Brocade legend

Chapter 213

Chapter 213
Like this bandit-like gangster, some of them were from the rebel army, and some were scattered mobs.Because I have seen the world, seen blood, and some have weapons only available to the army, such as bows and arrows.In addition, he is not a local, so he ran away after playing for a while.Therefore, compared with ordinary gangsters, they have no bottom line and are more cruel.

This kind of bandit cannot be let go. Since we have encountered it, we must get rid of this harm.

Lu Bing made up his mind, put his hand on the scabbard, and signaled everyone to prepare.

The group of bandits impatiently said more, seeing that the fat sheep did not cooperate, they planned to swarm up with weapons and take it by themselves.

Just when it was about to explode, a loud shout came from the side: "Stop!"

A young man dressed as a woodcutter came out of the nearby woods with a bundle of firewood on his back.

The woodcutter stood in front of Lu Bing and the others in disgrace, and said to the bandits, "Where did you come from, you bastards, you dare to come to our territory to fight for food!"

The bandit leader was taken aback for a moment, and stretched out his hand to stop his subordinates who were about to charge forward.The bandit leader sized up the woodcutter vigilantly, and guessed, "You are... the entrusted?"

The woodcutter was taken aback. Zhu Liu had heard some slanderous rumors in the north when he suppressed bandits, and said to Lu Bing in a low voice: "This guy came from the north, and he was entrusted to the north to be a lookout."

Seeing that the woodcutter didn't understand, the bandit leader changed his words impatiently, "Are you a watchman in a nearby village?"

When the woodcutter heard this, he hurriedly said: "I am not, but I am familiar with the kings after wandering around this mountain every day. I don't want to care about you coming here to hunt for food, but you want to kill people, that's not okay! Even the heroes on the mountain will not allow it!"

"You stickler, you thought you met a fellow, but it turned out to be a young boy!" The bandit leader laughed loudly when he heard this: "We are not from your place, so we don't have to follow your rules! If you leave now It's too late, if you want to share a share, just hide away, don't delay the man's business, maybe I will give you a share of three melons and two dates later!"

Seeing that the bandits didn't listen, the woodcutter threw down the firewood on his shoulders, drew out a chi-long kitchen knife, stood beside Lu Bing and the others, and said to the bandit leader, "Don't move! Our rules here, You can’t kill people with twenty or three of the money in your pocket! There are seven or eight of us here, and if we fight, there will be casualties, so that’s not good!”

As the woodcutter spoke, he turned to Lu Bing and the others and said, "Several guests, bring out some silver taels and send them away!"

Seeing that the woodcutter was rather chivalrous, Lu Bing smiled and said, "Thank you, brother."

But the bandit leader was already impatient, and shouted: "You bastard, kick your nose and face! Get out! Thirty percent is a fart! If you don't get out of the way, the man will chop you together! Tell you, you won't be one more!" More, less of you, a lot, just you guys, it’s not enough for a man to squeeze between his teeth!"

If it hadn't been for seeing that the boy was a bit weird and couldn't figure out the way, and the bandit leader didn't want to provoke local snakes and cause trouble for himself, he would have done it long ago.

Lu Bing also persuaded the woodcutter: "Little brother, you go first, I have two skills in my body, if it doesn't work, I will fight with them! It's refreshing!"

The woodcutter saw that Lu Bing was just talking but didn't take out the money, and saw that the clothes on Lu Bing's body were dirty and torn on the mountain. He thought that Lu Bing and others were inconvenient and couldn't pay for their lives, so he couldn't help sighing. Said: "There are so many of them, I didn't want to care about them at first, but they are going to kill you now, so I can't ignore them! How can I see death without saving you! Anyway, I know how to use both hands, so let's fight him together!" !"

Dong Hai listened, and patted the woodcutter's shoulder with his fat hand and said: "Good boy, he is righteous and bloody! Let's hang out with the fat man from now on, haha!"

The woodcutter was taken aback when he saw that Lu Bing and the others were fearless in the face of danger.

He was originally hiding on the sidelines, seeing that Lu Bing's side was also a tall man, thinking that those robbers would not fight recklessly, at most they wanted to buy road money, so he didn't think about getting ahead.

But I didn't expect that the group of bandits would actually dare to bite hard, relying on their large number of people and their two bows.He also read the books of sages and sages since he was a child, and he also practiced two-handed martial arts. He was good at fighting injustice since he was a child.Seeing that Lu Bing and the others were in danger of life, he couldn't help jumping out, thinking that with Lu Bing's many helpers, he might be able to save the lives of these guests by circling around under the banner of the king of the mountain.

I never thought that these bandits would run around and commit crimes. They were ruthless and ruthless. They were used to desperation.

The woodcutter saw that he couldn't be kind anymore, but he was also a bachelor, so he refused to leave by himself.

It was the first time Lu Bing saw such a strange person, so he wanted to try him out to see who he was.

Zhu Liu, Yang Sen, Liu Biao, Sun Quan, Dong Hai, and Shitou saw that Lu Bing remained calm, so they just focused their attention on guard and did not stand forward, only keeping the woodcutter out of the way.

Seeing that the woodcutter was so closed-eyed, the bandit leader no longer hesitated, and directly moved his hands, three steps in parallel, and slashed at the woodcutter!

Lu Bing glanced at it, and knew that although the bandit leader was pretty good at it, he hadn't received any training, and he just played hard.

On the contrary, the woodcutter still had some tricks in his hands and feet, he put his knife on his big horse, blocked the bandit leader's chop, and then pushed the bandit leader back two steps with a smooth palm.

It's a pity that the woodcutter didn't have enough hand strength to hurt the sturdy bandit leader.

"Oh! What a boy!" The bandit leader was pushed by the woodcutter, conscious of losing face in front of his subordinates, and angrily shouted: "Shame on me!"

When the bandits saw that the boss was about to attack, they whistled and rushed forward.

"Do it!" Now that Lu Bing had found out some of the woodcutter's background, he no longer hid it.

An order was issued, followed by a whoosh and then two screams.

It turned out that it was Yang Sen who made the first move. Holding a dart in each hand, he shot at the bandit archers hidden in the grass on both sides at the same time. Because of the simultaneous shots, the sound of breaking the wind merged into one and shot the two archers to death. .

But at this time, Zhu Liu and the others did not let go.

When Yang Sen made a move, Zhu Liu had already bowed and rushed out, sweeping across with the long knife, disemboweled the two bandits, and the internal organs and blood flowed out.

It was too late and then soon, Liu Biao and Dong Hai also killed the generals and chopped down several bandits on the ground like melons and vegetables.

The stone killed faster. Although he felt that his iron rod was light, it was indeed heavy enough for the other people. As the saying goes, the gun pierces a line, and the stick sweeps a large area. A dozen or so of them lay down in disarray, either dead or injured, some were killed on the spot, some had broken bones and tendons, howling again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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