Brocade legend

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 Seven People Walk Together

Liang Xudong and Xu Liang had no attachments in Beizhen Fusi at this time, they went to ask their old bosses Luo An and Wang Zuo respectively, wanting to be transferred from Beizhen Fusi.

After Lu Song passed away, Lu Bing was more respectful to his two uncles, Luo An and Wang Zuo. He also saw that Xue Yang and Yang Lin had been studying with Liang Xudong and Xu Liang for half a year. The company's daily business is already well understood.So he let Liang Xudong and Xu Liang go.

After Liang Xudong and Xu Liang left, Xue Yang and Yang Lin were promoted by the way, and both were promoted to Qianhu, taking over the positions of Liang Xudong and Xu Liang respectively.

Yang Lin has been in Beizhen Fusi for several years, and he is very familiar with Beizhen Fusi, so he quickly got started with Xu Liang's work.

And Xue Yang, although he can't speak and is cruel to outsiders, but he is loyal to Lu Bing.For the past six months, Lu Bing has been living in the mansion, and the jail is full of so-called Chen Hong's henchmen.Seeing that Lu Bing didn't come often, some senior officials in the court wanted to take advantage of the loopholes to lure him.

Never thought that Xue Yang, who is in charge of the imperial prison, would not enter. He only listened to Lu Bing's orders. He would not eat soft or hard things that others used. Those who counterattacked frantically and wanted to catch people were also locked in in the end.After a few times, Jingzhong knew about Xue Yang, and couldn't help calling a mad dog.

After Xue Yang heard about it, he was strangely indifferent and accepted it.It is said that it was because Xue Yang himself thought that he was the dog around Lu Bing who couldn't bark the most, but was the most capable of biting.

This sentence is not bad. Lu Bing has been out of his mind for half a year, but he has never been underestimated or taken advantage of by anyone. Xue Yang's credit is indispensable for this.

Zhang Ju is now accepting the position of Zhou Bin, who is responsible for the defense of Beizhen Fusi. Although he has not been promoted, he is very satisfied with this job.He has been in the military town for many years, and he has extraordinary skills, so he quickly recruited a group of masters, and built Beizhen Fusi like a iron pass.Therefore, it is not convenient for him to leave Beijing.

In this way, Lu Bing took Zhu Liu, Dong Hai, Shitou, Yang Sen, Sun Quan, and Liu Biao to Nanjing after going through Sun Quan's simple disguise.

Along the way, Lu Bing, Zhu Liu, Dong Hai, Shitou, Yang Sen, Sun Quan, and Liu Biao took off their flying fish robes and put on civilian clothes.

Lu Bing, Yang Sen, and Liu Biao were wearing long gowns, with spring swords embroidered on their waists instead of long swords, and they looked a little bookish.It's just that these two scholars are a little braver. Fortunately, the martial arts style of the Ming Dynasty is much stronger than that of the Song Dynasty. The scholars also practiced a few swordsmanship. They hang long swords all the year round to imitate the ancient style, so as to show both civil and military skills. of.The outfits of the three of them are not so eye-catching.

Especially Liu Biao, who is fair and clean, is the kind who looks weak. Although he has small scars on his face, he is more elegant than Lu Bing and Yang Sen.

Zhu Liu and Shitou were not used to wearing that kind of clothes, so they pretended to be bodyguards.Zhu Liu was still dressed up with a long knife, and the stone was cut into pieces because the tree trunk used as a weapon had dried up, and because of many fights, the wood was loose and could not be used anymore.Besides, it was too conspicuous to take it out, and it was inconvenient to walk in a low-key manner, so Lu Bing got him an iron rod.Although the stone felt a little uncomfortable, it could only be used first.

Dong Hai was also armed enough, and it was rare that he could relax, so he changed into a suit of good clothes and pretended to be Lu Bing's housekeeper.

But Sun Quan saw that the son, the bodyguard, and the housekeeper were all there, but there was a lack of a servant, so he volunteered to pretend to be a servant.

