too!" Lu Bing said stubbornly. For this young martial artist, he wanted to express his gratitude and admiration to his wife. There is only one way, as long as it can make you happy and give you my world, so what?

"I really don't need anything..." Lian Qiu put her face on Lu Bing's chest, listening to Lu Bing's heartbeat, it seemed to merge with her own heartbeat: "As long as I can stay with my husband , grow old together, and that's enough."

"Lianqiu..." Lu Bing hugged his wife, very moved, wanted to say something to express, but felt that the words were pale, so he could only use his strong arms to hold Lianqiu tightly, expressing himself at this moment Agitated mood.

The couple hugged each other, immersed in sweetness.

Afterwards, Lu Bing simply took a few days off and spent a few days with Lianqiu at home. The two husband and wife were inseparable every day, and their love increased, which made others envious.

Lianqiu began to prepare all kinds of small clothes and shoes for the children.Lu Xiuying, Lu Bing's righteous queen, has a tight little face on weekdays, and her mother's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and her smiles are getting more and more, and she has begun to integrate more and more into this family. Now, apart from practicing martial arts every day, she , in addition to guarding the tablet of his biological father Wang Zhaoyi, there is another activity, which is to follow his adoptive mother Lianqiu and look forward to the birth of his younger brother.Mrs. Lu and Lian Qiu's mother are responsible for Lian Qiu's diet and daily life.This child is the eldest son and grandson of the Lu family, so he naturally attracted a lot of attention.

With this good news, even Lu Song's body seemed to be much stronger.Before the child was born, it was already affecting everyone in Lu's family. Everyone was saying, this is a lucky star!
Lu Bing sent someone to Beidi to inform Zhu Liu that he was about to become an uncle, and Zhu Liu sent back the news soon, and would speed up the finishing process, so he would rush back as soon as possible and give his little nephew a big gift!
Emperor Jiajing also ordered people to send all kinds of precious supplements, and asked Li Yanwen, an imperial physician, to be responsible for Lianqiu's pregnancy.Li Shizhen naturally came and went with his father and the Lu family, but his focus was mainly on the stone.

Shitou's ears can no longer be recovered, but the brain disease is getting better day by day. The mother prays to God and worships Buddha every day, and she can't help but be happy.

In this way, the Lu Mansion spent another two months under the shroud of festivities, until winter came and the Spring Festival was approaching.

Suddenly one night, heavy snow fell, and when the sun rose, it was exceptionally bright.

On this day, Li Yan heard that the snow was coming, and he felt the pulse of Lian Qiu as usual, and then prescribed anti-fetal medicine for Lian Qiu as usual.

But Li Yanwen's expression was a little weird and worried. The careful Lianqiu noticed this, and asked Li Yanwen cautiously: "Mr. Li, is there something wrong with the child?"

Li Yanwen was startled awake, waved his hands again and again and said, "The child is fine, the child is fine."

"Then why..." Lian Qiu asked strangely.

"This...does Madam have chest discomfort on weekdays?" Li Yanwen hesitated and asked.

When Lianqiu heard this, her face turned red, but seeing Li Yanwen's serious expression, she also felt the care of the doctor's parents, so she said frankly: "Sometimes there will be pain or chest tightness... My mother-in-law said that women are like this when they are happy... …Any questions?"

"It's hard to say." Li Yanwen heard this, thought about it, and got up to leave.

After nightfall, Lianqiu was lying in Lu Bing's arms, and she still had doubts in her heart, so she told Lu Bing about it.

When Lu Bing heard this, he was also a little worried. Lian Qiu's pregnancy was no small matter. Early the next morning, Lu Bing sent someone to invite Li Yanwen to ask him about it.

After Li Yanwen was invited, he knew that he couldn't hide it, so he said frankly to Lu Bing: "When I first diagnosed my wife, I found that my wife had some irregular heartbeat. Heartbroken, Madam said there was nothing wrong with it at the time, so the old man thought it was because Madam was nervous, and didn't pay too much attention to it."

Lu Bing recalled that there was indeed such a thing, nodded and said: "It is true, there any problem?"

"However, since Madam was happy, the old man often came to check Madam's pulse, and found that Madam's arrhythmia occurred from time to time, and the frequency was not low. The old man asked Madam if she had any pain and chest tightness, Madam also said yes..." Li Yanwen frowned, pulled his beard and said.

The more Lu Bing heard it, the more disturbed he felt, and he hurriedly urged: "What's wrong with Lianqiu? Please also ask Li Taiyi to speak up!"

"The old man suspects that Madam has heartache." Li Yanwen sighed and said directly.

"Heartache, what exactly is heartache?" Lu Bing asked in a panic.

Li Yanwen explained: "Symptoms of heart pain have a long history, including chest pain, chest pain, heart pain, heart pain, heart pain, heart palpitations, etc. For example, heart pain, "Neijing. Arthralgia" says: "The arteries and veins are endless, and the external sensation is repeated. Evil, give up in the heart'."

After hearing this, Lu Bing asked again: "How did you get this disease?"

Li Yanwen stroked his beard and said: "There are many reasons, most of which are passed down from generation to generation. People who are frightened or have a weak body will also have this disease."

Lu Bing was even more puzzled and said: "My wife has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and she is in good health. Besides, she doesn't go out of the door or step out of the second door on weekdays, and outsiders can't scare her, and no one in the house dares. How could she get it?" This disease!"

(End of this chapter)

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