Brocade legend

Chapter 211 Anecdote

Chapter 211 Anecdote
The literati saw the beautiful peaks in Beihai, and the scenery was so beautiful that he couldn't help his poetry, so he raised his head to the sky and chanted loudly: "Huangshan has four thousand feet, 32 lotus peaks; red cliffs with stone pillars, and golden hibiscus." '

This sound alarmed the elders of Shizilin Temple.He walked out of the mountain gate, took a closer look, and saw a handsome gentleman in white, so he went forward to salute, and asked for his name.

The literati told him his name, and the elder heard that this extraordinary guest was Li Bai and Li Hanlin, poets who "slept in a restaurant in Chang'an, but the emperor could not get on the boat".The elder hurriedly ordered the young monk to bring rice wine brewed from clear springs and some of the Four Treasures of the Study.

The elder hurriedly filled a glass of wine, cupped it with both hands, and offered it to Li Bai.Li Bai hastily returned the gift, took it with both hands, and drank it down in one gulp.The two sat on the ground, talking about poetry and drinking happily.

Li Bai was deeply impressed by the elder's sincerity, and wanted to present cursive poems as a gift of thanks.The elder was overjoyed, and the young monks were busy studying ink and laying paper.Li Bai took advantage of the wine to write vigorously.The elders and the young monks stood on both sides, and were amazed when they saw the powerful characters.

After Li Bai finished writing, he was still drunk, so he tossed the brush, and the brush turned and shook, fell from the air and inserted into the soil.Li Bai bid farewell to the elder and left. The elder sent Li Bai away. Looking back, he couldn't help being surprised. The brush that Li Bai dropped just now has turned into a brush peak, and the tip of the brush has turned into a pine tree, standing in the scattered flower dock.This is the "Dream Pen Blossom" seen today. "

Zhu Liu sneered: "In this way, Li Bai has really become a god."

Dong Hai and Zhu Liu have joined hands in Beidi for half a year, and they have deep feelings, but they are not afraid of Zhu Liu. Hearing what Zhu Liu said, he said with a smile: "Probably it's not Li Bai, but this Huangshan is too godly."

Several people were chatting about Li Bai, and walking forward, it was the fairyland of Taoyuan in Huangshan.

Huangshan Tangquan is also known as Taoyuan Wonderland, with Taohuaxi and Xiaoyaoxi running through it.

In the west of Huangshan Mountain, it starts from Xugu Bridge on Yunmen River in the south, Funiuling in the north, Yunji and Shiren Peak in the east, and ends at the Shuanghekou in the west.With Diaoqiao nunnery as the center, Diaoqiao nunnery is located under Shiren Peak, at the confluence of Baiyun and Baimen streams.

From the Feilai Stone to the north, there are two stones that look like a pair of boots, neatly placed on the small peak platform, as if they are drying in the sun, hence the name, "immortal drying boots".

Lu Bingdao: "Legends say that the Taoist Daoxuan and his apprentice Taiqing lived in the immortals on the left peaks of Huangshan Mountain, and Taoist nun Lianyu and apprentice Miaozhen lived in the Zixia Palace on Songlin Peak. There is a road between the two Taoist palaces. The gap-Xihai Canyon, coupled with the strict road rules, they never communicate with each other.

One winter, there was heavy snowfall in the mountains, and the fire in Xiandu Temple was cut off. Daoxuan had no choice but to ask Taiqing to go to Zixia Palace to borrow fire.When Taiqing came to Zixia Palace, he saw Miaozhen, the two hit it off immediately, and they talked very affectionately.From then on, the two gathered firewood and carried water every day, and they talked together. Gradually, they cut less firewood and carried less water.

Soon, the matter was discovered by the masters of both sides, and both of them were severely reprimanded by the master.It is also stipulated that in the future, collecting firewood and carrying water will be bounded by the gully at the junction of the two peaks. If they cross the boundary, they will be killed with whips and magic sticks. After that, it will be difficult for the two to talk together.

Once, when the masters of both parties were down the mountain, they met secretly, and agreed that in the future, Taiqing would come to have a tryst when he was drying his boots in front of the mountain gate.