They pretended to be young masters who invited friends to travel, and brought bodyguards, housekeepers, and servants all the way to the south.

The seven people were not in a hurry on this journey. It was really like traveling in mountains and rivers. Although the goal was Nanjing, they often turned halfway and went to some famous mountains and rivers, places of interest and historical sites to appreciate the culture and folk customs.

The farther and farther away from the capital, the mood of the few people became more and more relaxed. In the eyes of the common people, the capital is full of gold, but in their eyes it is a place of right and wrong.

Even Liu Biao, who was usually the most gloomy, began to smile.

Lu Bing's mood also gradually improved, and he slowly walked out of the haze of losing his loved ones.

Along the way, they watched the beautiful scenery, ate delicious food, played all the way, and finally stepped into the territory of Nanzhili.

Huizhou Prefecture, Huizhou, referred to as "Hui", was called Shezhou in ancient times, also known as Xin'an.

Huizhou is located between the Huangshan Mountains and the Tianmu Mountains. It borders Hangzhou, the former capital of Wu and Yue in the east, and is closely related to the three states of Jin, Qu, and Yan in the west of Zhejiang.

In the third year of Xuanhe Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, Shezhou was changed to Huizhou. Huizhou merchants, the county merchants, are well-known, and there are sayings that "no town can't be built without Huizhou" and "Huizhou merchants are all over the world".

When Lu Bing and others arrived in Huizhou, they naturally couldn't let go of Mount Huangshan among the three mountains and five mountains.

Huangshan Mountain was originally called Yishan Mountain. It was named because of its green and black peaks and rocks, looking at Cangdai in the distance.Later, it was renamed "Huangshan" because of the legend that Xuanyuan Huangdi once practiced alchemy here.

Emperor Jiajing advocated Taoism, and the story of Huangshan Huangdi's coming to the mountain to refine alchemy has been passed down for thousands of years. Up to now, there are still peak names related to ancient Taoist fairy tales, such as Xuanyuan Peak, Rongcheng Peak, Fuqiu Peak, etc.The name of Mount Huangshan itself is related to the theory of the Yellow Emperor's alchemy.

When Lu Bing and others came here, they naturally wanted to pay a good visit, and they could also bring some Daoist experience as gifts for Emperor Jiajing.

While they were playing, Yang Sen was bored and asked Lu Bing, "Brother-in-law, you said that Huangshan was renamed because of the Yellow Emperor. What's going on, can you tell us?"

Lu Bing saw that a few people were just wandering around, and there was indeed little communication, so he said: "Huangshan was called the "Capital of the Son of Heaven" in ancient times. Because it is majestic, beautiful, and mysterious, everyone thinks it is the residence of the emperor of heaven and gods.

The Yellow Emperor, also known as the Xuanyuan clan, was the leader of the tribal alliance. He taught the people how to raise silkworms and make boats and carts.

The Yellow Emperor is old, but he still has a lot of things to do, the river needs to be harnessed, the land needs to be cultivated, the animals need to be domesticated, and so on.In order to live forever and do more good things for the people, the Yellow Emperor sent Duke Fuqiu to find a place for him to make alchemy.Duke Fuqiu came back after walking for three years, and told the Yellow Emperor: "There are a group of high mountains in the south of the Yangtze River, and most of the mountains are black stones, where alchemy can be made." '

So, the Yellow Emperor led Fuqiu Gong, Rong Chengzi and some servants to come here, built a house with stones, and built an alchemy furnace, and then went to collect the herbs needed for alchemy.

Legend has it that there are 72 steep peaks in Huangshan, and some places are difficult for monkeys to climb, but Xuanyuan Huangdi stepped on every inch of the cliff.Later, when the prepared food was exhausted, they could only rely on picking wild fruits to satisfy their hunger. Many people couldn't bear the hardship and ran away secretly...

(End of this chapter)

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