Brocade legend

Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Seeing that his sister was worried about Xiuying, Yang Sen comforted him, "It's okay, sister, I'll follow her!"

Yang Sen has studied with Huang Duxian for the past few months, and his body and lightness skills have improved. This is the time for him to use his skills. He followed Xiuying with a smile and started to play like crazy.

"It's okay, Shitou is watching!" Lu Bing comforted Lianqiu, Shitou listened, nodded, and said: "Sister-in-law, I'm watching her!"

After Li Shizhen's treatment, Shitou seems to have become enlightened and much smarter. Without Lu Bing's reminder, he has been following Xiuying with his eyes.

At this time, the streets and alleys in Beijing are full of people supporting the old and the young, calling for their children, and adults and children carry all kinds of lanterns in their hands, making the Lantern Festival lively.

Fireworks and fireworks, lion and dragon dances, and opera juggling make the streets bright and colorful.

All kinds of fireworks and firecrackers are set off, the fireworks rise into the sky, lanterns and torches dye the sky into beautiful pictures, and the sound of gongs and drums makes it a lively scene.

Affectionate young men and women, together on this day, secretly come out to watch the lanterns and fireworks, talk about love, chirp with each other, and be affectionate.

The main road is full of fiery trees and silver flowers. The colorful lights on the trees on both sides of each street are decorated differently. Suddenly, soft snowflakes floated up, but the moonlight still appeared and disappeared unwillingly.

Not only did the people not dodge, but there were cheers one after another, mixed with the excited shouts of the children, it was the old people who laughed and said: "Auspicious snow heralds a good year!"

Lu Bing and the others stopped and walked, and came to a wide street. Not far away were restaurants, city walls, and the hazy imperial city. light wrap.Fireworks were crackling one after another, and the twenty or thirty large floats lined up on the road were all lit up, matching the stage that appeared from time to time by the roadside, the lights echoed, colorful and in different shapes.

On the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month, glutinous rice balls must be indispensable. The Lantern Festival in the north is very grand. On that day, every household will have a Lantern Festival.

Eating Lantern Festival means family reunion, family happiness, family joy, prosperous life and reunion.

There are a lot of small vendors, carrying burdens and setting up stalls in the streets and alleys. They cook food in soup, fry it in oil or steam it.

There are many varieties of northern Lantern Festival stuffing, the most common ones are: white sugar, flower cake, sesame, red bean paste, yellow osmanthus, walnut kernel, nuts, jujube paste, etc., with exquisite workmanship and different flavors.

After walking for a while, Lianqiu felt sweaty on his forehead, and was a little tired.

Lu Bing found a relatively spacious corner at a glutinous rice ball stall and sat down.

"Xiuying! Don't run away, eat something before playing!" Lian Qiu greeted.

Xiuying was like a little goldfish in the crowd, she nimbly got back, snuggled into Lianqiu's arms, panting slightly.

Lianqiu took the handkerchief from Xueyan, wiped the sweat off Xiuying's forehead, touched the back of Xiuying's neck, it was wet, and blamed: "Why are you running so fast? What to do? Look, you are sweating from running, if the wind blows, you will be in trouble."

Xiuying's excited little face was flushed, exuding heat, she smiled and said: "It's okay, mother, I'm in good health!"

Lu Bing and Lian Qiu were taken aback at the same time, looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing.On weekdays, Xiuying called Lu Bing and Lianqiu respectfully as father and mother, but today she blurted out that she called Lianqiu Niang. Lianqiu and Lu Bing were very happy.

Lu Bing happily asked the boss to serve a portion of glutinous rice balls of various flavors, but the boss was also very happy, and politely put more rice wine in the soup.

Lianqiu embraced Xiuying, continued with a smile, "You, you are sweating and blowing wind, you will get sick, if you don't believe me, ask Dr. Li."

Li Shizhen on the side smiled and said, "That's true. With strenuous activity, the skin of the body will open, and when the wind sees it, it is easy for the cold to invade. When it is hot and cold, it is most likely to get a cold."

Xiuying sat on the small stool next to Lian Qiu, put her head into Lian Qiu's arms, giggled and said, "Okay, I got it."

At this time Yang Sen also sat down, Shitou was too tall, so he simply sat on another small table as a bench, because Lu Bing and others asked for a lot of things, the boss smiled and didn't say anything.

After a while, the steaming glutinous rice balls were served on the table, and the aroma of sweet rice wine permeated the air.

Lu Bing held up the bowl of hot glutinous rice balls, and breathed out comfortably.

Xiuying ate the glutinous rice balls repeatedly, then picked up the soup bowl and drank it in one gulp, then dragged Yang Sen to see the big lantern, Yang Sen had no choice but to eat the glutinous rice balls wholeheartedly, wiped them Mozui was about to follow Xiuying out.

"Eating too fast and moving after eating is not good for the stomach." Li Shizhen muttered while chewing slowly.

When Lianqiu heard this, she didn't want Xiuying to run after eating, so she called to stop.Seeing Xiuying pouted, Lu Bing had an idea and said, "Xiuying, is Lantern Festival delicious?"

Xiuying nodded, still a little absent-minded, always looking around, wanting to see the lamp.

"Do you know how this Lantern Festival came about?" Lu Bing asked again.

Xiuying was taken aback when she heard this, and said, "How did you get here?"

"I'll tell you a story, how about you go play again?" Lu Bing said with a smile.

"Okay, okay! I haven't heard the story for a long time...Dad often told me." Xiuying said, her expression was a little gloomy.

Lian Qiu hurriedly embraced Xiuying in his arms and comforted her back. Lu Bing also hurriedly said: "It is said that when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty lived, there was a man named Dongfang Shuo. He was resourceful, witty and funny. , won the love of Emperor Wu.

One year in the twelfth lunar month, Dongfang Shuo saw that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was bored, so he went to the imperial garden to pick plums for Emperor Wu. He was very sad to see a court lady bursting into tears.When he inquired, it turned out that the maid's name was Yuan Xiao, and she lived outside Chang'an City. She had elderly parents at home. Since she was selected into the palace, she lived deep in the palace and was isolated from the world.Every Chinese New Year, I miss my loved ones but can't see them, so I cry with sadness.Dongfang Shuo felt very sympathetic when he heard this, he comforted Yuan Xiao a few words, and promised to try to reunite her with her family.

After Dongfang Shuo came out of the palace, he sold hexagrams on Chang'an Street. All the fortune-tellers got the signature of "burning the body on the fifteenth day of the first month", so people asked him for a way to get rid of it. Dongfang Shuo told them: On the thirteenth, the Vulcan will turn into a girl in a big red coat and ride a red donkey to Chang'an City to check the terrain, you can go to the north of the city to stop and cry and beg, the whole city may be saved."


(End of this chapter)

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