One day, the two were having a sweet tryst. Unexpectedly, the masters of both sides came back suddenly, and the matter was revealed, and the two would be severely punished.After much deliberation, the two of them finally made up their minds: If you can't live together, let's die together.

The two joined hands, jumped from the hanging rock, and jumped into the turbulent sea of ​​clouds.Taiqing’s boots and Miaozhen’s pair of shoes were not collected in time. After a long time, they all turned into stone boots and stone shoes, which are the fairy boots and fairy shoes in Huangshan today. "

As Lu Bing spoke, he pointed to the gully on the right.

There is a stone pillar erected in the gully, and there are two clever stones, just like the embroidered shoes worn by two ancient ladies.

Everyone couldn't help but click their tongues in amazement, the left shoe and the right shoe correspond to each other from a distance, which is really a masterpiece.

To the north is Songgu, which is located on the northern slope of Huangshan Mountain. It is the collective name of the valley between Lion Peak, Camel Peak, Book Box Peak and Pagoda Peak.Hike up the mountain from Furong Ridge, Furong Peak, Danxia Peak, Songlin Peak, Shuangsun Peak and other peaks, monkeys watching the sea, fairy paving roads, tigers carrying sheep, Guan Gong blocking Cao, Crouching Tiger Stone and other strange rocks, emerald pools, Wulongtan and other water features .

Pointing to the monkey watching the sea, Lu Bing said again: "A monkey watching the sea is also called a monkey looking at Taiping. Why do monkeys look at Taiping? There is also a story here: the original Taiping County was called Xianyuan Village, and there was a family named Zhao Delong in the village. A scholarly family. The daughter is named Zhangzhu, and she was born smart and beautiful.

Not far from Xianyuan Village, there is a cave in the depths of the North Sea in Huangshan Mountain. There is a monkey who has practiced in the mountain for 600 years and can change 36 times.One day, the monkey saw that Zhangzhu was handsome, and fell in love with him.The spirit monkey turned into a white-faced scholar who claimed to be Sun Junwu, the son of Sun Guangwen, the owner of Huangshan Village. He came to Zhao's house in the evening and asked for a night's stay on the grounds that it was getting late.

Seeing that he was handsome, luxuriously dressed, and courteous, the old couple of the Zhao family believed it was true and happily stayed with him and hosted a banquet for him.After drinking three cups of wine, Sun Gongzi expressed his love for Zhangzhu to the old couple, begged him to be his son-in-law, and vowed to serve the two elders for the rest of their lives.

When the old couple heard the sweet words, they were very happy.After discussing with her daughter, Zhangzhu is also very happy with Sun Gongzi, who is both talented and beautiful.Early the next morning, the old couple replied to Mr. Sun's words.Sun Gongzi was ecstatic when he heard this, and almost revealed his true colors.

The spirit monkey went back to the cave, missed Zhangzhu eagerly, and hurriedly turned all the monkeys into humans, forming a mighty team, and went to the Zhao family in Xianyuan to welcome their relatives.Zhangzhu was carried to the cave, only to see rich furnishings and full of guests.When the banquet was over late at night, Mr. Sun was crowded into the bridal chamber by the guests.Upon waking up, Zhangzhu was surprised to find that Sun Gongzi had grown fluff all over his body.It turned out that Sun Gongzi was drunk and showed his original monkey shape.

Zhangzhu was very annoyed, took advantage of the opportunity of the spirit monkey drunk and asleep, fled outside, and went straight to the house.After the monkey sobered up, it knew that it had revealed its original shape and ran away from Zhangzhu, so it ordered all the monkeys to go out of the cave to search, and chased them to Furong Ridge at the foot of the mountain, but there was no sign of the bride.Since the spirit monkey lost its palm beads, it has been thinking about it day and night, but there is no magic method to think of. It has to climb the hanging rock behind the cave every day, sit on the rock, and stare blankly at Xianyuan Village, Taiping County in the northeast.Over the years, it has become the current stone scene of Huangshan Mountain. "

After hearing this, Yang Sen smiled and said, "This monkey is infatuated."

"Hmph!" Zhu Liu snorted coldly: "If I were that monkey, I just go and snatch her back, and I'm just waiting stupidly, what's the use?"

(End of this chapter)

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