Brocade legend

Chapter 177 Riddles

Chapter 177 Riddles
Lu Bing smiled slightly, this riddle is very simple, it is not surprising that Xiuying can guess it.

"Actually, I can guess this too." Yang Sen saw that Lu Bing had guessed it all at once, and said winkingly.

Lu Bing ignored him and continued to look at the third mystery: "A sparrow flew onto the table, squeezed its tail, and jumped into the river."

Lu Bing was stunned for a moment, and Yang Sen noticed it, and laughed loudly: "How is it? You can't guess it, can you?"

Lu Bing reacted immediately, and couldn't help laughing.

Lu Bing patted Xiuying's head in satisfaction, and the old man smiled and said, "Your girl is not simple, just think about it for a while and you'll understand."

"Why, brother-in-law, you guessed it!" Yang Sen was surprised, and then fell silent in dejection.

These two riddles are actually very simple, but they played a trick.

Lantern riddles are generally related to the lantern where they are located. There will be a little hint on the lantern to let the guesser know the direction, or the approximate range, or the type of answer.

The first lantern is a picture of a scholar, so the riddle is a pair of poems.

Both the second lantern and the third lantern are animal figures.

The second riddle: "A knife, floats in the water, has eyes, but no eyebrows." The answer is "fish".

The face of the third riddle is: "A sparrow flew onto the table, pinched its tail, and jumped into the river." Then according to the habitual thinking developed in the previous two riddles, the third lantern is also an animal picture, so the first The three riddles must be related to animals.

But in fact, this is a trick played by the old man.

If this riddle is solved alone, many people will be able to guess it.

But put it together with the first two, plus the riddle is "bird", "pinching the tail" and "jumping into the river", most people will be misled by the answer to the second riddle "fish". , will desperately look for answers in animals, even birds, or fish.

In fact, the answer to the third riddle is "spoon"-in fact, no one said that the answer must have something to do with the pattern on the lantern, right?

Lu Bing looked at Xiuying approvingly. It is not surprising that Xiuying can guess the second one, but it is not easy to jump out of the old man's "trap" and guess the third one.

Yang Sen sighed, it turned out that he was really stupid.

Lu Bing looked at the first three and felt a little better.

Lu Bing raised his head, saw that there were still five lanterns hanging, and said, "Old man, shall we open the question?"

The old man nodded, and took the fourth lantern, which was a big palace lantern. The question on it had already been written, but neither Xiuying nor Yang Sen said it.

I saw the word "test mouse" written on it.

After a little thought, Lu Bing knew why Yang Sen and Xiuying couldn't figure it out.

This palace lantern is only traced with a few gold threads, and has no special pattern, but the riddle is "testing the mouse", which is still related to animals.

Yang Sen couldn't figure it out, probably because he was confused by these seemingly related and unconnected topics, and his knowledge of poetry was too little.

And Xiuying couldn't figure it out because she knew even less about literature.

Lu Bing smiled slightly and said, "The answer to the riddle is 'Bu operator'"

When the old man heard this, he burst out laughing.

Xiuying said anxiously: "Stop laughing, tell me if you're right first."

Seeing that Lu Bing was confident, the old man stroked his beard and said, "Take the lantern away!"

At this time, there were more than a dozen people watching. Seeing that Lu Bing had guessed it, some people couldn't help cheering.

Xiuying also jumped up and down happily, while Yang Sen and Lianqiu both suddenly realized.

"Father, what is 'Bu Suanzi'?" Xiuying asked.

"It's the name of the Cipai", Lianqiu took Xiuying's little hand and answered for Lu Bing.

"The name of the Cipai? No wonder I don't know it." Xiuying said with a reassuring smile.

"You, let you start learning when you get back." Lian Qiu nodded Xiuying's forehead.

While the couple were laughing and laughing, Lu Bing had already received the fifth lantern and opened the fifth mystery.

The fifth lantern is a tower lamp, and the fifth riddle is not a riddle, but a question to test miscellaneous knowledge.

In order to become an official, most people studied the Four Books and Five Classics in the imperial examination, so they seldom read some essays.

However, this bumped into Lu Bing's hands.

Lu Bing liked to read books that enriched his knowledge since he was a child, and Lao Xingwang was also a knowledgeable person, and he knew a lot about Taoism and witch doctors.Therefore, there are countless books in Xingwang's mansion, among which all kinds of unofficial histories, legends, and strange things attract Lu Bing the most.

And this fifth question is exactly in the knowledge that Lu Bing has learned.

The title of the fifth question is: "Guess the origin of lantern riddles."

Lu Bing sorted out his memories, and said: "It is said that a long time ago, there was a rich man with a lot of money, known as "Smiling Tiger". Li Cai, who was dressed gorgeously, stepped into the door, greeted him with a smiling face, and readily lent him ten taels of silver. Wang Shao, who was closely behind Li Cai, was dressed in rags, and wanted to borrow some food from him, so he glanced at him with a smiling face With one glance, Ling Jia Ding threw him out."

Xiuying heard that her father Lu Bing was about to tell a story again, so she listened intently. Hearing this, she couldn't help but get angry and said: "This smiling tiger is too bad, what a snobbery."

Lu Bing smiled and said, "In this world, most people recognize people by their faces."

Xiuying snorted, but still wanted to hear the story, so she said, "Father, tell me quickly, what happened to the smiling tiger?"

Lu Bing smiled, and continued: "The more Wang Shao thinks about it, the more angry he gets. He wants to get this way anyway. The Lantern Festival is here, and Wang Shao lit up a big red lantern and came to the door of Smiling Tiger. On the red light was specially written A poem says: "Jian Jian's body is as thin and white as silver, and there is no half a penny on the scale. His eyes grow to his buttocks, and he only recognizes clothes but not people." The smiling tiger looked at it, and his eyes widened with anger. Wang Shao smiled Said: "Master, don't get angry, these four lines of my poem are a riddle, and the answer to the riddle is 'needle'. "Smiley Tiger thought for a while. Although these few words were satirizing him as a snobbish eye, it's really hard to say anything about his image."

Xiuying clapped her hands in applause, and said, "That's right, it's better to piss off that smiling tiger to death."

"After the news spread, people applauded when they heard it. In the next year's Lantern Festival, many people wrote riddles on the lanterns for the lantern watchers to guess riddles for fun..."

While Lu Bing was answering the question, in a dark corner, several men in black were watching from a distance.

"When will you make the move?"

"At this time, there are too many people around them, it is difficult to start."

"My lord said, it's rare for them to come out once, so we must seize the opportunity!"

"Must die!"

Several men in black shouted in unison!

(End of this chapter)

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