Brocade legend

Chapter 199 Liu Biao's Heart

Chapter 199 Liu Biao's Heart
Zhang Mo heard it, and said loudly: "Yes, it was not bad to say that Dongchang did it at the time, but let me say that it was done by my White Lotus Sect!"

"How dare you say it." Lu Bing clenched his fist.

"There is nothing to dare, my lord." Zhang Mo said loudly: "He is a member of my Bailian family, but he has joined your command. Even if Chen Hong doesn't order to get rid of him, we will do it!"

Liu Biao was listening, feeling mixed feelings in his heart, up and down.

The things of the past are flowing in front of my eyes, vividly in my mind.

He glanced at Lu Bing and Zhang Mo with complicated expressions, and sighed.

Lu Bing was already irritated by Zhang Mo's gesture, and said angrily, "I'll kill you!"

Lu Bing's legs swept across like a big gun, and the wind was fierce.

Zhang Mo couldn't dodge in time, so he joined his hands hard, and the folding fan in his hand shattered.

Zhang Mo quickly backed away, and Lu Bing kicked again after gaining momentum.

But at this moment, Liu Biao came across, Lu Bing couldn't stop his move, Liu Biao was kicked to the ground forcefully.

Liu Biao spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with a miserable smile, "My lord...he was the one who saved me!"

Lu Bing was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Liu Biao sharply.

Zhang Mo's hands were cut by the folding fan, but Zhang Mo didn't even look at it, and said, "That day, I was ordered by Chen Hong to send someone to assassinate the traitor Liu Biao..."

Liu Biao smiled miserably when he heard the word traitor.

Zhang Mo glanced at Liu Biao, then quickly looked away: "...he has been with me since he was a teenager, and I taught him kung fu hand in hand, and provided him with food and clothing. He is also the most intelligent killer among my assassins." ... Or, I have long regarded him as a disciple."

Liu Biao's expression moved slightly, but Lu Bing just listened expressionlessly.

"That day when Chen Hong asked me to kill him, I really hated him and gritted my teeth, but when it came time to do it, I couldn't bear it. In the end, I told myself that if he could survive the assassination of those killers, I would give him another shot." He has a chance." Zhang Mo said slowly: "He is indeed worthy of my most valued disciple, he really survived, and then I brought him back to his home, bandaged him, and healed his wounds."

Zhang Mo looked at Lu Bing's expression, and suddenly burst into laughter: "I said before, he is my most intelligent disciple, because he has brains, so he always thinks a lot, that's why he has feelings and betrays Maitreya. Buddha!... But, it is also because of this, no matter how much you win him over, he will never forget me!"

"You let him in just to drive a wedge?" Lu Bing asked calmly.

Zhang Mo was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Of course not, I asked him to testify!"

Zhang Mo turned to Liu Biao and said, "Did I remind you that Lu Mansion was attacked that night?"

"Yes..." Liu Biao didn't hide anything, yes, the mysterious cloaked man who often appeared in his room was Zhang Mo!
Zhang Mo said loudly to Lu Bing, "If it wasn't for my secret help, there wouldn't be only one person who died in your family!"

Lu Bing was silent. Obviously, this reason was not enough for Lu Bing to let Zhang Mo go.

Zhang Mo could also tell from Lu Bing's expression.

Zhang Mo suddenly smiled strangely, and said to Lu Bing: "Are you thinking, could he be a spy I planted beside you? I can tell you that he has never betrayed you. Don't you believe it? I can tell you One thing, and this thing will make you completely gain his loyalty!"

Liu Biao and Lu Bing thought of something at the same time.

Zhang Mo's tone suddenly became relaxed: "Have you thought about it? Haha, with your intelligence, you can definitely think of it."

Zhang Mo smiled at Lu Bing and Liu Biao, "The way to get you his loyalty is to let him give me his hatred."

Liu Biao's heart was shocked. He thought of the usual methods of the White Lotus Sect, his mind was churning, and he couldn't help but start looking for something in his memory.

Lu Bing was speechless and just looked at Zhang Mo.

The moment Zhang Mo and Lu Bing looked at each other, Zhang Mo understood what Lu Bing meant.

"Speak out, let you go..."

Zhang Mo saw this sentence from Lu Bing's silent eyes.

Zhang Mo also smiled silently, he understood.

"Liu Biao, do you know who killed your parents and brother?" Zhang Mo said softly, but when the voice reached Liu Biao's ears, it sounded like thunder.

"Do you still remember your master before you entered the White Lotus Sect? He is the guide of my White Lotus Sect." Zhang Mo smiled and said: "What is a guide? It is the person who guides ordinary people to the Buddhist kingdom."

"Stop talking..." Liu Biao said tremblingly, and then shouted loudly: "Stop talking!"

"The job of attracting people is to select a child and change his life trajectory. If the life is comfortable, it will become turbulent, and if the life is miserable, we must give him wealth." Zhang Mo said softly: "You , is one of the chosen children. After the plague of your parents died, you and your brother were kicked out of the house. Since then, your master has followed you all the time, and finally chose you because of your tenacity and intelligence , killed your younger brother. Then when you are completely desperate, take you in. When you are about to fall into ease, then throw you into the sea of ​​suffering... Then I, the ferryman, will pull you to Bailiansheng Boat... don't you wonder why the kung fu you learned from your master can be combined with the kung fu I taught you so easily after entering my door?"

"Ah!!!!!!" Liu Biao wailed, his eye sockets burst.

Liu Biao scratched out ten bloodstains on the ground with his hands, he hated it, hated it to the bone... But, he felt extremely at a loss.

"I'm not your enemy. Who made you better and more suitable than your younger brother? Besides, it's not me who killed your younger brother... I've seen a lot of children like you, but your nerves are more tenacious, maybe It’s because your parents gave you great enlightenment education. After all these years, I haven’t been able to turn you into a qualified white lotus apostle. If you are special, then you must be special because you are my only failure.” Zhang Mo laughed.

"Father...Mother...little brother..." Liu Biao's heart was like a dead tree, and the green shade of the past passed by.

"You can get out!" Lu Bing said suddenly, and stepped forward to support Liu Biao: "I won't kill you today, I will leave you to him."

Zhang Mo smiled slightly, turned and walked out without further words.

Lu Bing looked at Liu Biao with a sluggish face, and sighed.

How much has Liu Biao experienced in his life?After living half my life, I realized that the first half of my life had been a lie, a game...

Lu Bing opened his mouth and said to Liu Biao: "It's all over. Didn't you turn over this page long ago when you were in Beidi? Your life has already started again, and you just treat it as a remnant after waking up from a dream. When you wake up, everything in the dream will be forgotten. Those are illusory, but now you, me, Zhu Liu, Yang Sen, Stone, Huang Daxia...we are real..."

(End of this chapter)

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